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Showing posts with label ritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ritual. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What To Do With The Moon Water

Finding your soulmate report
Discover the Power of Moon Water in Soulmate Connections

Moon water is a mystical elixir, created by leaving water under the moonlight to absorb its potent energy. This powerful water is believed to carry the essence of the moon, which is known for its abilities to amplify intuition, emotions, and spiritual energies. People who use moon water in their spiritual practices often experience heightened awareness, emotional balance, and a deeper connection to their inner self.

When it comes to soulmate connections, moon water can play a transformative role. The full moon, in particular, is a time of intense energy, often associated with heightened emotions, clarity, and spiritual awakening. In a soulmate relationship, these influences can be profound.

Moon water ritual can aid in emotional release, allowing soulmates to confront and heal unresolved issues, fostering a deeper bond. It also brings clarity, helping partners gain insight into their relationship and strengthen their understanding of one another. The fool moon energy manifestation, harnessed through moon water, can be used to set intentions for the relationship, guiding soulmates towards growth, healing, and union.

If you are on a journey to find your soulmate, incorporating moon water into your spiritual practices could be the key to unlocking this powerful connection. The full moon energy, captured in this sacred water, may just help you align with your true love and deepen the bond with your soulmate, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship. 

For full success of moon water ritual, order now our "Finding Your Soulmate" report and let the magic of the moon guide you towards a partner who truly resonates with your soul. Click the picture below!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Ritual to practice on Full Moon evenings

fool moon ritual
Full Moon purification ritual to do at home to benefit from all the benefits of the Full Moon

The Full Moon is the right time to purify your space, reconnect with yourself and others, and set intentions. This is the whole point of these lunar rituals, which, via burning sticks, stones and a notebook, draw all its intensity to direct it towards your body and your mind.

The Full Moon is a lunar phase full of intensity, inviting you to take stock, draw down your cards and recharge with good vibes, via targeted rituals. Wellness rituals are particularly recommended around the full moon because spiritual and universal energies are more active and intense at this time. So it’s an excellent way to connect to it, draw inspiration from it and use this powerful phase to lighten up, set intentions and be more effective.

Ritual of emotional liberation through writing and fire

This reconnection with oneself can take the form of rituals to be performed on full moon evenings. In these sacred moments of introspection, it will be essential to take the time to purify your space. Just like us, our living space stores a multitude of energies on a daily basis from which it is important to discharge.

Burning a stick of Sage or Palo Santo and dispersing its smoke in each room of our space will allow us to purify it and eliminate all accumulated energies.

After taking the time to purify your space with sage or palo Santo, take a few moments to center yourself. On a sheet of paper, list all the emotions, fears and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward today.

Once this list is established, reread it several times with the intention of freeing yourself from all these things for good.

You can recite out loud several times “I free myself from the emotions, fears and limiting beliefs that prevent me from moving forward today. »

Once ready, burn this list and thank yourself for taking the time to perform this ritual. To support you in this writing exercise, surround yourself with the energy of your crystals.

  • Tourmaline will help you be in the present moment and ward off negative energies.
  • Rock crystal will allow you to listen to your intuition.
  • Amazonite will help you regain inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Rhodochrosite will soothe the heart to restore harmony
The rising or falling energies of the moon allow us to accentuate the power of the intention we set. The moon carries the power of the ritual and we feed on its energy. We feel lighter, stronger, ready to move forward and caring

Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Moon Ritual: meditation and intention setting (II)

moon ritual
What to do as a New Moon ritual (one evening)?

Start Moon Ritual with a meditation

I once read in a book a very specific ritual to set your intentions for the New Moon. The opportunity to celebrate the emptiness and splendor of this moonless night.

  • For this ritual, you will need a candle and a small notebook. The ideal time is to do it after dark, if possible.
  • Be sure to turn off almost all the lights in the room. Don't plan any music, silence will be your companion.
  • Light a candle.
  • Take a few deep breaths. Notice how you feel.
  • On this New Moon evening, a new cycle is slowly preparing, but not yet. While many advocate setting your intentions for the new lunation, on the evening of the New Moon, try doing nothing instead. Like the invisible moon and this empty sky, welcome the silence and darkness within you. The time is not to set your intentions in this dark night, the time is to deliberately choose to do nothing and silently observe. Take your notebook and look at these blank pages. Tonight, don't write anything. Feed on this emptiness. Notice how it feels to see all the pristine white pages. There is nothing and yet, an infinite number of possibilities can arise from it when the time comes.
  • If this time of nothing is uncomfortable for you, look at your candle. It illuminates despite the total darkness, it guides you in this dark night. The Moon invites you to meditate in this silence and in this darkness. You can't always be full and active. Welcome this moment of emptiness and receptivity.
  • The Moon whispers to you that, even if it is not visible, it is there, just like your plans, your desires and your wishes which have not yet come to fruition. It's not because you don't see anything that they aren't on their way, there is a time for everything.
  • Cherish the emptiness of today and trust in the seeds that will be sown tomorrow. In a few days, when the Moon is waxing and visible and the energy is more dynamic again, you can set your intentions.

Love, money... How to set your full intentions or wishes?

To write your intentions for the Moon, the method is very simple. Chloé Mason explains: “Write them in your notebook. Describe what you want to see manifest during this cycle.” Career development, realization of a project, moving, romantic encounter... Give free rein to your imagination, and above all, listen to your soul and your intuition. Once you have made a list of your intentions, “close your notebook and don’t think about it anymore”. There is no point in focusing too much on your intentions, wishes or wishes. The more you think about it, the less it will come true. The best solution is to simply “let life happen”. Everything you desire could materialize two weeks later, during the Full Moon. The other big meeting of the month, renowned for bringing out energies.

When to do your Moon ritual?

The ideal time to practice a Moon ritual is at the peak time of the phase of said Moon cycle. That said, the energies of the Full Moon and New Moon are strong. They are felt up to 48 hours before and after climax.