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Showing posts with label find your soulmate. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Signs will meet soulmate by end of July!


signs will meet soulmate by end of july
Let's reveal 3 astrological signs will meet soulmate by end of July 2024!

This summer 2024, the stars favor these astrological signs in search of love. Find out how these signs meet soulmate by the of July and get ready to experience unforgettable moments!

The summer of 2024 promises to be particularly promising for certain astrological signs in search of love. The stars have aligned to offer three of them a unique opportunity to meet their soulmate.

If you belong to one of these horoscope signs, get ready to experience intense and memorable moments. Let's discover together who are the chosen ones of this enchanted period.

1. Cancer: A meeting under the sign of emotion

For Cancers, the end of July 2024 will be marked by significant meetings. Ruled by the Moon, this water sign is naturally sensitive and intuitive, making it particularly receptive to surrounding energies.

This astrological sign will have to face difficulties by the end of July 2024!

In July, Venus, the planet of love, will transit the horoscope sign of Cancer, intensifying the love vibrations. Single Cancers can expect to cross paths with people who share their sensitivity and their need for emotional security.

A chance encounter at a social event or even during an unexpected outing could turn into a deep and lasting connection. The alignment of the planets suggests that this encounter could very well be with a soulmate, someone who understands and respects their complex inner world.

2. Virgo: Love through a new adventure

Natives of the Virgo horoscope sign, often cautious and thoughtful, will have the opportunity to get out of their comfort zone by the end of July 2024. Mercury, their dominant planet, will be in a favorable position, promoting exchanges and new encounters.

In addition, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, will positively influence their house of relationships. For Virgos, this period will be conducive to open-mindedness and the acceptance of new experiences. A social activity, a trip or even a professional project could put them in contact with someone special.

The key for those born under the Virgo zodiac sign will be to stay open to possibilities and not let their tendency to overanalyze overwhelm them. A seemingly innocuous encounter could very well turn into a meaningful and deeply harmonious relationship.

3. Sagittarius: Passion on the horizon

Sagittarians, known for their adventurous spirit and their relentless quest for new experiences, will also be blessed by the stars this summer. Mars, the planet of action and passion, will pass through their sign, bringing a dynamic and enthusiastic energy to their love life.

In addition, the beneficial influence of Venus will strengthen their magnetism and attractiveness. By the end of July 2024, single Sagittarians will have many opportunities to meet potential partners. Whether it’s during an exotic getaway, a new sporting or cultural activity, or even online, they could very well come across someone who shares their thirst for adventure and freedom.

Meeting their soulmate could surprise them with its intensity and the speed with which the connection develops. It will be an exciting time, full of discoveries and new possibilities.


The summer of 2024 promises to be rich in emotions and encounters for Cancers, Virgos and Sagittarius. Whether you are looking for love or simply open to what life has in store for you, the stars encourage you to seize the opportunities that present themselves.

Stay tuned to your emotions, open your heart and let yourself be guided by the positive energies of this period. Who knows, your soulmate may be just a meeting away. Take full advantage of this cosmic chance and prepare yourself to welcome love into your life.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Meet your soulmate: how does it work?

You are single and you envy your friends who have perfect love with their darling. However, the expression “love is around the corner” leaves you skeptical. Meet your soulmate is a mix of several factors to take into account.

#findsoulmate: Love, meeting: the result of chance or alchemy?

In fact, there is no clear-cut answer, it's a bit of both... Indeed, psychologists believe that to meet your soulmate, you must above all be free in your head, truly available, in other words ready to love. For example, you take the metro on the same route for months, and you do not notice your neighbor who, however, also takes the same route. No click, the meeting does not take place. And then the famous spark arises, of an essentially psychological nature for some, essentially chemical for others. He or she will say a word that you will be sensitive to, make a small gesture that is so charming, give such a moving look, and the process will be triggered.

Why him ? Why she ?

Beyond any rational explanation, alchemy operates and touches the deepest depths of everyone's emotions. Even if everything seems due to chance, there is in fact an unconscious theater which will allow the rapprochement. As Freud said, alluding to the Oedipus complex: “To find the loved object is, in short, only to find it again. Here are the beloved parents who resurface, but also the child that we were and that we always remain a little in the corner of our minds.» During the shock of love, it is the other who resonates with the child buried within oneself, and who brings to the surface a host of buried emotions. But chemistry also plays a part in the dating process. By wanting to consider only our psychic impulses in love, we risk no longer understanding anything.

The “animal” factor of romantic encounters

Man is not a little animal and a lot human, nor the reverse, he is 100% animal and 100% human. Biology acts in us as much as our culture and our personal history.» Thus, odors intervene in the processes of attraction: those which stimulate our desire because they excite our olfactory memory (memories often linked to childhood or our love life), but also those which we do not not smell distinctly and yet play an essential role. 

We can also notice that if romantic and sexual activity does not experience a real seasonal break, certain annual rhythms seem to persist, which is perfectly explained since the level of sexual hormones, both female and male, varies during the year. , depending on the environment. Finally, what if we simply talked about – and more beautifully – “alchemy” between two individuals?

Friday, July 5, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Gemini and Aquarius Find Soulmate (III)

(Please, see here how find soulmate other signs)

Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate
Virgo: Your wisdom and your sense of priorities make you a wise person, often prepared for any eventuality... but beneath the surface, what's going on? How are your emotions doing? You may well have been faced with upsetting situations that the new moon could point out, inviting you once and for all to leave them behind.

Libra: Don't let your fears influence your actions, your positions. Don't let anger lead you into conversations where words overwhelm your thoughts. On the contrary, keep calm, take all the time you need, don't react on the spot and take a step back. Some people don't deserve your energy for them. Good financial news for this astrological sign, ambition is the key word in this month of June. Libra has projects in mind that should bring back a tidy financial sum...

Scorpio: This new moon bathes your strengths in light, and activates the levers allowing you to achieve your goals and to make the obstacles that stood before you springboards towards a result much greater than that which you expected. Your hard work is finally paying off.

Sagittarius: You are preparing to enter a period of peace, conducive to the harmonization of all of your structures. From a general point of view, a good fairy seems to have looked into the areas of your life where fluidity has not yet managed to find its way. If certain blockages remain, it may be appropriate to reconsider the project... Was this what you wanted?

Capricorn: You are encouraged to pursue the path you recently decided to take. However, the energies that surround you invite you to review your organization, so as to be certain that it works, and that your future actions are not a futile attempt.

Aquarius: Choose to listen to your heart rather than getting lost in the thick fog that escapes from your confused thoughts. No longer try to control all the situations around you, on the contrary, give back to Caesar what belongs to him by choosing instead to empower those who accept a little too easily that, as always, you resolve their problems. This is how the essentials will come to the surface. An independent sign of Aquarius has the desire to meet the big love. And that’s good: the stars are on his side! It's a nice time to release the pressure, take your mind off things and enjoy the beautiful days ahead. Aquarius find soulmate this new moon

Pisces: The shortest path is not necessarily the one that will best serve your interests in the long term. Do not seek immediate happiness, or even the shortest path to it. Happiness is not a destination, but a path, each of which offers you valuable lessons and as many avenues for learning.

If interested in more, please leave a comment here

Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Aquarius and Gemini Find Soulmate (II)

Gemini find soulmate
(see here first part of posting)
This Saturday's New Moon

This Saturday's new moon, as well as all the energies that accompany it, invite us to draw the contours of what in our life locks us in, keeps us in patterns that do not allow us to evolve. 

The conditions seem to be required for us to be able to arm ourselves with courage and confront our beliefs, their origins and everything that more generally distances us from ourselves, and from the opportunity to live a life perfectly aligned with what we let us feel, what we believe, in the moment, to be right for us. Here we are at the gates of a new cycle, which could well have the invigorating effect of a dive into the unknown, where once we return to the surface, energized by the simple fact of having dared to jump into the void, we let's emerge from the water, transformed forever. That will help sign Gemini find soulmate.

The key words of this full moon are: focus, emotions, nostalgia, home, belief, upheaval, courage, return to oneself. 

This moon is particularly beneficial for: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. But can be destabilizing for: Aries, Libra and Capricorn. And rather neutral for the other signs.

Let's now see the message to remember, sign by sign

Aries: Before resuming your journey, be sure to give yourself enough time to regain all your energy. The unexpected events that you may have recently encountered highlight your adaptation skills. Free yourself from the annoyance that these may have caused in you, to move forward again, with optimism and serenity.

Taurus: Stop getting lost in details that have little importance. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture, pointing out what's working, at the heart of everything that may be putting you in difficulty. Of all this, what is the underlying message that teaches you a lesson?

Gemini: You seem in perfect harmony with your decisions, willing to build or strengthen the bonds that unite you with those around you and important to you. Now freed from what was slow to heal, you approach the future with more serenity than ever, and enter a new stage of your life, responsible for enhancing your energy. Geminis are lucky in love: this is the perfect time to highlight your Gemini's love life. He is going through a deep questioning of his vision of love and the couple and this could allow him to begin a new phase in his love life. Gemini find Soulmate

Cancer: One of the trials you have gone through, and whose shadow always seems to tarnish the beauty of what the future promises you, is preparing to leave you. To do this, you just need to agree to leave these memories behind. In this endeavor, do not be reluctant to seek assistance from anyone willing to lend you a helping hand.

Leo: Separate yourself from everything that confines you on a daily basis and thus drains your energy. Free yourself from unnecessary worries about situations over which you have no control. Make yourself and your ambitions your priority.

(to be continued related to new moon and how Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Gemini and Aquarius Find Soulmate (I)

gemini and aquarius find soulmate
During the night of this Friday to Saturday July 6, 2024, around 0 a.m (GMT)., the new moon will form in the sign of Cancer alongside the sun which has already resided there since June 21

On this occasion, a series of important events take place, namely:
  • - Neptune began its retrograde march towards the sign of Pisces
  • - Mercury entered the sign of Leo
  • - New Moon on Saturday (to see more what New Moon means, please go here)

In the following we will analyze the effect of these events on each astrological sign

Before that, however, we must offer a general overview

Well, in the sky, it was on July 2 that Neptune (the planet of intuition, inspiration, spirituality) began its retrograde march in the sign of Pisces, where it will stay until December 7. At the same time, Mercury (the planet of communication, of exchanges) entered Leo, where it will extend there until July 26. In the sky, the planets come together to create above our heads an atmosphere conducive to the exploration of all that, in our life, certainly secures us, but also confines us, all those habits which allow us to maintain around us a reassuring framework, but which, paradoxically, distances us from life, from its unforeseen events, these meetings against a backdrop of happy synchronicities.

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo offers us the strength and courage to put on the armor we need to face what scares us, to remove the social mask that makes us renounce who we are. If the energies that surround us in no way encourage us to ignore fears which, like an alarm ringing, keep us away from dangers by warning us, they rather invite us to become aware of the underlying messages that fear sends to us, of situations past that she points to and which can be at the origin of several of our mechanisms. As Communication planet, Mercury will help Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate this new moon

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to look at everything that exists beyond the boundaries that we have erected, it asks us with immense gentleness what we would do, spontaneously, if we were not afraid... It invites us to draw the outline of these fears, to identify them, to redefine the word “failure”, the word “success”, and finally, to observe the way in which the views of those around us could impact our decision-making.

In short, the sky for this weekend promises to be foggy, and at its center, the moon, true to itself, sublimated in Cancer, calls on us to focus all our attention on ourselves, our interior, and in this whole of things, everything that is conditioned by social norms which often differ from our deep desires, and from what we really aspire to. The moon, at home, works to create all around us a cocoon of protection which is in no way confining, which invites us not to seek security at all costs, but rather the confidence which resides in our ability to adapt. , to surf the waves of life rather than letting ourselves be overwhelmed by them.

(To be continued related to new moon and how Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Solstice Soulmate Test for Cancer (II)

(debate from previous post regarding Summer solstice soulmate test will list the next three zodiac signs)

summer solstice soulmate test

3. Scorpio

Cancer's next soul mate is Scorpio. This fixed water sign shares Cancer's love of emotional intensity and raw pssion. This is a deeply intimate and spiritual partnership. Their relationship is built on magnetism and listening. They know how to care for each other and nurture each other’s deepest desires and basic needs.

Cancer and Scorpio complement each other well as a team. Scorpio brings determination, power, and strength to the mix as a fixed water sign, while Cancer provides a nurturing and compassionate personality.

Cancer admires Scorpio's overall approach to relationships and how confident and convincing he is in his own skin. And Scorpio appreciates how observant and affectionate Cancer is.

Sexually, both signs are physically affectionate and enjoy making love sensually. However, Scorpio is more aggressive and open-minded than Cancer. Sometimes their differences in pace and excitement can be too much for conservative Cancer to handle. Fortunately, their connection to shared water helps them talk openly about their feelings and resolve any disagreements.

As private water signs, these two have no problem hiding from the world and focusing solely on each other. They both enjoy spending time at home and doing nothing together.

It’s a soulmate connection that feels like it’s them against the world. As long as Scorpio learns to let go of his means of control and Cancer learns to control his ever-changing emotions, he will have what it takes to make it in the long run.

4. Virgo

Next, we have another great soulmate connection with the Earth sign of Cancer.

Like Taurus, Virgo makes Cancer feel supported and comfortable being themselves. Because of their harmonious connection between land and water, they make excellent friends and respectful lovers. Their relationship is neither too hot nor too cold; they are right in the middle.

Although Virgo has a cold and reserved nature, it is a basis for overly emotional and sensitive Cancer. Virgo shows Cancer that it's okay to balance their gentleness and emotional vulnerability with consistency and rationality.

Cancer helps Virgo take care of the home and daily routines they desperately depend on, which the neat and fussy Virgo appreciates. Cancer not only supports Virgo's pragmatic ways, he stays there to help him talk out his frustrations when something gets stuck in his mind. There are a lot of things these two can learn from each other. At best, this water and earth duo balances out.

The best part of this soulmate connection is their shared patience and loyalty towards each other. Both signs are generally financially grounded and family-oriented. The respect and acceptance runs deep. They honor everyone’s space and personal choices, performing a great soulmate test

They're not a deeply passionate or lustful couple, and that's fine with them. Neither Cancer nor Virgo are looking for big displays of affection. But despite their relaxed and reserved ways, sparks fly between the sheets.

As long as Virgo refrains from expressing excessive criticism towards Cancer and Cancer learns to become less clingy and needy, their relationship is strong and long-lasting. These two lovers will support each other until the end of time.

5. Capricorn

The fifth and final candidate on our Cancer soulmate test list is earth sign Capricorn. This is the most polarizing and difficult connection on our list because Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs in the zodiac wheel.

Opposite sign connections bring intense emotional chemistry and physical attraction to relationships. When two opposite signs meet, they tend to bring out the best and worst in each other. However, opposites can attract, which is the case for the Cancer/Capricorn couple.

Moon-ruled Cancer and Saturn-ruled Capricorn share a strong desire for financial security, inheritance, and a reliable partner they can rely on. They are both hardworking, dedicated and loyal to their loved ones. Their relationship is based on reliability and practical satisfaction.

Material success abounds in this relational dynamic. This combination of cardinal signs is well suited to taking on the pros and cons of building a home and an inheritance for future generations. Cancer likes that pragmatic and executive Capricorn is open to taking care of business and financial affairs, and Capricorn likes that Cancer is uncomplaining when it comes to making their house a home and responding to requests. needs of his family.

Cancer's emotions can sometimes be overwhelming for reserved Capricorn, and Capricorn's coolness can make Cancer feel abandoned and rejected. However, if they can overcome their differences, this relationship has the potential to last.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Solstice Soulmate Test for Cancer (I)

summer solstice soulmate test
Cancer is the fourth astrological sign of the zodiac, associated with the constellation Cancer. It extends from 90° to 120° celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between about June 22 and July 22.

Cancer always begins around the summer solstice. We say this because things do not overlap perfectly. This year, one more feature is added. Approximately at the time of the solstice we have the Full Moon, the month that while the Sun is in Cancer, it passes through the sign of Capricorn.

Can Cancer find use a soulmate test in this combination of phenomena? It is possible, which is why we will continue to give some useful tips and information

Who is the best Cancer soulmate relationship in the zodiac?

The main Cancer soulmate signs are their fellow Water signs: Scorpio and Pisces, as well as Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

1. Pisces

The Cancer and Pisces pairing is a combination of tender and loving soul mates between the water signs. This relationship fosters a loving and gentle connection.

As water signs, they are both naturally caring, creative, and compassionate. They bond over their shared values ​​of emotional intimacy and fairytale romances. In this dynamic, Pisces brings empathy and imagination to the partnership, while Cancer provides protective energy and nurtures and nourishes their family life.

Because of their Moon-Neptune connection, they can expect to share a soulful sexual connection filled with fantasy and sensual touch. Pisces' healing aura soothes Cancer's intense emotions, and Cancer's comforting energy makes Pisces feel safe and unconditionally loved.summer

There is a deep level of trust and vulnerability with this couple. Both signs value commitment and are willing to make adjustments to make the relationship work.

Excessive emotions and mood swings can sometimes overwhelm them, but patience and compassion keep them on track. This Cancer soulmate relationship will last a lifetime as long as they remember to stay emotionally grounded and make realistic decisions, especially financially.

2. Taurus

Venus-ruled Taurus and Moon-ruled Cancer share a burning desire for security, sensuality, and luxury. They are both openly loving, nurturing and caring. Their relationship is based on loyalty and longevity.

Watery Cancer softens the heart of earthy Taurus, while Taurus helps Cancer soulmate test  realize their dreams of having a comfortable home and a united family. Taurus is a reliable, trustworthy protector and provider for sensitive Cancer, and Cancer is the doting life partner and homemaker that Taurus wants and needs.

Cancer and Taurus share a rich and regular sex life. They are both physically affectionate and open to pleasing each other no matter how long it takes, which makes them feel safe to connect on an emotional level. It’s a love that burns and never goes out.

They both tend to avoid conflict whenever possible, and when discord is inevitable, they tend to overreact. Both tend to hold small grudges. Fortunately, Taurus is patient with Cancer and Cancer is compassionate towards Taurus. Taurus can be too aggressive at times, but Cancer has the charm and gentleness to make Taurus open up and express what he feels according to soulmate test.

Overall, this Cancer soulmate relationship is amazing for meeting Cancer's emotional and financial needs. These commitment-oriented signs are sure to enjoy an intimate and rewarding life together.

(summer solstice soulmate test will  be continued here)