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Friday, July 12, 2024

Meet your soulmate: how does it work?

You are single and you envy your friends who have perfect love with their darling. However, the expression “love is around the corner” leaves you skeptical. Meet your soulmate is a mix of several factors to take into account.

#findsoulmate: Love, meeting: the result of chance or alchemy?

In fact, there is no clear-cut answer, it's a bit of both... Indeed, psychologists believe that to meet your soulmate, you must above all be free in your head, truly available, in other words ready to love. For example, you take the metro on the same route for months, and you do not notice your neighbor who, however, also takes the same route. No click, the meeting does not take place. And then the famous spark arises, of an essentially psychological nature for some, essentially chemical for others. He or she will say a word that you will be sensitive to, make a small gesture that is so charming, give such a moving look, and the process will be triggered.

Why him ? Why she ?

Beyond any rational explanation, alchemy operates and touches the deepest depths of everyone's emotions. Even if everything seems due to chance, there is in fact an unconscious theater which will allow the rapprochement. As Freud said, alluding to the Oedipus complex: “To find the loved object is, in short, only to find it again. Here are the beloved parents who resurface, but also the child that we were and that we always remain a little in the corner of our minds.» During the shock of love, it is the other who resonates with the child buried within oneself, and who brings to the surface a host of buried emotions. But chemistry also plays a part in the dating process. By wanting to consider only our psychic impulses in love, we risk no longer understanding anything.

The “animal” factor of romantic encounters

Man is not a little animal and a lot human, nor the reverse, he is 100% animal and 100% human. Biology acts in us as much as our culture and our personal history.» Thus, odors intervene in the processes of attraction: those which stimulate our desire because they excite our olfactory memory (memories often linked to childhood or our love life), but also those which we do not not smell distinctly and yet play an essential role. 

We can also notice that if romantic and sexual activity does not experience a real seasonal break, certain annual rhythms seem to persist, which is perfectly explained since the level of sexual hormones, both female and male, varies during the year. , depending on the environment. Finally, what if we simply talked about – and more beautifully – “alchemy” between two individuals?

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