3. Scorpio
There is a tendency to take risks when it comes to love. While you may have felt this way in the past, this time it comes from finally learning important lessons about what goes into creating a healthy, cohesive relationship. You have to remain aware that you are now is not who you were in the past so that you can trust yourself more to take this leap of faith.
Taking a risk in love is not just about connection or desire for partnership, but also about truly seeing in yourself the ability to attract and create the type of relationship that represents your healing rather than your hurt.
Although Aries energy is just starting to seep in, it will intensify this week as the Sun moves into this fire sign. Aries rules your house of well-being and determination. This can help you better understand what you need from your partner and how you can present yourself in a healthier way.
You may also find it easier to set appropriate boundaries and rely on your determination to believe that no matter what happened in the past, the future can be much better.
Aries energy will support the influence of Mars moving into Pisces on Friday, March 22, as it lights up your commitment and marriage sector. You are looking for a more serious and lasting commitment and have learned how to create it. This will create opportunities for a fresh start in your romantic life and more joy. As you truly radiate this power, you must decide what kind of life you will live.
4. Sagittarius
The coming year will bring dramatic changes to your romantic relationship, as commitment, marriage, and family themes become more important. It's not just about having a long-term relationship that moves you forward, but about that aspect of domestic life that you've struggled with in the past.
As much as you have always craved partnership, home and family, you have also resisted aspects of conformity or felt that doing so would be a loss of freedom. It had more to do with yourself than any particular partner. Now that you know this, you're ready to take the next step and give yourself everything you've ever wanted.
In the coming days, it will be important to give yourself a fresh start, and take advantage of this energy. This means having important conversations, taking responsibility, and being more vulnerable by explaining the process you followed. In doing so, you will unlock not only deeper commitment, but also more of the life you hope to grow together.
As the Sun moves into Aries on March 20-21, you'll focus more on marriage, while Pisces energy continues to not only bring healing, but also help you set the physical home for your relationship .
This is a wonderful time to begin examining the houses or rings while enjoying the blending of the two energies. Remember, with Saturn in Pisces, you'll need to get to work. Even if you don't see instant results, you need to be sure that everything is working in your favor.
5. Leo
There is never a situation in which it is not important to reflect on and embody the lessons you have learned through love. Even within that, it's about finding a balance and making sure you haven't lost your enthusiasm and spontaneity for romance either.
Learning what you're destined for wasn't about taking the magic out of a relationship, but rather about showing you how to build the foundation so you can enjoy the moments of excitement that a vibrant connection will bring to your life.
In the coming days, Aries and Pisces will activate pivotal moments in your relationships.Whether you are single or in a relationship, luck is on your side in the coming days when it comes to love.