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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

3 zodiac signs that are reborn after the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.

Yesterday, on April 8, the sky greeted us with a spectacular astronomical event: the solar eclipse. This eclipse brings with it not only a fascinating cosmic spectacle, but also a profound and transformative energy that will influence various aspects of our lives. For certain signs, especially Aries, Taurus and Leo, this eclipse will mark the beginning of a period of rebirth and revival, bringing with it new opportunities and significant changes in their lives.

Their heyday is coming


For Aries natives, the solar eclipse brings the opportunity to let go of old habits and focus on what brings them happiness and fulfillment. It is a good time for mental clarity and making important decisions regarding career, relationships and personal development. Aries are encouraged to listen to their intuition and follow their passions, which will guide them to new beginnings and remarkable achievements.


For Taurus, the solar eclipse marks the beginning of a deep inner journey that will guide them towards authenticity and personal growth. It is the ideal time to assess their values and priorities and make significant changes in their lives based on them. Tauruses are encouraged to take risks and open themselves up to new experiences, which will lead them to a state of long-term harmony and fulfillment.


For Leo natives, the solar eclipse brings the opportunity to express their true essence and creativity in bold new ways. It's a good time to explore your talents and passions and follow your dreams with courage and determination. Leos are encouraged to express their true will and take on roles as leaders and innovators, which will guide them to success and recognition in their fields of interest.

The solar eclipse on April 8 brings with it a powerful and transformative energy that will influence different aspects of our lives. For Aries, Taurus and Leo, this eclipse marks the beginning of a period of rebirth and revival, bringing with it new opportunities and significant changes in their lives. Through authentic expression, mental clarity, and creative exploration, these signs will find their way to fulfillment and success in the coming months.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Full Moon of March 25, 2024: how will the Moon and the eclipse impact astrological signs? (III)

(continuation of this previous post)

Virgo: trust yourself

The Full Moon in Libra gives you the opportunity to obtain tangible and visible results on choices correlated to your dreams. However, there is still a long way to go and you are invited to continue to focus on your qualities. All your stagnation or reversals often come from a little imposter syndrome that this eclipse wants to send back to its home. Free yourself with full confidence.

Libra: a rethinking is necessary

On March 25, 2024, your powerful annual Full Moon is an eclipse and plunges you into a momentary fog that requires you to rely on your inner compass, spirituality and intuition to get through it. If your relationships are still toxic, unbalanced or secretive and the other person is hiding the truth from you, you will have no choice but to find out. These achievements may be difficult but they are necessary. Your view of the world changes and you increasingly accept its flaws and imperfections, as well as your own. Not everything has to be beautiful, but everything has to be true.

Scorpio: the start of a beautiful story?

The Full Moon of March 25 destabilizes you with its eclipse but it is an energy of renewal that you appreciate. Much more optimistic, you will be able to show your best side to others and seduce with your most beautiful smile without being stingy with attention or compliments. A seemingly light flirtation could be the start of a long and beautiful story and, if a reunion with an old love happens, you will be more open to forgiveness and discussion. You now know which foot to dance on.

Sagittarius: you are in luck

The Full Moon in Libra intends to permanently distance you from anything that harms your development. A new meeting, a passion that is revealed and even the formalization of an already existing relationship towards the next stage, will be topical. Luck in love is also determined to push you towards your most joyful and rewarding tomorrow. Take your desires for realities as beautiful as the colors of the rainbow.

Capricorn: you become stronger

The Moon in Libra is an eclipse. It teaches you to compromise with your authority figures. Your bosses, your dad or somewhat dominant partners will not resist your new tact and sense of constructive dialogue. You learn to negotiate and split the pear in two without devaluing yourself. All your old ways of communicating and acting melt away like snow in the sun and you strengthen your bonds, associations and partnerships.

Aquarius: there is still tomorrow

The Moon in Libra and its energy suggest that you lose your memory in order to reset all your counters. The planet Pluto and its great transformation are with you to help this eclipse illuminate the areas of your unconscious which still had limits. Now, like the hermit's lantern, a light guides you. By moving forward slowly but surely, you are leaving a very toxic bond. Empower yourself because the best is yet to come.

Pisces: you change

On March 25, the Moon is in an eclipse that makes the changes in your life more and more palpable. This time you are not dreaming and a big decision has to be made. This return to the material world is only good for you if you maintain confidence in yourself. Follow your desire to move or redecorate and this other who offers you a peace agreement. If you feel the need, don't hesitate for a second to get help from a psychologist or a professional. You create your reality.

Monday, February 12, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (III)

4. The soulmate adventure.

He’s a weird soulmate type. They have the energy and passion for an adventure. This doesn't necessarily mean you're cheating on someone to get that soul mate. You can be alone and also experience it. It’s exciting and different.

5. Soulmate disaster.

This soul mate comes in like a wrecking ball, so to speak. They come into your life and destroy things that are there. They can arrive peacefully and stay for a long time. They appear in our life when peace needs to be broken and monotony needs to end.

6. Soulmate soul friend

This is the most common type of connection in relationships. These are people you have chosen in your life because your ego, intelligence or emotions are in harmony. You essentially share the same tastes, interests, beliefs, sense of humor and values.

7. The teacher soulmate

Soul teachers are made up of all the people in your life who have come to teach you a lesson. They do not necessarily teach intentionally, but often provide solutions to difficult situations in your life to help you overcome and learn from those situations.

8. Soulmate companion

This is closest to what we commonly define as “soulmate” other than romantic attraction. Soul companions can be men or women, friends or family members. While soul friends are harmonized with us through their identities and the ego, soul companions are in sentimental harmony with us. It is for this reason that a soul companion's nature has a much longer lifespan and stability than that of a soul friend.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Soulmates: Their Role in Our Lives

There are an infinity of souls that we will meet during our lives. While some come to teach us something new, others come to share our joys. While some only last a few months or years, others last a lifetime.

Why do soulmates come into our lives

Soulmates come into our lives in three ways: for a reason, for a season and for a lifetime.

It's important to know this distinction because once you know why a soul mate came into your life, you can know what to expect from this connection. Too often we find couples, who are still clinging to the dead flower of a relationship that was once blooming, but has reached the end of its season. So, take a closer look at this:

For a reason

When you find a soul mate for a reason, it's usually to fill a need that has been expressed in your life. This can be indicative, assistance in difficult times, support, deep conversations or simply being there for you physically, emotionally or spiritually. This encounter can last a moment or a lifetime, depending on the type of soul relationship.

For a season

Then there is the soul mate for a season, the people who come into our lives only momentarily. These people can serve as catalysts for sharing, growing, and learning, or they can show up at a time when we need to overcome our fears of vulnerability, or when we need someone to challenge our belief system, or even when we need to discover a passion we didn't know we had. Whatever the reason, these kindred spirits are only seasonal and leave you once their gift has been passed on.

For all the life

Lifelong relationships are primarily twin flame connections. They teach us lessons that are so deep, so complex that they require a lifetime to deeply assimilate the teachings.

In lifelong connections, one person's strengths are used to strengthen the other, and the harmony between the two is so peaceful and flows so well that it often lasts a lifetime. These relationships are so rare and very precious, that we should feel immensely happy if we encounter them during our lives.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (II)

Soulmates serve as our mirrors. What we see in another soul reflects our own soul

When we are able to see other souls as "companions", (including our enemies), as members of our family who are there to teach us life lessons, our entire perception and relationship with others other people changes entirely.

Different Types of Soulmates

In our language we have the word “friend”, and the word “soul mate” which is essentially romantic in nature. But how would you describe someone who falls somewhere in between? Someone who is more than just a “best friend,” but lacks the romantic attraction of a “soul mate”?

We need to create new words to express these relationships we have with others. Here are some words that help distinguish these deep connections we have in life:

1. The soul mate friend.

No, not all soulmates will be romantics. A soulmate friend is essentially your “best friend,” but for life. You never lose track of them and they never lose track of you. They are your soulmate friend.

2. Spiritual soulmate.

This is someone you connect with on a spiritual level more than others for no apparent reason. He is often also a platonic soul mate. You feel like you've known each other for ages, but it's not a romantic, intimate relationship.

3. The foreign soulmate.

The foreign soulmate is a soul mate who leaves as quickly as she came. The relationship is brief and often completely platonic. It's a new friend, a best friend, who moves away a year later, who simply loses all contact with you.

(to be continued)