Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The eclipse of the century. What you need to know about the April 8 eclipse (III)

this is a follow up of a prevoius post

Attending an astronomical event which has an apparent impact on Earth is also a testimony to our “connection with the Cosmos”, according to him. Experiencing it in a group is even better. “It’s like when the Canadian scores a goal for hockey fans, it’s a collective experience. If you're watching a game at home, it's not the same as being at the stadium, arena or sports bar, right? »

Confused animals

The drop in brightness during the partial eclipse causes behavioral changes in nature. They can easily be observed in birds, among others. “For them, it’s the end of the day. They sing a bit like at sunset, they become calmer. [...] It's the night that begins, even if it's very disturbing, because it only lasts three or four minutes. » When the Sun reappears in the sky, we witness the opposite effect: the birds begin to sing again and the vegetation returns to its usual state.

Stay warm !

With the gradual disappearance of the Sun in the sky, “we will feel a drop in temperature”. The mercury could drop four or five degrees in the area of totality, and even up to 10 degrees, depending on the location and the weather that day. Winds can also change direction or gain strength. To avoid unpleasant surprises, Robert Lamontagne advises dressing accordingly. “Wrap yourself a little wool, because we're going to feel that it's cold! »

Eclipses, an astrological mystery

Draconian changes, emotional upheavals, a dragon that devours the Sun... Astrological traditions around the world have attempted to explain eclipses, but also to determine their influence on human life. “The life of our ancestors was organized around the Cosmos, that is to say that the sky had a capital importance for them on several levels”, much more than for us, underlines the astrophysicist. However, no effects on humans have been proven so far by science.

A distant future without a total eclipse?

Throughout the entire period of human civilization, solar eclipses have had the same appearance, occurring in partial, total or annular form. But that hasn’t always been the case on Earth – and that could also change in several hundred million years.

As the Moon moves away from our planet, at a leisurely pace of a few centimeters per year, its relative size in the sky decreases. This change is imperceptible on our scale, but a day will still come when the Moon will no longer be able to cover the Sun in its entirety. “From that moment on, we will have solar eclipses, but they will always be annular,” explains Robert Lamontagne. And that’s going to happen in about 600 million years. »

Conversely, hundreds of millions, even billions of years ago, the Moon occupied a much larger place in the sky. Eclipses were therefore more frequent, and lasted much longer.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Symbolism of the New Moon

The New Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the previous phase. We are reminded to reflect on the cyclical nature of reality, to see that every beginnings and ends are in a constant relationships, because every beginning is an end, and every end is a beginning.

In astrology, Sun represents spirit whereas Moon represents  physical and emotional body

 What does it mean when these two conjunct? One of my teachers speaks of the New Moon as a gestation period. It is the right moment when the physical and emotional body can rest and reset in the womb of one’s spirit. No separation exists during this phase.

There is significance in any sort of conjunction, which is when separate elements join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and the Moon, which were recently in union during the full phase of the lunar cycle and then separated, join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and Moon combine and separate themselves, only to recombine in a continued and an everlasting cycle.

This is the relationship - the alchemy - between spirit and matter that can be consciously attuned to if we take heed of the magic of the New and Full Moon cycles.

From a psychological perspective, the Sun represents awareness and the expression of light that emanates from Source. The Moon represents our emotions that reflect our experience of that light. The new Moon can bring us into a careful investigation of how our emotions continue to ebb and flow within the steady light of awareness.

Why Every Next New Moon is Different

Well, \every Moon cycle is in a different sign of the zodiac, which means not only will have its own particular flavor, but it will exist somewhere different within your personal birth chart. Each iteration of the new Moon brings a specific invitation wnd energy in your life.

Why the New Moon Affects You

The Full Moon is characterized by the Sun which opposes the Moon and which illuminates "what is going or not going well" explains Zaza, in your new intention, your new start or your projects. When the New Moon increases in energetic power for 15 days, the Full Moon has its full power as soon as it opposes the Sun, on the evening of the Full Moon, then gradually descends in terms of energies, over the following 15 days.

What to Do During the New Moon

For centuries, the new Moon has been considered an ideal time for seeding things. As such, it is often talked about as the time to set intentions for the lunar cycle that is being birthed. Lesser known is the fact that in many cultures, the Moon wasn’t considered to be “new” until her light returned from the phase of observable darkness.

This by no means implies that we should discontinue setting intentions during the New Moon. However, this knowledge enables us to experience the dark phase as an invitation to feel into the cycle from a more embodied perspective.

New Moon Rituals

The New Moon is "a new beginning" and it is also an opportunity to take stock of our intentions, desires and projects. You can write them down on a sheet of paper, “fold it and keep it under our pillow,” . We can also take advantage of the New Moon to recharge our crystals in order to “launch all our projects” specifies the astrologer.

You should return to this orientation with the New Moon every month. This time is like being in the womb, the place of gestation, receiving the nourishment of being in the dark, and connecting with something more than myself in order to go on the journey of actualizing at the next Full Moon.