Soulmates serve as our mirrors. What we see in another soul reflects our own soul.
When we are able to see other souls as "companions", (including our enemies), as members of our family who are there to teach us life lessons, our entire perception and relationship with others other people changes entirely.
Different Types of Soulmates
In our language we have the word “friend”, and the word “soul mate” which is essentially romantic in nature. But how would you describe someone who falls somewhere in between? Someone who is more than just a “best friend,” but lacks the romantic attraction of a “soul mate”?
We need to create new words to express these relationships we have with others. Here are some words that help distinguish these deep connections we have in life:
1. The soul mate friend.
No, not all soulmates will be romantics. A soulmate friend is essentially your “best friend,” but for life. You never lose track of them and they never lose track of you. They are your soulmate friend.
2. Spiritual soulmate.
This is someone you connect with on a spiritual level more than others for no apparent reason. He is often also a platonic soul mate. You feel like you've known each other for ages, but it's not a romantic, intimate relationship.
3. The foreign soulmate.
The foreign soulmate is a soul mate who leaves as quickly as she came. The relationship is brief and often completely platonic. It's a new friend, a best friend, who moves away a year later, who simply loses all contact with you.
(to be continued)