Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (III)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

In the Middle Ages, it was said that sexual desire intensified on Full Moon nights. Marriage proposals would therefore be more numerous on these evenings.

In the past, when a young girl wanted to know the date of her wedding, all she had to do was hold out her silk handkerchief facing the Full Moon. The number of moons reflected there then indicated the number of years to wait. Whoever dreamed of a Full Moon could hope to get married soon.

In China, at the imperial court, women drew their eyebrows in the shape of a crescent.

In Greenland, young ladies do not dare to fix their gaze on the Moon, for fear of finding themselves pregnant.

Among the Celts: the year did not last 365 days, but 364, because the Druids based themselves on lunations to establish their calendar. As a result, their zodiac does not include twelve, but thirteen astrological signs.

Lunar calendar 2024: when will the next Full Moon take place?

If the New Moon corresponds to the start of the lunation, the Full Moon announces the waning cycle. To find out when the latter takes place, refer to the lunar calendar below. You will know everything about the cycle of the Moon and will be able to plan how to maintain your garden, know when to recharge your crystals, or even plan a magical ceremony between witches!

What is my moon sign?

In astrology, the Moon reveals our most secret character traits, frees our intuition and our emotions. As there are zodiac signs, there are lunar signs. To find out what your moon sign is, you can refer to your birth chart. Whatever sign your Moon is in, discover its influence on your personality.

Same thing with your Black Moon, represented by Lilith. Originally, the dark goddess or "anti-Eve", as our astrologer calls her, refused to submit to Adam. In your astrological chart, it informs you about the wounds of your past. It draws attention to a behavior or situation that may have hurt you emotionally. Quickly discover the influence of Lilith in your birth chart.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (II)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

The Moon, mistress of our emotions

Synonymous with duality, the Moon thrives on contradictions. Without doubt, this is the reason why it affects our temperament. After all, isn't human nature constructed according to its paradoxes? Synonymous with transformation and renewal, the Moon induces a notion of movement, like our changes in mood. A symbol of energy and demand, it strengthens memory or, on the contrary, causes a lack of concentration. This star has a particular virtue: that of addressing our total subjectivity, through inspiration, languor, romanticism or nervousness.

Sleep, menstrual cycle, childbirth: the effects of the Moon on our biological rhythms

The action of the Moon on the mineral, plant and animal world also seems to extend to the human level. And it is now scientifically proven! We know that the quality of the skin varies depending on the lunar phases. Isn't it often said that the Full Moon makes you nervous, insomniac and depressed? In astrology manuals, it is written that it exercises its powers over the left eye of a man, the right eye of a woman, the sexual organs and the lower abdomen. Others believe that it acts on our brain, allowing around 2 a.m. the secretion of melatonin, a hormone which plays a role in the regulation of our biological rhythms and therefore our sleep. Made up of 80% water, our body, like the tides, is influenced by the Moon. Among the Navajos, it is believed that the Moon modifies the amniotic fluid. 

The physiology of women would itself be linked to the Moon. Firstly through the duration of the menstrual cycle, which is close to that of the lunar cycle, and through the crescent-shaped fetal position. Moreover, some carry out rituals to “rebalance their hormones thanks to the Moon”. These beautiful popular stories should be taken with all necessary perspective, and above all to be compared with our personal experience. We must remain cautious and not give the Moon powers that have not yet been scientifically proven. But nothing prevents us from observing the way it accompanies us on a daily basis. Bonus: discover the effects of the Moon on the body, emotions and state of mind of women based on their menstrual cycle thanks to our slideshow.

Love: the Moon at the heart of beliefs

According to the adage, it would be easier to start a conversation with a stranger when night falls, as soon as the Moon appears! Witness to multiple love stories, she nevertheless reveals none of her secrets. Sometimes protective of lovers, sometimes inviting to romance, the loving beliefs around her are numerous:

(to be continued)

Friday, April 12, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (I)

A source of beliefs since the dawn of time, the Moon has a double face, benefic or worrying. This star very close to us also influences our loves and our emotions. Find out how!

Shakespeare said of the Moon that she is "the sovereign mistress of melancholy". Giving its name to Monday and governing the sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22), this star fascinates. New Moon, Full Moon, quarters… If it takes 28 days to wax and wane to go from one New Moon to another, it also sets the rhythm for the 4 seasons and governs our moods like the growth of plants. Hence its connection to the Water element, the element of emotions. But no matter how much men explore and study it, it still contains many mysteries... Even if its influence on the Earth and earthlings is now scientifically proven.

Selene and Hecate: the meaning of the Moon in Greek mythology

If the Sun, with its blinding light, forces us to lower our eyes, the Moon captures our gaze until it plunges us into its dreamlike universe. Several studies have revealed that certain professional categories believe that the moon exerts an influence on our behavior. This influence can be more or less beneficial, with two critical periods: the New Moon and the Full Moon. Doctors, psychiatrists and police officers claim to be more often confronted with difficult cases on Full Moon evenings. Arguments to be taken conditionally, because nothing has really been demonstrated. The only certainty is that this nocturnal star ensures the stability of the earth's rotation. Moreover, in astrology, the Moon and the Sun oppose each other. The two stars have opposite meanings.

The effects of the Moon

But to truly understand the effects of the Moon, we must first distinguish its different faces. If we know its cycle punctuated by its four phases - rising quarter, descending quarter, New Moon or Full Moon, it keeps a part of secret. She is also nicknamed the Triple Goddess. These faces are found in mythology through two Greek goddesses: Selene and Hecate. These two women, with whom the Moon is associated, are total opposites. Thus, Selene is synonymous with benevolence and represents devotion, tenderness and motherhood. Conversely, Hecate is often portrayed as manipulative and seductive. This divide is at the heart of the Moon’s influence. This star, capable of dominating instincts and feelings, governs our emotions in many ways.

(to be continued)

Monday, March 18, 2024

The New Moon of March 2024: A New Beginning Under the Sign of Pisces

As we move forward into 2024, a year that has thus far been characterized by false starts and dashed hopes, a promising celestial event is on the horizon. On Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. GMT, we will witness a powerful astrological phenomenon: the New Moon in Pisces. This special conjunction promises to propel us courageously into a new future, illuminating the paths to deep and meaningful transformations in our lives.

A New World Opens

Under the emotional and intuitive sign of Pisces, this New Moon is much more than a simple lunar renewal. It embodies the beginning of a cycle that invites inner reflection, spiritual exploration and the embrace of our deepest dreams. In these uncertain times, it offers us the opportunity to dive into our inner waters, guiding us towards authenticity and self-realization.

For those who have had a hesitant start to the year, this New Moon in Pisces is the signal for an awakening. It inspires us to leave uncertainties behind and boldly embrace the infinite possibilities the universe has to offer. This is the perfect time to align with our highest aspirations and manifest a future that truly resonates with who we are deep down.

Effects on Astrological Signs

Each zodiac sign will feel the influence of this New Moon in a unique way, marking the beginning of significant changes in various aspects of life.

  • Aries: An invitation to redefine your identity and courageously pursue your dreams.
  • Taurus: A time of deep healing, promising a fresh start for your emotional well-being.
  • Gemini: The expansion of your social circle and the emergence of new inspiring collaborations.
  • Cancer: An opportunity to realize your long-held ambitions and elevate your career to unprecedented levels.
  • Leo: A call to adventure, learning and discovering new horizons.
  • Virgo: The time to settle karmic debts and start again on a new, more balanced basis.
  • Libra: A chance to rekindle the flame in relationships or meet new compatible souls.
  • Scorpio: Inspiration to transform your daily life and adopt better lifestyle habits.
  • Sagittarius: A creative breath that frees you from blockages and propels you towards new artistic expressions.
  • Capricorn: A reflection on your personal and family space, prompting changes that will make your home a true sanctuary.
  • Aquarius: An awakening of your curiosity and creativity, leading to exciting projects.
  • Pisces: A period conducive to improving your financial situation, with the arrival of new opportunities.

Embrace Change

This New Moon in Pisces reminds us of the importance of open mind and heart, inviting us to dive into the depths of our being to draw strength, inspiration and guidance. It is a time for introspection, healing and personal growth.

As we navigate the changing waters of 2024, March's New Moon offers a lifeline, a beacon of hope guiding us toward a brighter future. Let's embrace this transformative energy together, ready to welcome the wonders the universe has in store for us.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Full moon in March 2024: when to see the Worm Moon

 Full Moon of March 2024: Worm Moon

  • Date: March 25
  • Time: 07:00 GMT
  • Constellation: Virgo

The Full Moon in March is called the Worm Moon because it occurs at the time when earthworms begin to appear in the soil, which gradually warms after winter.

Other names for this month's Full Moon include:

  • Chinese: Sleeping Moon
  • Celtic: Moon of the Winds
  • Cherokee: Windy Moon
  • Southern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon

This full moon is also a partial lunar eclipse, according to the experts at NASA, an imperfect alignment of the sun, Earth and moon that results in the moon passing through only part of Earth's shadow.

During the March Full Moon, people from many parts of Europe, North and East Asia, Australia, Africa, all of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Antarctica will see the penumbral lunar eclipse. During this event, the Moon will appear slightly darkened, as 95.57% of its surface will be covered by Earth's outer shadow.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Full Worm Moon will take place on Monday, March 25, 202

When is the Full Moon in March 2024?

The first Full Moon of a new season will occur at 07:00 GMT on March 25 and will be located in the constellation Virgo. The Moon will appear full from the night of Sunday March 24 to Tuesday March 26.

The Full Moon will reach the highest point in the sky around midnight local time. But our advice is to begin observations just after the Moon has completely risen above the horizon — at which point it appears larger than usual and appears orange in color.

What is the Worm Moon?

The names of full moons reflect the particularities of the lunar months in which they occur. For example, in America and Europe, the full moon in March is called the Worm Moon because in this month earthworms begin to appear in the soil which finally warms up after the cold winter season . Besides, the worms attract robins and other birds, which are truly the sign of spring! Another “sign of spring” that you will witness a few days after the March full moon is the March equinox. 

Easter Moon 2024

This year, the March Full Moon is the first Full Moon after the March Equinox (which occurs on March 20), so it can also be called the Paschal Moon. The Christian festival of Easter always takes place on the first Sunday following the Paschal Moon; In 2024, Easter will fall on March 31.

Worm Moon 2024: Key Points

In March 2024, the Full Moon will occur on March 25, at 07:00 GMT. Traditionally called the Worm Moon; this year it can also be called the Paschal Moon, as it occurs after the March equinox. Additionally, in 2024, the Full Worm Moon will coincide with a penumbral lunar eclipse and become the second and final Micromoon of the year.

Russia is working with China to install a nuclear reactor on the Moon

A nuclear reactor on the moon, installed by Russian and Chinese robots. 

The new frontier of "borderless collaboration" that Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have promised has as its goal a plan that has nothing on science fiction. "We are seriously thinking about the project" and could implement it by 2035, revealed Yuri Borisov, the director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos.

What would be the use of putting a nuclear reactor on the moon?

Borisov explained that the solar panels would not be able to provide enough energy to allow men (and women) to colonize the satellite living and working on permanent bases. Only nuclear power could guarantee a stable energy supply.

Among Moscow's plans is the construction of a nuclear-powered spacecraft: "We are working on a tug, something big, cyclopean, which thanks to nuclear propulsion would have the power to carry large loads from one orbit to another, could collect space debris and could operate in a variety of activities". For now, there remains one notable problem, Director Borisov admitted: Russian scientists have not yet been able to solve the problem of cooling the reactor.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

February 24th, 2024: Full Moon in Virgo. Four signs will be affected

Saturday, February 24th, we have Full Moon in Virgo oposite the Sun in Pisces When we talk about the Virgo archetype, we bring up austerity, mathematics, streamlining and optimization. If we talk about that of Pisces, we have dissolution, chaos and confusion. When these two signs are in opposition, they are forced to negotiate.

This time, the Sun will be in conjunction with Saturn, which will bring moments of self-doubt and the risk of letting ourselves be influenced. The Full Moon will affect more those who have a mutable sign in their birth chart: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The full Moon in Virgo is a time to heal. It’s a time to sit with our pain and heartache and give ourselves compassion. Virgo is the sign of the goddess. Seemingly perfect unto herself, this archetype carries many gifts, but the most important one is the power to heal and forgive.

The full Moon in Virgo will take place on Friday, February 24, 2024.

What the Full Moon in Virgo Means for You

Virgo teaches us that we are each here to give our talents in some way. In order to give these gifts, we must first recognize them. And in order to recognize them, we must first heal.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Your cosmic fingerprint, written in the stars.

Over the next few minutes, we will explore your Moon Sign and the exact phase of the Moon on the day you were born.

We will reveal exactly how these two powerful, yet often overlooked, astrological aspects influence your personality, life, innermost desires, and even your destiny.

While your Star Sign is associated with your ego and outward expression to the world, your Moon Sign embodies the more hidden, instinctual, emotional aspects of your personality that exist below the surface, and represents the real you.Because of this strong connection to your true self, many astrologers now believe that your Moon Sign is even more important than your star sign. By understanding your personal Moon Sign and Moon Phase you will learn vital truths about yourself and how others perceive you.

You’ll also discover how to use your Moon Sign’s unique qualities to conquer specific challenges you may be facing and tap into your lunar potential to align with your life’s purpose.

So, if you're ready, we’ll try to see more.

Your Moon Reading is calculated by using the date, time and location of your birth to determine the exact celestial position and phase of the moon.This is a map of the solar system and planets on your birthday.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

“Moon phase”: the Tiktok Trend that Establishes Your Love Compatibility Thanks to the Moon

 Determine your romantic compatibility using the phases of the Moon, whether you dream of it or not, Tiktok videos have done it. Here’s what this astrotok trend promises… And what it’s worth.

The stars have (again) been talked about on the networks and no, for once, it is not a question of Mercury retrograde which is happily taking its place. On Tiktok, the hashtag “moonphasetrend” has spread like wildfire in recent weeks. The postulate ? You could establish your astrological compatibility based on the phase of the Moon in which you were born. So, a trend with no future or a new essential element to add in astrological compatibility? We leave it to you to form your own opinion by explaining to you how the “moon phase” trend works… Or doesn’t work.


“I asked the Moon if it would match or not. She told me “I’m not used to dealing with astro, like that”” Nicolas Sirkis could have sung in 2002. Videos on love and those that talk about astrology are currently a hit on Tiktok, it is therefore not surprising that this trend has broken through into the algorithm of the Chinese social network. The idea is simple: to determine who your “soulmate” or ideal partner could be, you should take a look at the lunar phases of birth of the couple. If they complement each other visually forming a full moon, you would be compatible.