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Showing posts with label moon phase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon phase. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Find Soulmate With Power of Moon Phases(II)

moon phase soulmate
How to win the favor of the Universe?

To find your moon phase soulmate, you first need to discover which of the eight moon phases were happening at the time of your birth, since each phase is associated with unique traits and energies. As with most compatibility quizzes, you then compare your moon phase soulmate with that of your partner or potential partner

I must immediately warn you that the Universe is not necessarily “fair” and that it responds above all to people who move at its own pace. You may find this unfair, but the Universe has very good reasons to favor certain people. 

Especially those who make others happy, who give generously, and who have a positive influence on the world. It is therefore quite natural that he prioritizes their wishes because by responding to the wishes of those who have a positive impact on those around them, he then allows more people to find happiness. 

Between fulfilling the wishes of a person who only thinks of themselves and those of another who wishes to share the richness and joy of their manifestation with as many people as possible, who would you choose? I bet you'll prefer the latter. And the Universe would do the same."

You see, wishes are accessible to everyone, whatever the religions and spiritual trends, and it would be a shame to deprive oneself of them. To be effective, they must be adapted to the lunar phase. In the “Power wish” method, the author guides us step by step to properly formulate our wishes. Here are the 6 rules for writing a powerful wish, but to understand them completely, we recommend getting the book:

  • Rule 1: Write your wishes as intentions at the New Moon and write them as a statement of gratitude at the Full Moon;
  • Rule 2: take into account the characteristics of the zodiac sign in which the New Moon and Full Moon are located;
  • Rule 3: Use anchoring affirmations and anchors;
  • Rule 4: Incorporate Powerful Words (Words that Easily Connect to the Universe)
  • Rule 5: Finish writing your wish within ten hours of the New Moon or Full Moon
  • Rule 6: You can make as many wishes as you want!
Compatible moon phases could help contribute to overall compatibility, of course, but they're not essential to a healthy relationship, nor do they guarantee soulmate status. That said, always go with your gut and how you feel about a person over what their birth chart or moon phase soulmate might tell you about them

How to see soulmate in astrology?

Find your rising sun sign or seventh house on the left side of your natal chart. Look for partners that have the sign opposite to your sign on the chart. Alternatively, use the key at the bottom of your natal chart to find your Mars-Venus degree. Your soulmate is likely to have a similar number as their degree.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Find Soulmate With Power of Moon Phases(I)

find soulmate with powr of moon phases

Twice a month, Moon listens our wishes and transmits them to the universe.  Let's see how to make our wishes come true with the powers of the Moon

If you are skeptical, know that the influence of the Moon has now been scientifically proven! If you want to experience magic (the soul acts) and discover the power of your intentions like that of the Moon, let us guide you find soulmate with power of Moon phases.

As I said, twice a month Moon listens our wishes. By consequence, the cycle of the Moon offers us the opportunity to take stock, both on what we really want, on what we have achieved and which has brought us joy, as well as on what still resists us. By crossing the different signs of the zodiac, it diffuses their energies and invites us to see the world differently, a bit as if we were wearing the glasses of each astrological sign. This is why we like to consult the lunar calendar which allows us to follow the evolution of our satellite in the sky and on the zodiac wheel. 

The Power wish method

"The Power Wish" method of powerful wishes is a manifestation technique that fully utilizes your innate force of gravity (personal moon sign) as well as that of the Moon (daily moon sign). It is an extremely precise way to manifest your wishes and dreams using the gravity of the Moon when it is at its peak, at the new moon and at the full moon. I will explain this Power wish method in detail, in the next lines

How does invoking the Moon work?

The new moon, which occurs every month, is the day when the Moon and Sun are perfectly aligned. Many people also have the habit of writing down their dreams and wishes on this day. But do you know why wishes come true when you write them on the new moon? The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. A presence that connects Earth to the Universe. Imagine that the Moon is a sort of “exchange office” responsible for providing a link between the inhabitants of Earth and the other planets of the solar system. 

Do not forget, twice a month, Moon listens our wishes. Therefore our reference exchange office for transmitting our wishes to the Universe. The Moon is not the only one working hard for us and, strictly speaking, it is the Universe that manifests our wish. However, given that the Moon has served as a bureau de change for over two hundred million years, it is undoubtedly the simplest way to send our wishes to the Universe in order to find soulmate with power of Moon phases.

The Moon is the agent of the Earth

You are undoubtedly familiar with the operation of most commercial brands which have authorized resellers who act as satellite “agents” for them. Thus, you can order the desired object in a local store (make a wish), then receive it (the wish comes true). Invoking the Moon to make a wish come true is the same process and the latter is the "agent" of the Earth which transmits our wishes to the Universe. However, it is worth remembering that timing is key, as the Universe does not accept orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like business opening hours, it limits the acceptance of orders. charge of our wishes two days a month.(...)

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Rituals rebalance hormones with the Moon Might be End of Obesity

ritual rebalance hormone - end of obesity
The phases of the Moon each have their effects.  In the next moment, I will reveal you a simple and natural rituals to rebalance your hormones by (re)connecting you to this lunation cycle. Magic !

It's no secret that the Moon cycle has many powers. In addition to governing our emotions, it is also intimately connected to the rhythm of your body. This is why it is good to do certain treatments according to the lunation target even end of obesity. Hydrate during the waxing moon and detoxify during the waning moon. In women, it has a particular resonance with the menstrual cycle. In her book, Disc overing the Healing Powers of the Moon, Theresa Cheung, healer, explores different ways to reconnect with this magical star. She shares, for example, naturally rituals to rebalance hormones, while aligning you with the lunar phases. “It is ideal for women with irregular cycles, but can benefit everyone: balanced hormones are essential to everyone’s good health,” explains the author.

Hormones: the witch ritual to try to rebalance them

You need…

  • A piece of earth and sky
  • bare feet


Every month, at the appropriate time, walk barefoot outside for a few minutes a day. Make sure you are in a safe place and that there is nothing dangerous on the floor. This healing technique is called "grounding" because in doing so you absorb the earth's healing force through the soles of the feet.

As you walk, consider your connection to nature through the soles of your feet and your connection to lunar energy through your emotions and the water that makes up much of your body. If distracting thoughts come to mind, observe them and don't judge. Let them flow through you targeting end of obesity.

If you prefer not to go barefoot, simply go outside and look at the clouds, as they offer the same connection with nature and equally balancing and healing effects.

Spend a few moments thinking about how walking barefoot or looking at the clouds connects you with nature, on earth and in space. Feel in harmony with nature, the Moon and the stars, and honor the natural connection that unites your life and your body with the star.

When is the ideal time to rebalance your hormones?

The ritual must be performed at a specific time. For women, the ideal is to do it when the Moon is New or Full. For men, it is when the Moon crosses the signs of Aries and Libra that the time is best to rebalance your hormones. If you don't know where the lunation is, simply find out by consulting a lunar calendar or looking at our lunar horoscope for the week.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Womens challenge: “moon phase” really help find your soulmate (II)

But then, what interpretations for which phase of the moon? Well and Good details the eight phases.

New Moon: "People born during a new moon are spontaneous entrepreneurs who like to follow their impulses, asking for forgiveness rather than permission. They are adventurous and fiery, even a little naive, and they should be wary of 'Peter Pan syndrome '".

Waxing Crescent Moon: "People born during a waxing crescent moon are loyal, as well as creative and caring. They can be a jack of all trades and you can also count on their support, although they may need to learn to defend yourself.

First Quarter Moon: People born under a First Quarter Moon are the changemakers and influencers of the world. They are always looking for ways to improve things and are intelligent and intuitive. They work well under pressure but can struggle to plan long term.”

Waxing Gibbous Moon: "People born under a Waxing Gibbous Moon are determined and passionate. Their work must be meaningful to them, and they tend to be excellent and hard workers. They may resort to unconventional methods. conventional, but they will get the job done, whatever it is."

Full Moon: "People born under the Full Moon are caring, confident and expressive. They may seem extremely lucky because they excel in their manifestation and tend to succeed. They are calm under pressure, which makes them excellent leaders , even though they can be drama magnets.”

Waning Gibbous Moon: "People born under a waning gibbous moon tend to seem like old souls, because they do what they want and don't care what others think. They refuse to engage in a heated discussion unless they are the ones leading the discussion with their original ideas.”

Last Quarter Moon: "People born during a Last Quarter Moon are unique individuals who tend to be renegades at heart. They like to keep the world guessing and don't place a high priority on relationships loving, content with their own company. They are also often very creative and forward-thinking.

Waning Crescent Moon (balsamic): "People born under this last lunar phase may seem a little out of this world. They may have already lived many lives, so they carry great wisdom but also a certain reluctance or sadness to engage in life It is essential that they keep their feet on the ground and enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

Finally, we reiterate that this element, although fun to study, should be taken with a grain of salt.  So, if we really want to have answers, we must keep an open mind to the possibility of false interpretation and consult professionals, to synthesize all this data.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Womens challenge: “moon phase” really help find your soulmate (I)

moon phase reveals soulmate
If some people, like a womens challenge, may be tempted by the idea of making the astral chart of their new lover, in order to check their astrological compatibility with the latter, another cosmic data could also be interesting, in order to know if our soul mate has (finally) found a place in our life.

This parameter, less consulted, is the "phase of the moon" and more precisely the one which colors the moment of your birth - and that of your loved one -.

According to some experts, as Mind Body Green points out a womens challenge, comparing them could give us valuable information for the future of the relationship. But what is it really?


This sudden interest draws its source from yet another TikTok trend which argues that your natal moon phase - or moon phase - has an impact on your personality and - therefore, on your compatibility with others.

But what does our moon phase mean about us? According to the astrologers, the lunar phase is, in fact, very important because it gives a lot of information on the portrait psychological of the person, on their future desires and thus helps us to better understand why we change.

If we understand ourselves better, we can also get along better with other people. But it is all aspects of the moon, the Sun and many other things that matter. This factor alone is not determining, neither for our personality, nor for compatibility.

If interest in astrology has exploded in recent years, more and more precise data are being scrutinized. “While not so long ago the majority of people knew their solar and ascendant signs, we are now talking about lunar signs, Mercury retrogrades or even the influence of certain planets on our lives,” says the specialist. .

However, this is a double-edged observation. “We will learn to know ourselves better, which is positive, but we will also more easily fall into false interpretations and that can influence us, create beliefs, disorient us and why not, make us miss out on our soul mate , because our trajectory will have changed", nuance the experts/


In thousands of videos, Internet users superimpose their "moon phase" with that of their other - using a specific calculator. And depending on the alignments, the interpretations are multiple.

"Some people who follow this trend assume that the moon should appear full when you align the two people's moon phases, while others think you should have the same moon phase. In some cases, others think "Moon phase compatibility is more about balancing differences, like yin and yang, than how they look when you align them," explains Well and Good.

But then, how do you know if you are compatible by observing this data? “Honestly, when I do a love consultation, I never look at whether it’s the same phase or not, whether the two complement each other… It’s not at all something that interests us, alone,”

Because, according to the astrologer, there is no need to compare these phases, because when there is compatibility, we feel “a potential astrological connection”. "In the way of being, of speaking together, we understand that there is already an interaction between the planets of one person and another. We are simply in phase, it is not our lunar phases which are".

"Keep in mind that depending on who you ask, you might have different interpretations as to which moon phases are soulmates. If your two moon phases make up a full moon, that doesn't guarantee that you are soulmates After all, given that there are only eight moon phases, that would mean that you are soul mates with every person born under your most compatible moon phase, which would be... one in eight people. also highlights Mind Body Green.

Above all, our expert reminds that while an alignment could contribute to “overall compatibility”, it is not the guarantor of a healthy and lasting relationship.


That said, knowing our moon phase can always be interesting, to know and understand ourselves better. Especially since the moon is very important in astrology. It’s an element that we take into account, to identify a person. But what defines a phase is not going to be true for all the people who correspond to it, however.

(to be continued)

Monday, April 22, 2024

LUNOLOGY PROM: what is the role of each of the eight phases of the Moon? (II)

The 8 phases of the Moon: understand and get started

1. Lunology: what to do during the New Moon?

"This is undoubtedly the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. This phase begins one to three and a half days after the balsamic moon. During this period, which must be anticipated and planned, sow the seeds of your future dreams. The New Moon can feel like a quiet time, when things are getting ready, when in fact you are starting to materialize (or not) your dreams. The key words for this phase are: clean slate,. potential and dreams."

2. Lunology: what to do during the first crescent?

"Now is the time to let your dreams blossom. If that doesn't sound too poetic, think of yourself and your dreams as a flower opening. Remember that the Moon is passing from invisibility at maximum power, and the same goes for your dreams This phase begins three and a half to seven days after the New Moon. Keywords of this phase are: courage, moving forward and faith."

3. Lunology: what to do during the first quarter moon?

"Now is when the Moon looks like a “half moon” transitioning from new to full. At this point in the cycle, you may begin to have some doubts about your ability to materialize your dreams. This phase begins seven to ten and a half days after the New Moon. This is the perfect time to get involved! So, the key words for this phase are: challenges, confidence and commitment.

4. Lunology: what to do during the waxing gibbous moon?

"As the Moon approaches fullness, the time has come to show vigor. Don't give up. Don't let your ego or fear ruin your plans. Stay open to what life teaches you. If you know how to make changes to achieve your goals, do them now This phase begins ten and a half to fifteen days after the New Moon. Your mission? Rectify."

5. Lunology: what to do during the Full Moon?

"The Full Moon is the big time in the lunar cycle. Things are coming to a head now, and we know it instinctively. If one of your wishes is going to come true, it just might come true at this point of the cycle. Or perhaps you will simply receive a strong sign that it is on its way. Some wishes take time. This phase begins 15 to 18 and a half days after the New Moon. are: results, forgiveness and gratitude."

6. Lunalogy: what to do during the lunar phase of dissemination?

"After all the intensity of the Full Moon, it can be tempting to collapse. If things haven't worked out for you then, what to do next? A lot of energy has been expended and you may want to relax a little during this part of the cycle If this is the case for you, do it You will find that the more you work in harmony with the lunar phases, the more abundant life will be. This phase begins from days three and a half to seven. days after the Full Moon The key words are: cycle, relax, accept, pull yourself together!

7. Lunology: what to do during the third quarter of the Moon?

"This lunar phase can be difficult. It's the midpoint between the wonder of the Full Moon and the potential of the New Moon. Somehow we know that what hasn't worked for us in the past is dissolved on the etheric plane. It is time to reorient ourselves. This phase begins seven to ten and a half days after the Full Moon. This is the time to question yourself on what you know. are: reevaluate, balance and trust."

8. Lunology: what to do during the Balsamic Moon?

"The word "balsamic" comes from the word "balm", which means "anything that heals or relieves". And this is the meaning of this "last part" of the lunar cycle (before the Full Moon). We have passed from hopes and dreams to explosions of potential: to realize what can or cannot exist, to accept, to forgive and to abandon ourselves... and now comes healing and relief. This phase begins about ten days and. half after the Full Moon, and continues until the start of the New Moon. Obviously, the key words of this phase are: healing, relief and abandonment.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

LUNOLOGY: what is the role of each of the eight phases of the Moon? (I)

Full moon, New Moon, crescents and quarters. In Lunology, astrologer Yasmin Boland reveals her method for working with the energies of the Moon. A simple way to make your dreams come true.

It's no secret that the Moon has many powers. The star which gives its name to Monday crosses the zodiac in 28 days. These 28 days correspond to the lunation cycle. The latter also has an influence on our daily lives. Emotions, sleep, menstrual cycle... It is not for nothing that witches perform rituals every month to (re)connect with the Moon. In her book, Lunology, Yasmin Boland focuses on the eight phases of the Moon and its effects. With this guide, the astrologer gives us the keys to transforming our lives and making our dreams come true. Explanations.

Full Moon, New Moon, crescent… How to explain the eight phases of the Moon?

Yasmin Boland explains: "Even though the Moon appears to change its appearance in the sky as it passes through these phases, what actually changes is its position relative to the Sun and Earth." “This is why sometimes we see the entire face of the Moon light up (the Full Moon) and at other times the Moon looks like a “half moon” (the quarter Moon).” And it is also for this reason that in astrology, we say that the Moon has two faces. From there follows your moon sign and your Lilith, also called Black Moon. During the lunation cycle, we distinguish eight lunar phases, eight faces of the Moon.

  • Full Moon, when the entire moon appears in the sky
  • The first district
  • The first croissant
  • The waxing gibbous Moon
  • The New Moon, time when the moon seems to disappear and is not visible in the sky.
  • The Balsamic Moon
  • The third district
  • Dissemination
OBS. The waxing Moon goes from New Moon to Full Moon and grows larger in the sky, while the waning Moon returns from full to new, and gets smaller each day.

Understanding the phases of the Moon to make your dreams come true

To theorize lunology, Yasmin Boland explains: “For hundreds of years, tradition and folklore have declared that each lunar phase is “good” for carrying out certain activities.” The astrologer's observation is simple: "I have developed my own version of the use of the energies of each lunar phase, that is to say by determining what we must do or not do in each of them , especially when it comes to making our dreams come true.” A short guide to learning to live and work with the influence of the magical star that is the Moon. Before discovering Yasmin Boland's tips, know that to know the position of the Moon in real time, you must refer to a lunar calendar.

(to be continued)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

What is the Gibbous Moon? Let's discover its influence (II)

Lunar cycle: how to know if the moon is in ascending (waxing) or descending (waning) phase?

There is a very simple method to know if the Moon is waxing or waning. Whether it is increasing or decreasing. Just look at the crescent shape of the Moon. Thus, if the shadow zone of the star forms a C, it is because we are in a waxing Moon phase. Conversely, during the waning gibbous Moon period, the star gives the impression of forming a d in the sky.

The effects of the waxing gibbous Moon position

The waxing period of the Gibbous Moon is a time of expansion. This is the moment when we begin to feel the agitation that is brewing with the arrival of the Full Moon. The moment when you feel your confidence growing and the ideas starting to flow. If it is customary to say that at the Full Moon, all our wishes come true, during the waxing gibbous Moon, some may feel the need to make some adjustments in order to arrive armed for the Full Moon. This is the energy of this phase, the overflow of life. Towards fullness. It’s quite simple, the waxing gibbous Moon gives us new impetus. It’s a perfect time to grow our investments and financial investments, our vegetable gardens or expand the family. Generally, under its influence, everyone feels a little stronger. The emotions then also become more and more intense. 

To work best with the energies of this phase, it is then advisable to take some kind of review of your projects. The opportunity to ask yourself if you are on the right track. Know which plans need to be revised. You have to keep an open mind, be ready to bounce back, to review projects, to correct your trajectory. As emotions gain momentum, you have to refocus on yourself. In a list of “don’ts”, you should detail something like: “I take care of my emotions and my anger. I try not to be too impatient. I am not afraid to welcome my Yang, masculine energy.” In short, during the period of the waxing gibbous Moon, it is better not to be too rigid!

What is a waning gibbous Moon and what are its effects?

After the Full Moon and its many twists and turns, the waning gibbous Moon presents itself as a decompression airlock. “The Moon is calming down and so are we.” It’s a time to breathe and take a little break. “We withdraw more and more into ourselves, into our inner world, into our darkness, like the beautiful Moon. Then begins a phase of introspection and integration of the first fortnight of the lunation.” It is the beginning of the period of shadow and calm of the lunation. Entry into what the author calls “the passive phase” of the lunation. The more time passes, the more the Full Moon moves away to give way to the arrival of the New Moon. There is then no point in forcing things or trying to act, or react, on impulse. The Gibbous Moon is here to remind us that it is sometimes good to sit down and think a little. “Don’t force things now, think, come back down, take a breath, because soon the last crescent will arrive, that of the balance sheet.”

It is a time when it is not recommended to initiate anything, or to throw ourselves headlong into new projects. In fact, it’s time to lay down your arms and retreat. Between letting go and the need for introspection, the waning gibbous Moon allows us to recover a little strength. We invite everyone to refocus on  needs and desires. We then slowly begin the period of questioning, “without giving in to doubt”, in order to be able to draw up a list of our desires during the New Moon which will arrive around ten days later.

Friday, April 19, 2024

What is the Gibbous Moon? Let's discover its influence (I)

In few words, Gibbous Moon is a phase of the lunar cycle that is still little known and yet allows you to refocus on yourself and your desires. For this reason we will try to explain step by step

The cycle of the Moon, which extends on average over 27 days, is fascinating. From its way of governing our emotions to its ability to give rhythm to our daily lives, and even menstrual cycles: we give it many powers. Studied since the dawn of time, the night star has multiple faces. This is why she is linked to the Triple Goddess - Selene, Hecate and Artemis. Have you ever noticed that the Moon changes shape over time? Sometimes increasing, it becomes full to illuminate the sky, then decreases little by little until it gives the impression of disappearing on New Moon evenings. If you are more interested in its influence, perhaps you know the effects of the Full Moon and those of the New Moon. Two very distinct periods. Two unmissable events. However, the lunation is not only made up of these two phases, it has eight of them, each having a particular effect. Focus on one of the phases that is still little known: the gibbous Moon.

What is the Gibbous Moon? Definition

The Gibbous Moon corresponds to an intermediate phase in the lunation. There are two types: increasing and decreasing. Each of them frames the Full Moon. It's a kind of transition. Two moments to warn us that we are reaching the halfway point of the cycle, two moments that invite us to adapt. One after another, the term gibbeuse designates that which is plump, like the belly of a pregnant woman, like a roll of pleasure which overflows from the pants, or a well-stocked cornucopia.

The waxing gibbous Moon is the phase just before the Full Moon. It occurs between the tenth and fourteenth day of the cycle. When the Moon begins to gain momentum, to shine more and more. During this period, the energies sent to us by the Moon become a little more powerful each day. It’s very simple, the more the circle that is drawn in the sky fills, the more the powers of the Moon increase tenfold. This is the moment when we are almost there, like the moon itself almost round, but not yet completely. Boldness, impatience, and therefore the adaptation skills necessary to mobilize to finally get there. If there are adjustments to be made to carry out the project, the wish, the dream, it’s now.

Conversely, the waning gibbous Moon is the phase that arrives just after the Full Moon. It therefore generally corresponds to the twentieth day of the lunation. This is when the power of the Moon begins to wane. It is the beginning of the waning phase of the Moon, the one which marks the entry into the transition to the New Moon. After the intensity of the Full Moon, a moment when energies are increased tenfold, the gibbous Moon allows us to regain our senses.

(to be continued)

Friday, April 12, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (I)

A source of beliefs since the dawn of time, the Moon has a double face, benefic or worrying. This star very close to us also influences our loves and our emotions. Find out how!

Shakespeare said of the Moon that she is "the sovereign mistress of melancholy". Giving its name to Monday and governing the sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22), this star fascinates. New Moon, Full Moon, quarters… If it takes 28 days to wax and wane to go from one New Moon to another, it also sets the rhythm for the 4 seasons and governs our moods like the growth of plants. Hence its connection to the Water element, the element of emotions. But no matter how much men explore and study it, it still contains many mysteries... Even if its influence on the Earth and earthlings is now scientifically proven.

Selene and Hecate: the meaning of the Moon in Greek mythology

If the Sun, with its blinding light, forces us to lower our eyes, the Moon captures our gaze until it plunges us into its dreamlike universe. Several studies have revealed that certain professional categories believe that the moon exerts an influence on our behavior. This influence can be more or less beneficial, with two critical periods: the New Moon and the Full Moon. Doctors, psychiatrists and police officers claim to be more often confronted with difficult cases on Full Moon evenings. Arguments to be taken conditionally, because nothing has really been demonstrated. The only certainty is that this nocturnal star ensures the stability of the earth's rotation. Moreover, in astrology, the Moon and the Sun oppose each other. The two stars have opposite meanings.

The effects of the Moon

But to truly understand the effects of the Moon, we must first distinguish its different faces. If we know its cycle punctuated by its four phases - rising quarter, descending quarter, New Moon or Full Moon, it keeps a part of secret. She is also nicknamed the Triple Goddess. These faces are found in mythology through two Greek goddesses: Selene and Hecate. These two women, with whom the Moon is associated, are total opposites. Thus, Selene is synonymous with benevolence and represents devotion, tenderness and motherhood. Conversely, Hecate is often portrayed as manipulative and seductive. This divide is at the heart of the Moon’s influence. This star, capable of dominating instincts and feelings, governs our emotions in many ways.

(to be continued)

Friday, March 29, 2024

New TikTok trend - Find your soul mate based on the phases of the Moon

This trend plays on magical thinking and offers a certain psychological comfort. This has all the hallmarks of a TikTok trend

The “Moon Phase” trend has taken the TikTok platform by storm. The hashtag “Moonphasetrend” has almost 332 million views, not counting other hashtags that are also very popular, such as #moonphase (more than 533 million views), #moonphasetrendcouples (more than 100 million views) and #moonphasesoulmates ( 19.4 million views). Nothing surprising in this since the trend combines romance and astrology, two themes that are popular on the Chinese social network. The last one even has the right to its own universe at TikTok: Astrotok!

How to know your love compatibility?

In the quest for a romantic partner, the latest TikTok trend takes the concept of soulmates to a celestial level: turning to the Moon to find your other half. The principle is simple: just drag the phases of the Moon from the day of birth of both partners, if a full Moon forms... you are soul mates!

Do you find it too good or too simple to be true? You are right. So, if the phases don't line up, wait a bit before packing your bags! In any case, this is what Ben Radford, deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific magazine Skeptical Inquirer, recommends when interviewed by “What this trend is missing is a real logical link between the phase of the Moon and the personality or the relationship compatibility. Why on earth would the phase of the Moon have any connection or effect on relationship compatibility? ".

But if some users got caught up in the game, a large number preferred to use this trend with humor, by testing their compatibility with friends, family or even with their pet!

“Moon phase”: What does science say about it?

According to NASA, the Moon has only eight phases: new Moon, crescent-waxing, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. Which means that based solely on the “moon phase” criterion, the “moon phase” method only allows four possible combinations to make a “whole moon” (new moon and full moon, third quarter moon and first quarter moon, waning gibbous and crescent-waxing, and waning crescent and waxing gibbous.) If we relate the number of possible combinations to the (approximately) 8 billion inhabitants of the earth, and we start from the principle that a category is only compatible with one other category (are you still following?), this means that each person should have around a billion possible “soulmates”... A criterion that the many tiktokers proudly displaying their compatibility (while incompatible souls depress) do not seem to have taken into account.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

“Moon phase”: the Tiktok Trend that Establishes Your Love Compatibility Thanks to the Moon

 Determine your romantic compatibility using the phases of the Moon, whether you dream of it or not, Tiktok videos have done it. Here’s what this astrotok trend promises… And what it’s worth.

The stars have (again) been talked about on the networks and no, for once, it is not a question of Mercury retrograde which is happily taking its place. On Tiktok, the hashtag “moonphasetrend” has spread like wildfire in recent weeks. The postulate ? You could establish your astrological compatibility based on the phase of the Moon in which you were born. So, a trend with no future or a new essential element to add in astrological compatibility? We leave it to you to form your own opinion by explaining to you how the “moon phase” trend works… Or doesn’t work.


“I asked the Moon if it would match or not. She told me “I’m not used to dealing with astro, like that”” Nicolas Sirkis could have sung in 2002. Videos on love and those that talk about astrology are currently a hit on Tiktok, it is therefore not surprising that this trend has broken through into the algorithm of the Chinese social network. The idea is simple: to determine who your “soulmate” or ideal partner could be, you should take a look at the lunar phases of birth of the couple. If they complement each other visually forming a full moon, you would be compatible.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Thanks to The Moon, It would Be Possible to Know If Your Partner is Your Soulmate (I)

This is the new trend that is causing panic on the web. It would be possible to find your soul mate in a few seconds thanks to a TikTok filter.

If there's one thing we all aspire to, sooner or later, it's to find someone to support us and walk a part of the way with us. Soulmate, twin flame, cup of lightning… All these terms have the gift of thrilling us and making us believe (just a little more) in true love. The new generation is not left out. If internet kids seem to have trouble with labels (Tinder 2022), they nonetheless remain obsessed with dating, relationships and love (real). This is perhaps why there is no shortage of card drawing videos that promise to describe our soul mate on Instagram and others: whatever our age, we still live in the hope of meeting true love or to cherish the one you already have.

How would you react if you were told that it was possible, with just a glance, to know whether the person you are dating is your soul mate or not?

It sounds crazy, yet it’s the latest trend that’s freaking out all of TikTok. In fact (and according to the videos), it would be possible to find your soul mate in a few seconds and the answer would be on the Moon. But rest assured, there is no need to put on your astronaut suit to find out if your partner is right for you, you simply need to ask them their day, place and time of birth (this will allow you to know their ascendant and birth status). lunar sign at the same time).

(to be continued)

Moon Phase Reveal If Your Partner is Your Soulmate (II)

 The principle of the "Moon phase" is simple: compare the phases of the Moon between the day of your birth and that of your partner. If your moon phases form a full moon, then you are soulmates. 

There is a variation to this game. For other users, the phases of the Moon on your birthdays must be similar to make you true soulmates. If there are differences, the couple would be doomed to failure.

The secret is that you need to explore your Moon Sign to know the exact phase of the Moon on the day you were born.

This way will reveal exactly how these two powerful, yet often overlooked, astrological aspects influence your personality, life, innermost desires, and even your destiny.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Moon Phase Reveal If Your Partner is Your Soulmate (I)

 On social networks, Tik Tok especialy, a new trend is making waves: the “Moon phase”. 

It is supposed to reveal if your partner is your soulmate based on the phases of the Moon. A new little game which is part of a very marked trend on the Chinese application, that of astrology.

Astrology and love are inexhaustible topics on social networks. Their content generates billions of views on Tik Tok. So much so that this theme even has the right to its own universe: Astrotok. In addition to self-proclaimed astrologers who take turns performing tarot readings, the Tik Tok community is also fond of little games to find out more about their loves. And what could be better than a test linked to the phases of the night star: the Moon.

(To be continued)