Showing posts with label moon sign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon sign. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (III)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

In the Middle Ages, it was said that sexual desire intensified on Full Moon nights. Marriage proposals would therefore be more numerous on these evenings.

In the past, when a young girl wanted to know the date of her wedding, all she had to do was hold out her silk handkerchief facing the Full Moon. The number of moons reflected there then indicated the number of years to wait. Whoever dreamed of a Full Moon could hope to get married soon.

In China, at the imperial court, women drew their eyebrows in the shape of a crescent.

In Greenland, young ladies do not dare to fix their gaze on the Moon, for fear of finding themselves pregnant.

Among the Celts: the year did not last 365 days, but 364, because the Druids based themselves on lunations to establish their calendar. As a result, their zodiac does not include twelve, but thirteen astrological signs.

Lunar calendar 2024: when will the next Full Moon take place?

If the New Moon corresponds to the start of the lunation, the Full Moon announces the waning cycle. To find out when the latter takes place, refer to the lunar calendar below. You will know everything about the cycle of the Moon and will be able to plan how to maintain your garden, know when to recharge your crystals, or even plan a magical ceremony between witches!

What is my moon sign?

In astrology, the Moon reveals our most secret character traits, frees our intuition and our emotions. As there are zodiac signs, there are lunar signs. To find out what your moon sign is, you can refer to your birth chart. Whatever sign your Moon is in, discover its influence on your personality.

Same thing with your Black Moon, represented by Lilith. Originally, the dark goddess or "anti-Eve", as our astrologer calls her, refused to submit to Adam. In your astrological chart, it informs you about the wounds of your past. It draws attention to a behavior or situation that may have hurt you emotionally. Quickly discover the influence of Lilith in your birth chart.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Your cosmic fingerprint, written in the stars.

Over the next few minutes, we will explore your Moon Sign and the exact phase of the Moon on the day you were born.

We will reveal exactly how these two powerful, yet often overlooked, astrological aspects influence your personality, life, innermost desires, and even your destiny.

While your Star Sign is associated with your ego and outward expression to the world, your Moon Sign embodies the more hidden, instinctual, emotional aspects of your personality that exist below the surface, and represents the real you.Because of this strong connection to your true self, many astrologers now believe that your Moon Sign is even more important than your star sign. By understanding your personal Moon Sign and Moon Phase you will learn vital truths about yourself and how others perceive you.

You’ll also discover how to use your Moon Sign’s unique qualities to conquer specific challenges you may be facing and tap into your lunar potential to align with your life’s purpose.

So, if you're ready, we’ll try to see more.

Your Moon Reading is calculated by using the date, time and location of your birth to determine the exact celestial position and phase of the moon.This is a map of the solar system and planets on your birthday.