Showing posts with label full moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full moon. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Determinate Location of Full Moon and New Moon

Full Moon and New Moon
The Moon is our satellite. Speakung on how to determinate location, you should know this planet rotates on itself and around our blue planet in such a way as to always show the same face to the inhabitants of the Earth: this is why we speak of the hidden face of the Moon. 

Its orbit around the Earth, the lunation, lasts approximately 29 days. During this cycle, the Moon is more or less illuminated by the Sun. It in not difficult to determinate location. Its appearance will vary: when it is Full, the Moon is visible from the Earth because it is entirely illuminated by the Sun. On the orbital plane, we observe in order the Sun, the Earth then the Moon. Conversely, the New Moon is not seen in the sky. This is why it is also called the Black Moon. On the orbital plane, we observe in order the Sun, the Moon then the Earth. The Sun then illuminates the other side of the Moon, the one it hides from Earthlings.

Everything you need to know about the lunar cycle

The lunation begins arbitrarily at the New Moon, when it is therefore not visible in the sky. Then a thin crescent takes shape, widening into a quarter... Between the quarter and the full moon, it is called gibbous. And from the Full Moon, the cycle of waning begins until the next New Moon.

1. Identify the type of moon

The fact that the moon is new or full already gives a first indication of the overall energy. 

A New Moon is always a sign of new beginnings. In other words: it drives a project, a launch that is close to our hearts, materializes an intention or an objective. 

In contrast, the Full Moon intervenes in the middle of the cycle to initiate the waning of the moon. It thus invites us to work in depth, in introspection, on a weak point and prepares for an upcoming closure. It is an energy of balance. It is therefore the best time to work on your shadows, your difficulties, what you have the most difficulty with in general.

2. Determine the astrological sign in which the moon is located

You have certainly already heard that on a certain date, it is "a New Moon in Taurus" or "a Full Moon in Scorpio". When determinate location the sign will allow you to know the theme associated with it . Indeed, depending on the sign in which the planet settles down, its effects are not the same.

Learn to identify the sign yourself:

- For the New Moon, it's very simple: it's the sign of the zodiac whose season it is on the date of the New Moon. 

Example Last New Moon was in May 7, so we can say that New Moon was in Taurus (April 22-May 21). Next New Moon will be in June 6, that means it wil be in Gemini (May, 21 - June,21)

- For the Full Moon, is a little complicated, as it is the sign opposite the sign in which it is the season. As there are 12 signs of the zodiac, there are 6 pairs of opposite signs. To identify them, simply find the 6 pairs of signs furthest apart in the year, those whose seasons are spaced 6 months apart or take the list of zodiac signs, start from a sign and count up 'to 6 to find its opposite sign. 

An example with the Full Moon of May 23: on May 23, we are in the sign of Gemini (May 21 - June 21). The opposite sign to Gemini (count 6 times) is Sagittarius. It is therefore a Full Moon in Sagittarius. .

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What the Full Moon Means in Astrology

In astrological terms, a Full Moon occurs when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon, which means the Sun is straight across from the Moon with the Earth in between. 

Because the Moon reflects light from the Sun, this creates the visual effect of a full Moon from our vantage. On a symbolic level, the Sun represents spirit (or insert your preferred word of choice, whether divinity or universe or fill-in-the-blank). 

The Moon represents the physical as well as the emotional body. The Full Moon is a time to be receptive, to take the light and awareness of spirit into your emotional and physical body.

The full Moon is not a moment in time or a single-day happening. It is a phase of the Moon that is active for at least three days. Letting yourself really be with the Moon during the full phase and whatever presents itself to you can become a practice of emotional mastery, especially during the lead-up to the lunar event.

Note what comes up for you in your emotional body. What is being illuminated? What behaviors or thoughts can no longer hide in the shadows? What darkness can no longer withstand the light? Specifically, what unhelpful mental patterns, self-destructive habits, or unhealthy communication styles need attention? Perhaps you can find the strength to incur change or to find help at this time. It is a continual progression.

Why each Full Moon is different

All full Moons share the attributes explained above, yet each has a different feeling. This is because each lunar cycle coexists with a different configuration of planetary forces. With each full Moon, stay mindful of the zodiac sign that is affecting the Moon, as well as the other planetary influences.

How the full Moon affects your tides…

The full Moon exerts a stronger pull on the water, causing the waves to flow higher than during any other phase of the Moon. This is a scientific fact.

Full Moon Rituals

What we must know and remember is that in the New Moon we intend and in the Full Moon, we purify. Full Moon rituals are “purification rituals”. This phenomenon is ideal for making Moon water! You can leave a container with distilled water overnight in the light of the moon and use it to wash and thus purify yourself. The Full Moon is also the ideal time to free ourselves, note what prevents us from moving forward, toxic relationships, problematic situations and “return them to the earth or burn them” explains Isabelle.

Stay mindful that every full Moon brings with it different energies. Our monthly astrological forecasts key into what is to come so you can continue to tap in and release your resistance to whatever is happening.

Why you might not sleep well before a full Moon

The Full Moon is said to have an effect on our physiological and our emotional health. During Full Moons, people have a tendency to be awakened at night, find more difficulty sleeping, and/or have heightened experiences during the dream state. There is scientific research to support the correlation between less sleep and Full Moons, although there is not a clear scientific reason as to why

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Symbolism of the New Moon

The New Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the previous phase. We are reminded to reflect on the cyclical nature of reality, to see that every beginnings and ends are in a constant relationships, because every beginning is an end, and every end is a beginning.

In astrology, Sun represents spirit whereas Moon represents  physical and emotional body

 What does it mean when these two conjunct? One of my teachers speaks of the New Moon as a gestation period. It is the right moment when the physical and emotional body can rest and reset in the womb of one’s spirit. No separation exists during this phase.

There is significance in any sort of conjunction, which is when separate elements join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and the Moon, which were recently in union during the full phase of the lunar cycle and then separated, join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and Moon combine and separate themselves, only to recombine in a continued and an everlasting cycle.

This is the relationship - the alchemy - between spirit and matter that can be consciously attuned to if we take heed of the magic of the New and Full Moon cycles.

From a psychological perspective, the Sun represents awareness and the expression of light that emanates from Source. The Moon represents our emotions that reflect our experience of that light. The new Moon can bring us into a careful investigation of how our emotions continue to ebb and flow within the steady light of awareness.

Why Every Next New Moon is Different

Well, \every Moon cycle is in a different sign of the zodiac, which means not only will have its own particular flavor, but it will exist somewhere different within your personal birth chart. Each iteration of the new Moon brings a specific invitation wnd energy in your life.

Why the New Moon Affects You

The Full Moon is characterized by the Sun which opposes the Moon and which illuminates "what is going or not going well" explains Zaza, in your new intention, your new start or your projects. When the New Moon increases in energetic power for 15 days, the Full Moon has its full power as soon as it opposes the Sun, on the evening of the Full Moon, then gradually descends in terms of energies, over the following 15 days.

What to Do During the New Moon

For centuries, the new Moon has been considered an ideal time for seeding things. As such, it is often talked about as the time to set intentions for the lunar cycle that is being birthed. Lesser known is the fact that in many cultures, the Moon wasn’t considered to be “new” until her light returned from the phase of observable darkness.

This by no means implies that we should discontinue setting intentions during the New Moon. However, this knowledge enables us to experience the dark phase as an invitation to feel into the cycle from a more embodied perspective.

New Moon Rituals

The New Moon is "a new beginning" and it is also an opportunity to take stock of our intentions, desires and projects. You can write them down on a sheet of paper, “fold it and keep it under our pillow,” . We can also take advantage of the New Moon to recharge our crystals in order to “launch all our projects” specifies the astrologer.

You should return to this orientation with the New Moon every month. This time is like being in the womb, the place of gestation, receiving the nourishment of being in the dark, and connecting with something more than myself in order to go on the journey of actualizing at the next Full Moon.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

New Moon and Full Moon: What do they mean and What are the differences between

The Moon, as we know, impacts astrology and the zodiac signs. As the Sun, the Moon and the other planets move from sign to sign, two recurring phenomena stand out and systematically influence our mood, the vision and evolution of our projects and our intimate bonds: the New Moon and the Full Moon.

The New Moon and the Full Moon are two distinct phenomena that do not impact us in the same way. We will try in the following to reveal the differences between, how to welcome them and what rituals we can put in place during the different stages of the lunar cycle.

These two phenomena occur once a month and do not have the same impact at all. Also, to help you better accept them or get energetic benefits from them, we can each involve in very distinct rituals. 

New Moon and Full Moon: what are their differences?

In astrology, we speak of a “lunar month”. A lunar month lasts 29 days. It begins with a New Moon. When the Moon is “new,” its orbit falls directly between the Sun and the Earth. In astrological terms, this means the Moon is conjunct, or joined with, the Sun. Because the Moon reflects light from the Sun, it seems to have disappeared from our vantage at this phase of the lunar cycle.

A Full Moon, conversely, occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, or straight across from one another with the Earth in between, which creates the visual effect of it being fully illuminated. Due to the obvious external expression of its energy, the full Moon receives vastly more attention, although it would be wise to cultivate a relationship with the new Moon.

The New Moon and the Full Moon are therefore two distinct phenomena. By consequence, they are very distinct implications in our lives and they can be differentlely accompanied by rituals.

If we know what a New Moon and Full Moon mean and look like and measure the influence and impact of each on our mood, we should know that the Moon's influences are powerful at other times in its cycle and not just when it is  new or full  status!

By following, I invite you to read the posts related in detail to the New Moon and the Full Moon

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Full Moon of March 25, 2024: how will the Moon and the eclipse impact astrological signs? (II)

(continuation of this previous post)

The signs most impacted by the Full Moon of March 25, 2024

Of course, Libra is most affected by these energies of change. Our cards advise you “to no longer accept everything out of love”, Libra friend. Then, for the other Air signs, namely Gemini and Aquarius: “don’t try to save the other and play nurse”. Instead, get out of your usual patterns and understand that this person does not want to be helped. Finally, for all signs of the zodiac: “a rebalancing of our place in all our relationships, associations and partnerships” is underway, do not swim against the tide.

The forecasts for all astrological signs

Don't be afraid of all these energies, we will enlighten you with her detailed forecasts, for each astrological sign.

Aries: you are on the front line

On March 25, the Full Moon in Libra is an eclipse as a finale and shakes up all our relationships. You are first in line to make a wish for happiness for two. Your individuality and independence are not, or no longer, incompatible with a lasting union. If you argue often or if the dialogue is cut off, this will be the time to reopen it to move forward, together or apart but in peace. Your partner must respect your freedom. Single, you become more cautious about your big illusions and beliefs in Prince Charming and the pretty Sleeping Beauty. Get out of competitions because it’s time for big declarations.

Taurus: Say Goodbye to Toxicity

The Full Moon coupled with an eclipse pushes you to abandon all co-dependent or toxic relationships. Difficult conclusions will have to be made and, for once, your interests will have to come first. Be careful not to stay attached to one person, in love or at work, for security or the need for profit. Get out of all competition because you are already rich in yourself. New groups, people and interests await you. A separation or divorce could still mobilize you, defend your interests and prioritize your joy of life above all else.

Gemini: speech frees you

On March 25, the Moon gives you the strength to free yourself from small daily or family troubles that were still taking up too much of your time, money, patience or energy. Air, movement and a real chance to make peace in a complicated relationship are within your reach. A heartfelt conversation might happen or an unexpected encounter in a completely new environment. Your differences will be strengths.

Cancer: change is here

The Moon in Libra highlights your relationships and trials you have gone through. After a breakup, a loss and probably a few complicated years, you finally get back up. Changes are coming for spring and, if you are still single, a more peaceful and quiet meeting. As a couple and as a family, set the intention to stay united despite your differences. Favor quality over quantity in emotional matters and move forward with a lighter heart. You are invited, if you have not already done so, to free yourself from a toxic relationship.

Leo: from surprise to surprise

On March 25, the Moon coupled with an eclipse has a number of surprises in store for you: a meeting, love at first sight or a couple's decision could take place to completely change your romantic reality towards a very beautiful tomorrow. These emotional transformations will be more mature and oriented towards the long term. Believe in it without excessive suspicion because a real relationship opportunity is within your reach.

(to be continued)

Full Moon of March 25, 2024: how will the Moon and the eclipse impact astrological signs? (I)

The first Full Moon of spring, that of March 25, 2024, occurs during a lunar eclipse. Powerful energies, coupled with that of Libra, the moon sign par excellence. An explosive combo we will explain in details.

Spring has arrived with the equinox and Ostara on March 20, but already a first Full Moon coupled with an eclipse has reshuffled the cards. The Moon will be full on March 25, 2024 at 8 a.m. Paris time, the energies the strongest will therefore be present during the night from Sunday to Monday. What does she have in store for us?

What does this Full Moon in Libra have in store for us?

This Full Moon of March 25, 2024 is placed in the opposite sign of Libra (the Sun is in Aries, it is the start of the zodiacal year), in "a penumbral lunar eclipse". According to our observations, it encourages “new relationships, pushes us to move forward and break free.”

During the last days of this rising Moon, you will feel the wind of revelation, awareness and the unexpected arriving. We see in this lunation a conclusion, a last goodbye to “everything we have left, released, liberated, cried, finished over the last 6 months, since October 2023”.

With thidss Full Moon in Libra, new desires and new relational choices open up. You can help and love another, but more at the expense of your personal love. The sacrifice is over. You now know how to set your limits.

The negative effects of this Full Moon: watch out for breakups!

First eclipse of the eclipse season of 2024. “It sheds light on and in our relationships” by shedding light on problems, particularly relational ones, Zaza develops. Placed in the sign of Libra (in the South Node), it invites us to let go and let go of the past.

We no longer seek to be validated by the other, this is what this Full Moon in eclipse changes and which could produce sparks. But who says sparks can also mean meeting and love at first sight! Whatever the case, our relational patterns are intended to change during this lunation; it is the time for renewal, especially in our hearts and our feelings.

Full Moon Eclipse: why is the Moon red?

What exactly is a Full Moon eclipse? From an astronomical point of view, a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is placed between the Sun and the Moon. In these moments the lights emitted by the Sun are obstructed and do not reach the Moon, except the color red, the color with the longest wavelength is the only one to pass through the Earth's atmosphere and reach the Moon, thus tinting it red.

(to be continued)

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thanks to The Moon, It would Be Possible to Know If Your Partner is Your Soulmate (II)

 Once this information is at your disposal, all you have to do is go to TikTok…


The whole principle of this trend is based on a simple filter. This magical filter would allow the two moons of the partners to be superimposed to ensure that the combination of the two creates a full moon. Only when the moon is full can we consider that the two people are made for each other. If there is the slightest hole, or if the moon is incomplete, for followers of the theory, the couple is "invalid".

To do the test, it is therefore necessary to know the exact shape that the moon had on the day of its birth and that of its partner. To find the information, it is essential to have the day, place and time of birth before consulting a lunar calendar to find out what shape the moon had that day.