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Showing posts with label fool moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fool moon. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Does the Full Moon have any effects on humans? (III)

This is a continuation of a previous post

No more births for the Full Moon

Beliefs die hard and many people are convinced that children are no longer born on Full Moon evenings! This idea certainly comes from the links we make between the lunar cycle (29 days) and menstrual cycles (around 28 days). Midwives and gynecologists will guarantee that maternity wards are overwhelmed on these nights. But what is it really? The latest study19, carried out by American scientists, seriously calls this idea into question. The researchers recorded all child births that occurred in North Carolina over four years, between 1997 and 2001, representing more than 500,000 deliveries.

Result: they found an identical number of births during the different phases of the lunar cycle. Likewise, there are no more cesarean sections or twin births on Full Moon evenings. The mystery of pregnancy remains unsolved, since we still do not know precisely the element that will cause the birth of a baby. Future mothers, there is no way to predict with certainty the length of your pregnancy or the date of your delivery. Only the healthcare professional can estimate it, based on the first day of the last period.

In the meantime, the scientists who carried out the study have not said whether they will tackle another thorny problem: whether we should have our hair cut during this same Full Moon, so that it grows back more quickly. ? Ultimately, if the Full Moon, its different quarters and the lunar calendar can have effects on animals or plants, these are minimal on human nature. The only thing that sharply increases on Full Moon days: baseless superstitions... believed by 80% of nurses and 64% of doctors!

How to sleep well on a full moon night?

Do you think you are sensitive to the Full Moon and are afraid of having a bad night? Certain habits can help you relax and get to sleep.

  • Practice physical activity during the day to channel your energy;
  • Avoid alcohol consumption;
  • As for your plate, eat light in the evening and favor lean proteins, as well as semi-complete starchy foods, which are more digestible. This is also an opportunity to choose foods rich in melatonin such as oats, barley, rice, ginger, bananas, olives, hazelnuts and walnuts, potatoes, etc.;
  • Hydrate yourself sufficiently and try green tea for its relaxing caffeine, with jasmine or lavender;
  • Before bed, encourage calm activities, and stop all screen activity at least 1 hour before going to bed.
  • Several plants can also have a beneficial effect and soothe you before bed:

  • Valerian root is known to be a natural tranquilizer. It can be consumed as a decoction (1 teaspoon of roots per cup of boiled water) in capsules or ampoules;
  • The essential oil of lavender (or fine or true lavender, has a soothing, relaxing and anti-stress action. It can be inhaled by placing 2 drops on a tissue. Or in massage: by adding 6 drops of EO of lavender to a teaspoon of sweet almond vegetable oil and slowly massaging the solar plexus, the arch of the foot, the inside of the wrists, the temples;
  • Marjoram essential oil can be added to your bath by mixing 5 drops with 5 drops of lavandin, all in bath salt.

Friday, May 10, 2024

6 Possible Effects Of The Full Moon

fool moon effects
The moon will be generous and luminous for the eleventh time of the year and it could, in one way or another, influence our behavior. Here are the 6 effects that the full moon has on us.

1. Lack of sleep is obvious

The November full moon is one of the best in a while: it will bring its share of energy, which should make up for the fewer hours of sleep.

2. It’s time to take stock

The full moon signifies, among other things, the end of a cycle. This introspective period is ideal for taking stock of the last few weeks.

3. Emotions are more vivid

It could be that the emotions within us are more intense than usual and take over. Let's be lenient.

4. Updates are welcome

The November full moon is one in the sign of Taurus. It is conducive to discussions with those around us. Those that will allow us to shed light on situations that escape us.

5. Desires materialize

Taurus is an earth sign for whom money and comfort are a priority. This is an opportunity to make financial decisions.

6. Behaviors change strangely

Many believe that the full moon has repercussions on mood disorders, including anxiety attacks. Childbirths would also be more frequent, as would crimes.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Moon Ritual: meditation and intention setting (II)

moon ritual
What to do as a New Moon ritual (one evening)?

Start Moon Ritual with a meditation

I once read in a book a very specific ritual to set your intentions for the New Moon. The opportunity to celebrate the emptiness and splendor of this moonless night.

  • For this ritual, you will need a candle and a small notebook. The ideal time is to do it after dark, if possible.
  • Be sure to turn off almost all the lights in the room. Don't plan any music, silence will be your companion.
  • Light a candle.
  • Take a few deep breaths. Notice how you feel.
  • On this New Moon evening, a new cycle is slowly preparing, but not yet. While many advocate setting your intentions for the new lunation, on the evening of the New Moon, try doing nothing instead. Like the invisible moon and this empty sky, welcome the silence and darkness within you. The time is not to set your intentions in this dark night, the time is to deliberately choose to do nothing and silently observe. Take your notebook and look at these blank pages. Tonight, don't write anything. Feed on this emptiness. Notice how it feels to see all the pristine white pages. There is nothing and yet, an infinite number of possibilities can arise from it when the time comes.
  • If this time of nothing is uncomfortable for you, look at your candle. It illuminates despite the total darkness, it guides you in this dark night. The Moon invites you to meditate in this silence and in this darkness. You can't always be full and active. Welcome this moment of emptiness and receptivity.
  • The Moon whispers to you that, even if it is not visible, it is there, just like your plans, your desires and your wishes which have not yet come to fruition. It's not because you don't see anything that they aren't on their way, there is a time for everything.
  • Cherish the emptiness of today and trust in the seeds that will be sown tomorrow. In a few days, when the Moon is waxing and visible and the energy is more dynamic again, you can set your intentions.

Love, money... How to set your full intentions or wishes?

To write your intentions for the Moon, the method is very simple. Chloé Mason explains: “Write them in your notebook. Describe what you want to see manifest during this cycle.” Career development, realization of a project, moving, romantic encounter... Give free rein to your imagination, and above all, listen to your soul and your intuition. Once you have made a list of your intentions, “close your notebook and don’t think about it anymore”. There is no point in focusing too much on your intentions, wishes or wishes. The more you think about it, the less it will come true. The best solution is to simply “let life happen”. Everything you desire could materialize two weeks later, during the Full Moon. The other big meeting of the month, renowned for bringing out energies.

When to do your Moon ritual?

The ideal time to practice a Moon ritual is at the peak time of the phase of said Moon cycle. That said, the energies of the Full Moon and New Moon are strong. They are felt up to 48 hours before and after climax.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The April 23 full moon arrives in Scorpio. Surprise episode - Painful secrets are revealed!

The full moon on April 23 will deeply influence relationships of any kind, but especially love bonds, trust and stability of couples. The maximum phase of the full moon will be in the sign of Scorpio, and this water sign will have a strong influence on our emotional balance.

The full moon on April 23 will focus on feelings, the soul, relationships, emotions, intimate needs and especially repressed desires. Many natives will feel that they have gone wrong in many ways and feel the need to start over, which can be good, but they must be careful not to give up something stable for an uncertain future.

April 23 Full Moon and Horoscope All signs will be subtly influenced by the Full Moon in Scorpio which will bring hidden things, fears, anxieties and even painful secrets to the fore. Around April 23, five days before and after the maximum phase of the Full Moon, many natives will be more emotional, receptive, but also more changeable. It is possible that these days they feel overwhelmed, have situations and events in which they will lose control and let themselves be carried away. 

Some will focus on their own failures, analyze what they did wrong, try to find resources to overcome the problems they got themselves into. Others will have unpleasant couple discussions, try to blame the other, and will only exacerbate the emotional problems. Maybe love problems will come back to the fore and they won't be able to find a solution if they let themselves be fooled by appearances. They must take into account deep feelings and not fleeting emotions or passions.

  We must also keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde these days. Due to the retrograde of Mercury, which is in an unfavorable position in the Fire sign of Aries, the Full Moon on April 23 amplifies certain consequences of wrong decisions, failures, memories or regrets. There will be times or situations where many of the natives will feel the need to return to the past or someone close to them will force them to go back on some decisions that turned their lives upside down. And maybe the energy of the Full Moon will help them put an end to unpleasant situations and start something new after a period in which they will put their lives in order.

What does the influence of Scorpio mean?

It is important to remember that Scorpio energy means endings and beginnings, rebirth and regeneration. That's why the Full Moon in Scorpio can be a good time to solve delicate couple problems, put an end to unnecessary jealousies, suspicions and worries and resume the beautiful side of love relationships. 

Scorpio also signifies metamorphosis and transformation. The Full Moon in Scorpio can mean strong energetic support for many natives who need to change from the inside to benefit from big changes on the outside in their lives with those around them. Especially the Water and Earth signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) will be deeply influenced in this regard. Natives who are faced with old problems must first analyze the causes that start from within and then look for solutions. Whoever manages to change for the better, put aside negative thoughts, be more optimistic and have faith in the future, will win.

Due to the influence that Scorpio has, the days preceding or following the April 23 Full Moon will be favorable days for emotional therapies that can heal our soul and mind first and then our body. 

Full Moon in Scorpio and Health 

As I have pointed out, the sign of Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth. In a symbolic sense, in these days dominated by the Full Moon in Scorpio, something will "die" and something will be "reborn", will gain new forces and energies. 

For many natives who have long-standing health problems, the astral conjuncture around the Full Moon can be beneficial. In some cases, old pains will reactivate and a new treatment will be necessary, but it is precisely this treatment that will definitively solve the causes and forever cure nagging diseases, especially skin conditions, but also kidney diseases or gynecological diseases. In other situations, hospitalization or surgery may be necessary. 

Some patients have to make quick and difficult decisions, but they will have by their side medical specialists well-trained enough to get through any ordeal. In particular, some natives of Water signs, namely Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, may have more painful problems. Challenging days will come for them, but they will find resources and support to make the best treatments and get rid of their health problems for good.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Easter: here's why the full moon in March 25, 2024 will be very special

A special full moon is on the horizon in March 2024, having an impact on the celebration of Easter. Explanations.

  •   The full moon, aligning Moon, Earth and Sun every 29 days, is crucial in determining the date of Easter.
  •   In 2024, the full moon on March 25 determines that Easter will be celebrated on Sunday March 31.
  •   The date of Easter influences other Christian holidays such as Ascension on May 9 and Pentecost on May 19, 2024.

The full moon appears every 29 days. It marks a lunar phase where the Moon, Earth and Sun approximately align. This phase is also of crucial importance, particularly in calculating the date of Easter, the most important holiday in the Christian calendar marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Indeed, the date of Easter depends on a calculation which may seem complex involving the full moon. This date subsequently determines a certain number of other public holidays such as Palm Sunday, the start of Lent, Ascension and Pentecost. This is why the moon plays a major role, especially during the month of March.


Indeed, according to the Council of Nicaea dating from 325 AD, the day of spring is conventionally fixed on March 21 each year. This date is fixed, even if, as is the case this year, the start of spring may be shifted to March 19 or March 20 depending on the spring equinox, i.e. the precise day of the year when the day phase is as long as the night phase. In 2024, it took place on March 20 and not March 21.

Mars will therefore experience its third full moon of the year in a few days. It will thus be the first to occur after the spring equinox. The date of the celebration of Easter Sunday will depend on this first full moon of spring. And this year, the latter will coincide, within a few days, with the spring equinox.


Indeed, the full moon of March will fall on Monday March 25, 2024. Thus, still according to the Council of Nicaea, Easter must take place on the first Sunday following this full moon. This is why the celebration of Easter Day will take place this year on Sunday March 31.

On the other hand, a relatively rare occurrence, Easter Monday, which is certainly a public holiday, but not a day of celebration, will fall on Monday April 1, 2024. In fact, according to the calendar, the fact that the Monday of Easter coincides with April 1 and has only happened 7 times since 1900. A boon for children who will be able to enjoy their chocolate on this day while playing jokes on their pockets.


So, it is now easier to understand why Easter never falls on the same date every year. It is the moon which determines the day of its celebration. On the other hand, this Christian holiday is always located between March 22 and April 25 with March 21 as the reference date for its calculation.

Finally, note that Easter is celebrated on March 31, 2024 this year, so the Ascension, which occurs 40 days after Easter, will fall on Thursday, May 9, 2024. Likewise, Pentecost, which is celebrated 50 days after Easter, will fall on Sunday. May 19, 2024. Dates which are certainly important in the Christian calendar, but also as public holidays.