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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Does the Full Moon have any effects on humans? (III)

This is a continuation of a previous post

No more births for the Full Moon

Beliefs die hard and many people are convinced that children are no longer born on Full Moon evenings! This idea certainly comes from the links we make between the lunar cycle (29 days) and menstrual cycles (around 28 days). Midwives and gynecologists will guarantee that maternity wards are overwhelmed on these nights. But what is it really? The latest study19, carried out by American scientists, seriously calls this idea into question. The researchers recorded all child births that occurred in North Carolina over four years, between 1997 and 2001, representing more than 500,000 deliveries.

Result: they found an identical number of births during the different phases of the lunar cycle. Likewise, there are no more cesarean sections or twin births on Full Moon evenings. The mystery of pregnancy remains unsolved, since we still do not know precisely the element that will cause the birth of a baby. Future mothers, there is no way to predict with certainty the length of your pregnancy or the date of your delivery. Only the healthcare professional can estimate it, based on the first day of the last period.

In the meantime, the scientists who carried out the study have not said whether they will tackle another thorny problem: whether we should have our hair cut during this same Full Moon, so that it grows back more quickly. ? Ultimately, if the Full Moon, its different quarters and the lunar calendar can have effects on animals or plants, these are minimal on human nature. The only thing that sharply increases on Full Moon days: baseless superstitions... believed by 80% of nurses and 64% of doctors!

How to sleep well on a full moon night?

Do you think you are sensitive to the Full Moon and are afraid of having a bad night? Certain habits can help you relax and get to sleep.

  • Practice physical activity during the day to channel your energy;
  • Avoid alcohol consumption;
  • As for your plate, eat light in the evening and favor lean proteins, as well as semi-complete starchy foods, which are more digestible. This is also an opportunity to choose foods rich in melatonin such as oats, barley, rice, ginger, bananas, olives, hazelnuts and walnuts, potatoes, etc.;
  • Hydrate yourself sufficiently and try green tea for its relaxing caffeine, with jasmine or lavender;
  • Before bed, encourage calm activities, and stop all screen activity at least 1 hour before going to bed.
  • Several plants can also have a beneficial effect and soothe you before bed:

  • Valerian root is known to be a natural tranquilizer. It can be consumed as a decoction (1 teaspoon of roots per cup of boiled water) in capsules or ampoules;
  • The essential oil of lavender (or fine or true lavender, has a soothing, relaxing and anti-stress action. It can be inhaled by placing 2 drops on a tissue. Or in massage: by adding 6 drops of EO of lavender to a teaspoon of sweet almond vegetable oil and slowly massaging the solar plexus, the arch of the foot, the inside of the wrists, the temples;
  • Marjoram essential oil can be added to your bath by mixing 5 drops with 5 drops of lavandin, all in bath salt.

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