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Saturday, May 4, 2024

New Moon Ritual: meditation and intention setting (I)

moon ritual
A symbol of renewal, the  New Moon is an ideal time to experience a moment of mindfulness before taking stock of your goals and formulating wishes. This article offers you a moon ritual idea to practice during this phase of the lunar cycle.

The Moon has always been a source of beliefs. The satellite, in constant movement, changes its appearance every day and takes approximately 28 days to complete its cycle. During this period, it evolves in the sky. 

The Moon grows until it shines during the Full Moon, then gradually disappears until the New Moon. Instant when it becomes impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. This meeting marks the end of a lunar cycle and the beginning of a new lunation. A period of darkness and pause, the New Moon is known as a magical moment, during which it is advisable to set your intentions, write an abundance check or formulate positive affirmations. In other words, to express your wishes for the weeks to come. 

More concretely, it is a time of rest that the energies the Moon ritual offer us. They allow everyone to take stock of the month that has just passed, while starting to plan for the coming days.

New Moon Symbol

In her book Rituals to gently explore the power of your feminine, the author and life coach, Chloé Mason, returns to this phenomenon. “The New Moon is invisible because during this phase it is positioned between the Sun and the Earth. It’s a strong moment, because not being visible, its usual brightness is absent and you are plunged into a much darker night than usual.” She now shares her ritual dedicated to the New Moon to allow everyone to express their wishes as they should.

What are the benefits of the New Moon?

The New Moon is given many virtues. In the calm of this lightless night, we are given the opportunity to take care of ourselves. It is a time to rest and relax. An ideal time to do a major cleaning. If you can take the opportunity to sort through your cupboards, it is also advisable to embark on a little detox (if you feel like it, of course). If you are more into beauty, know that this is the right time to deep cleanse and unclog. To lightly moisturize. In short, let go of everything that can block us to prepare for a new cycle.

The New Moon ritual gives impetus. It's a bit like a second wind. It inspires us and invites us to take action. As a result, you can start sowing the seeds that you want to see germinate during the month, during the lunation. Some then make what we call abundance checks. Small requests or wishes sent to the Moon and which they transcribe on paper. A ritual based on the law of attraction.

Through rituals, the New Moon can contribute to the materialization of dreams. Formulate a wish, think about your goals, put your wishes down on paper... There are a whole bunch of names for the ritual of intention. Please note: writing an abundance check is a little different. See the details of the moon rituals in our next posts.

(to be continued)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

New Moon and Full Moon: What do they mean and What are the differences between

The Moon, as we know, impacts astrology and the zodiac signs. As the Sun, the Moon and the other planets move from sign to sign, two recurring phenomena stand out and systematically influence our mood, the vision and evolution of our projects and our intimate bonds: the New Moon and the Full Moon.

The New Moon and the Full Moon are two distinct phenomena that do not impact us in the same way. We will try in the following to reveal the differences between, how to welcome them and what rituals we can put in place during the different stages of the lunar cycle.

These two phenomena occur once a month and do not have the same impact at all. Also, to help you better accept them or get energetic benefits from them, we can each involve in very distinct rituals. 

New Moon and Full Moon: what are their differences?

In astrology, we speak of a “lunar month”. A lunar month lasts 29 days. It begins with a New Moon. When the Moon is “new,” its orbit falls directly between the Sun and the Earth. In astrological terms, this means the Moon is conjunct, or joined with, the Sun. Because the Moon reflects light from the Sun, it seems to have disappeared from our vantage at this phase of the lunar cycle.

A Full Moon, conversely, occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, or straight across from one another with the Earth in between, which creates the visual effect of it being fully illuminated. Due to the obvious external expression of its energy, the full Moon receives vastly more attention, although it would be wise to cultivate a relationship with the new Moon.

The New Moon and the Full Moon are therefore two distinct phenomena. By consequence, they are very distinct implications in our lives and they can be differentlely accompanied by rituals.

If we know what a New Moon and Full Moon mean and look like and measure the influence and impact of each on our mood, we should know that the Moon's influences are powerful at other times in its cycle and not just when it is  new or full  status!

By following, I invite you to read the posts related in detail to the New Moon and the Full Moon