Thursday, February 22, 2024

February 24th, 2024: Full Moon in Virgo. Four signs will be affected

Saturday, February 24th, we have Full Moon in Virgo oposite the Sun in Pisces When we talk about the Virgo archetype, we bring up austerity, mathematics, streamlining and optimization. If we talk about that of Pisces, we have dissolution, chaos and confusion. When these two signs are in opposition, they are forced to negotiate.

This time, the Sun will be in conjunction with Saturn, which will bring moments of self-doubt and the risk of letting ourselves be influenced. The Full Moon will affect more those who have a mutable sign in their birth chart: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The full Moon in Virgo is a time to heal. It’s a time to sit with our pain and heartache and give ourselves compassion. Virgo is the sign of the goddess. Seemingly perfect unto herself, this archetype carries many gifts, but the most important one is the power to heal and forgive.

The full Moon in Virgo will take place on Friday, February 24, 2024.

What the Full Moon in Virgo Means for You

Virgo teaches us that we are each here to give our talents in some way. In order to give these gifts, we must first recognize them. And in order to recognize them, we must first heal.

Monday, February 12, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (III)

4. The soulmate adventure.

He’s a weird soulmate type. They have the energy and passion for an adventure. This doesn't necessarily mean you're cheating on someone to get that soul mate. You can be alone and also experience it. It’s exciting and different.

5. Soulmate disaster.

This soul mate comes in like a wrecking ball, so to speak. They come into your life and destroy things that are there. They can arrive peacefully and stay for a long time. They appear in our life when peace needs to be broken and monotony needs to end.

6. Soulmate soul friend

This is the most common type of connection in relationships. These are people you have chosen in your life because your ego, intelligence or emotions are in harmony. You essentially share the same tastes, interests, beliefs, sense of humor and values.

7. The teacher soulmate

Soul teachers are made up of all the people in your life who have come to teach you a lesson. They do not necessarily teach intentionally, but often provide solutions to difficult situations in your life to help you overcome and learn from those situations.

8. Soulmate companion

This is closest to what we commonly define as “soulmate” other than romantic attraction. Soul companions can be men or women, friends or family members. While soul friends are harmonized with us through their identities and the ego, soul companions are in sentimental harmony with us. It is for this reason that a soul companion's nature has a much longer lifespan and stability than that of a soul friend.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Soulmates: Their Role in Our Lives

There are an infinity of souls that we will meet during our lives. While some come to teach us something new, others come to share our joys. While some only last a few months or years, others last a lifetime.

Why do soulmates come into our lives

Soulmates come into our lives in three ways: for a reason, for a season and for a lifetime.

It's important to know this distinction because once you know why a soul mate came into your life, you can know what to expect from this connection. Too often we find couples, who are still clinging to the dead flower of a relationship that was once blooming, but has reached the end of its season. So, take a closer look at this:

For a reason

When you find a soul mate for a reason, it's usually to fill a need that has been expressed in your life. This can be indicative, assistance in difficult times, support, deep conversations or simply being there for you physically, emotionally or spiritually. This encounter can last a moment or a lifetime, depending on the type of soul relationship.

For a season

Then there is the soul mate for a season, the people who come into our lives only momentarily. These people can serve as catalysts for sharing, growing, and learning, or they can show up at a time when we need to overcome our fears of vulnerability, or when we need someone to challenge our belief system, or even when we need to discover a passion we didn't know we had. Whatever the reason, these kindred spirits are only seasonal and leave you once their gift has been passed on.

For all the life

Lifelong relationships are primarily twin flame connections. They teach us lessons that are so deep, so complex that they require a lifetime to deeply assimilate the teachings.

In lifelong connections, one person's strengths are used to strengthen the other, and the harmony between the two is so peaceful and flows so well that it often lasts a lifetime. These relationships are so rare and very precious, that we should feel immensely happy if we encounter them during our lives.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (II)

Soulmates serve as our mirrors. What we see in another soul reflects our own soul

When we are able to see other souls as "companions", (including our enemies), as members of our family who are there to teach us life lessons, our entire perception and relationship with others other people changes entirely.

Different Types of Soulmates

In our language we have the word “friend”, and the word “soul mate” which is essentially romantic in nature. But how would you describe someone who falls somewhere in between? Someone who is more than just a “best friend,” but lacks the romantic attraction of a “soul mate”?

We need to create new words to express these relationships we have with others. Here are some words that help distinguish these deep connections we have in life:

1. The soul mate friend.

No, not all soulmates will be romantics. A soulmate friend is essentially your “best friend,” but for life. You never lose track of them and they never lose track of you. They are your soulmate friend.

2. Spiritual soulmate.

This is someone you connect with on a spiritual level more than others for no apparent reason. He is often also a platonic soul mate. You feel like you've known each other for ages, but it's not a romantic, intimate relationship.

3. The foreign soulmate.

The foreign soulmate is a soul mate who leaves as quickly as she came. The relationship is brief and often completely platonic. It's a new friend, a best friend, who moves away a year later, who simply loses all contact with you.

(to be continued)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (I)

Most of us define a soul mate as an ideal romantic partner who will know fulfill all aspects of our being. Soul mates are in tune with us, they are supportive, sexy, smart, funny and will be part of our “happily ever after”history.

The truth is, life isn't quite that simple.

What exactly is a soulmate?

A soulmate is a member of your soul family. These are other souls who come into our lives for one reason or another, and they can be family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and even enemies.

We all have a soul and when we encounter other souls in our lives, the friction of the meeting between two forces of energy can create different, fascinating and stimulating. Some souls have the impression of having known each other in another life, some will clash, and some feel comfortable in the other person's company.

Some of the souls that come into our lives will essentially help us grow in love and wisdom, while others will help us learn difficult life lessons or universal truths.

It doesn't matter if the encounter is fleeting, each soul who comes into our lives has the potential to provide something meaningful to transform the moment; like a girl who smiles at you from the window of a passing bus.

(to be continued)

Monday, February 5, 2024

Your cosmic fingerprint, written in the stars.

Over the next few minutes, we will explore your Moon Sign and the exact phase of the Moon on the day you were born.

We will reveal exactly how these two powerful, yet often overlooked, astrological aspects influence your personality, life, innermost desires, and even your destiny.

While your Star Sign is associated with your ego and outward expression to the world, your Moon Sign embodies the more hidden, instinctual, emotional aspects of your personality that exist below the surface, and represents the real you.Because of this strong connection to your true self, many astrologers now believe that your Moon Sign is even more important than your star sign. By understanding your personal Moon Sign and Moon Phase you will learn vital truths about yourself and how others perceive you.

You’ll also discover how to use your Moon Sign’s unique qualities to conquer specific challenges you may be facing and tap into your lunar potential to align with your life’s purpose.

So, if you're ready, we’ll try to see more.

Your Moon Reading is calculated by using the date, time and location of your birth to determine the exact celestial position and phase of the moon.This is a map of the solar system and planets on your birthday.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thanks to The Moon, It would Be Possible to Know If Your Partner is Your Soulmate (II)

 Once this information is at your disposal, all you have to do is go to TikTok…


The whole principle of this trend is based on a simple filter. This magical filter would allow the two moons of the partners to be superimposed to ensure that the combination of the two creates a full moon. Only when the moon is full can we consider that the two people are made for each other. If there is the slightest hole, or if the moon is incomplete, for followers of the theory, the couple is "invalid".

To do the test, it is therefore necessary to know the exact shape that the moon had on the day of its birth and that of its partner. To find the information, it is essential to have the day, place and time of birth before consulting a lunar calendar to find out what shape the moon had that day.