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Finding Your Soulmate Soulmate sketch Save Marriage Cosmic Whispers Annual Personalized Horoscope

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Gemini and Aquarius Find Soulmate (I)

gemini and aquarius find soulmate
During the night of this Friday to Saturday July 6, 2024, around 0 a.m (GMT)., the new moon will form in the sign of Cancer alongside the sun which has already resided there since June 21

On this occasion, a series of important events take place, namely:
  • - Neptune began its retrograde march towards the sign of Pisces
  • - Mercury entered the sign of Leo
  • - New Moon on Saturday (to see more what New Moon means, please go here)

In the following we will analyze the effect of these events on each astrological sign

Before that, however, we must offer a general overview

Well, in the sky, it was on July 2 that Neptune (the planet of intuition, inspiration, spirituality) began its retrograde march in the sign of Pisces, where it will stay until December 7. At the same time, Mercury (the planet of communication, of exchanges) entered Leo, where it will extend there until July 26. In the sky, the planets come together to create above our heads an atmosphere conducive to the exploration of all that, in our life, certainly secures us, but also confines us, all those habits which allow us to maintain around us a reassuring framework, but which, paradoxically, distances us from life, from its unforeseen events, these meetings against a backdrop of happy synchronicities.

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo offers us the strength and courage to put on the armor we need to face what scares us, to remove the social mask that makes us renounce who we are. If the energies that surround us in no way encourage us to ignore fears which, like an alarm ringing, keep us away from dangers by warning us, they rather invite us to become aware of the underlying messages that fear sends to us, of situations past that she points to and which can be at the origin of several of our mechanisms. As Communication planet, Mercury will help Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate this new moon

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to look at everything that exists beyond the boundaries that we have erected, it asks us with immense gentleness what we would do, spontaneously, if we were not afraid... It invites us to draw the outline of these fears, to identify them, to redefine the word “failure”, the word “success”, and finally, to observe the way in which the views of those around us could impact our decision-making.

In short, the sky for this weekend promises to be foggy, and at its center, the moon, true to itself, sublimated in Cancer, calls on us to focus all our attention on ourselves, our interior, and in this whole of things, everything that is conditioned by social norms which often differ from our deep desires, and from what we really aspire to. The moon, at home, works to create all around us a cocoon of protection which is in no way confining, which invites us not to seek security at all costs, but rather the confidence which resides in our ability to adapt. , to surf the waves of life rather than letting ourselves be overwhelmed by them.

(To be continued related to new moon and how Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Find Soulmate With Power of Moon Phases(II)

moon phase soulmate
How to win the favor of the Universe?

To find your moon phase soulmate, you first need to discover which of the eight moon phases were happening at the time of your birth, since each phase is associated with unique traits and energies. As with most compatibility quizzes, you then compare your moon phase soulmate with that of your partner or potential partner

I must immediately warn you that the Universe is not necessarily “fair” and that it responds above all to people who move at its own pace. You may find this unfair, but the Universe has very good reasons to favor certain people. 

Especially those who make others happy, who give generously, and who have a positive influence on the world. It is therefore quite natural that he prioritizes their wishes because by responding to the wishes of those who have a positive impact on those around them, he then allows more people to find happiness. 

Between fulfilling the wishes of a person who only thinks of themselves and those of another who wishes to share the richness and joy of their manifestation with as many people as possible, who would you choose? I bet you'll prefer the latter. And the Universe would do the same."

You see, wishes are accessible to everyone, whatever the religions and spiritual trends, and it would be a shame to deprive oneself of them. To be effective, they must be adapted to the lunar phase. In the “Power wish” method, the author guides us step by step to properly formulate our wishes. Here are the 6 rules for writing a powerful wish, but to understand them completely, we recommend getting the book:

  • Rule 1: Write your wishes as intentions at the New Moon and write them as a statement of gratitude at the Full Moon;
  • Rule 2: take into account the characteristics of the zodiac sign in which the New Moon and Full Moon are located;
  • Rule 3: Use anchoring affirmations and anchors;
  • Rule 4: Incorporate Powerful Words (Words that Easily Connect to the Universe)
  • Rule 5: Finish writing your wish within ten hours of the New Moon or Full Moon
  • Rule 6: You can make as many wishes as you want!
Compatible moon phases could help contribute to overall compatibility, of course, but they're not essential to a healthy relationship, nor do they guarantee soulmate status. That said, always go with your gut and how you feel about a person over what their birth chart or moon phase soulmate might tell you about them

How to see soulmate in astrology?

Find your rising sun sign or seventh house on the left side of your natal chart. Look for partners that have the sign opposite to your sign on the chart. Alternatively, use the key at the bottom of your natal chart to find your Mars-Venus degree. Your soulmate is likely to have a similar number as their degree.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cancer Love Horoscope 2024 - Meet Soulmate

cancer meet soulmate
A happiness set to last for the sign of Cancer in this year 2024... Find out what the stars have in store for you and how this new year will take shape in terms of love Find when Cancer meet soulmate

Your relationship lives up to your romantic expectations. Singles could well meet soulmate at the start of the year thanks to a very favorable cluster of planets.

Cancer love horoscope: what love future has in store for you in 2024?

Alone or as a couple, your charm is exalted and you have everything to be happy from March to the beginning of April, from mid-June to the beginning of July, and from the end of September to mid-October. You have the most success in May and August. For the rest of the year, you feel the need for a dose of romance. Little touches in the couple, a new and refreshing perspective on each other... Single, you dream of a meeting worthy of a romantic comedy.

Find the love forecasts for 2024, for all signs of the zodiac.

Cancer love horoscope 2024: for couples?

With Venus opposite your sign at the beginning and end of the year, it is your partner, or your suitor, who holds the keys to your happiness. The flow goes well with her or him, if you focus on the complicity and complementarity of your characters. Rest assured, you often have the beautiful role too. The stars are very favorable. Well placed for your sign in 2024, Saturn (time) and Neptune (the ideal) perpetuate your relationship while Jupiter watches over your emotional development until May. As a couple, if you strategically withdraw into your shell, you risk exasperating him even more in April and September.

2024 love horoscope for the astro sign Cancer: and for singles?

Attention Cancer singles! A meeting at the start of 2024 or nice surprises throughout the year, in any case you will not be left out during the next 12 months.

When will Cancer meet soulmate in 2024?

Uranus (change) also has nice surprises in store for singles. There is love at first sight in the air at the end of March and at the beginning of July, October and December. No rush, the one of your heart can sometimes be demanding, even too pressing in his expectations in April or too inconsistent in September. If you meet someone during these times, wait until you know more before committing.

Cancer Love horoscope 2024: the best date of the year for Cancer

This is not a date for you but rather a key period, in this case from March 21 to April 5, 2024. But you don't have to be disappointed because the period has passed; it will repeat itself every year, so you just need a little patience Venus located in the sign of Water (your element) concentrates its power of seduction on you. Its multiple good aspects with Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune announce a lasting relationship based on trust. If you are single, you have a good chance to Cancer meet soulmate during this period.

If interested more regarding when Cancer meet soulmate, please, leave a comment here

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Find Soulmate With Power of Moon Phases(I)

find soulmate with powr of moon phases

Twice a month, Moon listens our wishes and transmits them to the universe.  Let's see how to make our wishes come true with the powers of the Moon

If you are skeptical, know that the influence of the Moon has now been scientifically proven! If you want to experience magic (the soul acts) and discover the power of your intentions like that of the Moon, let us guide you find soulmate with power of Moon phases.

As I said, twice a month Moon listens our wishes. By consequence, the cycle of the Moon offers us the opportunity to take stock, both on what we really want, on what we have achieved and which has brought us joy, as well as on what still resists us. By crossing the different signs of the zodiac, it diffuses their energies and invites us to see the world differently, a bit as if we were wearing the glasses of each astrological sign. This is why we like to consult the lunar calendar which allows us to follow the evolution of our satellite in the sky and on the zodiac wheel. 

The Power wish method

"The Power Wish" method of powerful wishes is a manifestation technique that fully utilizes your innate force of gravity (personal moon sign) as well as that of the Moon (daily moon sign). It is an extremely precise way to manifest your wishes and dreams using the gravity of the Moon when it is at its peak, at the new moon and at the full moon. I will explain this Power wish method in detail, in the next lines

How does invoking the Moon work?

The new moon, which occurs every month, is the day when the Moon and Sun are perfectly aligned. Many people also have the habit of writing down their dreams and wishes on this day. But do you know why wishes come true when you write them on the new moon? The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. A presence that connects Earth to the Universe. Imagine that the Moon is a sort of “exchange office” responsible for providing a link between the inhabitants of Earth and the other planets of the solar system. 

Do not forget, twice a month, Moon listens our wishes. Therefore our reference exchange office for transmitting our wishes to the Universe. The Moon is not the only one working hard for us and, strictly speaking, it is the Universe that manifests our wish. However, given that the Moon has served as a bureau de change for over two hundred million years, it is undoubtedly the simplest way to send our wishes to the Universe in order to find soulmate with power of Moon phases.

The Moon is the agent of the Earth

You are undoubtedly familiar with the operation of most commercial brands which have authorized resellers who act as satellite “agents” for them. Thus, you can order the desired object in a local store (make a wish), then receive it (the wish comes true). Invoking the Moon to make a wish come true is the same process and the latter is the "agent" of the Earth which transmits our wishes to the Universe. However, it is worth remembering that timing is key, as the Universe does not accept orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Like business opening hours, it limits the acceptance of orders. charge of our wishes two days a month.(...)

(to be continued)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Full Moon in June (II) - Soulmate Adventure

(prediction on how full moon affects on every signs start here)

full moon inspires soulmate adventure
Taurus: This Strawberry Full Moon in June is the perfect time to challenge yourself and try something new. To do this, step away from the small details that distract you and take a hard look at your overall plans. A lunation that pushes you to open your mind and soul to new horizons. You might be ready, literally and figuratively, to take on new territory,

Gemini, examine your relationships and be honest (with yourself and others). If you owe someone something, whether it's money or a favor, this full moon is the perfect time to honor your word. It’s time to erase your debts and free yourself from any persistent energy baggage. Indeed, you could enter a discussion period with a partner or separate and go your own way,

Cancer: Realize the importance of building healthy connections with others. To do this, clean up your relationships. The full moon in June rises in your relationship sector, encouraging you to take the reins of your closest partnerships and steer things in a clearer direction. If something needs to change, do it now. For their part, singles should look for someone who has long-term potential,

Leo, this exceptional lunation will not be easy for you. But don't be afraid to work hard to achieve your goals. This full moon in June may inspire you to improve your productivity and catch up on work tasks or personal responsibilities that have dragged on a little too long. Warning: this moon is going to make you immensely busy.

The full moon in June will be synonymous with impetuousness and determination for Virgo. Put your heart into passion projects to have a soulmate adventure/ Give your most cherished hobbies a chance to become something more. There may be something lucrative hidden in what you love. Speaking of love, you might feel that pleasure, passion, romance and fun are a priority.

Libra, to get what you want, you need to make sure your foundations are strong. This full moon invites you to check that the earth is under your feet to meet a soulmate aventure. Is your family life functional? Is your living space conducive to productivity and peace?. So if you're upset about something, make sure you step in and fix it as soon as you can

Sorpio: It's not enough to want it for power, Scorpio. So impose your ideas and projects. You have big dreams and big aspirations and sometimes taking small steps is the most effective way to get to the top. This full moon asks you to get down to business, also you could focus on an important writing, speaking or communication project.

Sagittarius, stop unnecessary spending. This lunation will help you finally reorganize your finances and stop money madness. This pragmatic full moon is a fabulous time to ditch frivolous spending habits and start adopting a more frugal, money-wise mindset. Because spending doesn’t make happiness… and saving could help you in a future project.

You are the star of this Capricorn new moon, so shine like the star that you are. The most important lunation of the year is here for you. With the full moon in your sign, it's time to honor your needs and make your goals the number one priority. Make a list of things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year, then make an another list of practical steps you can take to achieve this. A soulmate adventura might be an option

Aquarius: be careful to take care of your mental health during this full moon in June. Because it will be particularly intense for you. It might even make you feel "a little exhausted. So if you don’t take time to rest and take care of the needs of your soul, you won’t be able to do things effectively. Listen to your heart under this full moon and honor the fact that productivity requires self-care,

What if it was time to honor the strength of community, Pisces? Don’t neglect the many resources and support systems around you right now, because working together and collaborating with others can help you achieve your Full Moon goals faster than you could alone. Get ready to meet new people and expand your network.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Full Moon in June (I) - Time to rethink professional life

full moon efects on every sign
A few days ago, on June 22, the sky was adorned with a brilliant full moon, in the strong sign of Capricorn. 

An exceptional lunation, also called Strawberry Moon, which will take up residence in the strong and tenacious sign of Capricorn.

A monthly event that sounded like an ode to love and introspection, not forgetting that it could disrupt our finances and career plans. The next comming time will be synonymous with renewal and transformations.

What should we expect for this summer lunation? First conclusion, the full moon in Capricorn is a good time to rethink professional life and not only as, full moon effects on every sign


The energy of Capricorn, a powerful Earth sign, will create a real wave of change: the latter will be infused into our lives Capricorn is more than ever linked to professional success, career issues, public recognition and the legacy we will build..

Known for his determination and discipline, Capricorn uses his powerful horns in his own way to assert himself. So this full moon is a good time to focus on your long-term goals and the structures of your life. That's why ir the perfect time to rethink  professional life

A lunation in a sign known to be a force of nature, which will push us to return to our sources and enjoy a bath in the forest and vegetation. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike, or a simple gardening session, connecting with nature can help you feel grounded and in tune with the energy of the moon 


But other cosmic movements will add real power to this full moon. First, it will be the first of two consecutive full moons in Capricorn, which is particularly rare. As consequence, full moon effects on every sign will be very sensible.

And that's not all: self-care and self-compassion will be necessary in these celestial upheavals: "the entry of Mercury and Venus into Cancer on the 17th, followed by the start of the solstice and the Cancer season on the 20th, infuses the cosmos a more compassionate and loving energy, which we should direct towards ourselves first and foremost.

Finally, as this full moon occurs at dawn on June 22 - at 2:07 a.m. (GMT) - this alignment with the summer solstice will add a little more intensity. The longest day of the year is certainly one to celebrate, and we will be even more energized and ready to enjoy it thanks to the full moon in Capricorn which will peak the following day, Try to rethink your professional life and not only


But not all signs will see the energy of this full moon have effects on their lives. So let's see this full moon effects on every sign

Aries, it's time to put aside your tendency to prioritize your personal life. Because on this full moon, the professional will be more than decisive! This full moon invites you to get to work and focus on your professional goals. A little pragmatism can go a long way, you could see a major career breakthrough coming your way.

(to be continued)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Moon in Cancer - See Who Will Meet The Soulmate

who will meet the soulmate
This way we'll reveal the astrological sign who will meet the soulmate on Friday June 28

According to experts, an astrological sign will meet the soulmate on Friday June 28. This phenomenon is due to a particular alignment of the planets, creating an atmosphere conducive to romantic encounters and deep connections.

The stars are sending clear signals, and it is crucial to understand these influences to take full advantage of this favorable period.

The astrological sign who will meet the love of her life on Friday June 28

Currently, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, is transiting the sign of Leo, while Mars, the symbol of action and passion, is in Aries. This alignment strongly stimulates romantic energies, prompting astrological signs to actively seek compatible partners.

At the same time, the Moon in Cancer favors emotions and feelings, making this period particularly ideal for new encounters and the beginnings of deep and meaningful relationships.

The astrological sign of Libra will meet the love of her life on Friday June 28

Those born under the sign of Libra are preparing to experience a magical moment. Libra, ruled by Venus, is naturally associated with harmony, beauty and love. The astrological sign of Libra will meet the love of her life on Friday June 28.

This crucial moment is supported by favorable planetary aspects, which bring balanced and loving energy into the lives of Libras. Known for their charm and ability to attract others, Libras will see these qualities amplified during this time.

Libra natives have a natural affinity for balanced and harmonious relationships. With Venus in Leo, their attractiveness will be at its peak, making it easier than ever to meet someone special.

Additionally, the influence of Mars in Aries will bring a dose of courage and initiative, pushing Libras to make bold decisions in love. Libra is also a sign that deeply appreciates beauty and aesthetics, and this period could see encounters in artistic or aesthetic venues, such as art galleries or cultural events.

The outlook for Libras from June 28 is exceptionally promising. Planetary influences create a perfect atmosphere for new romantic encounters . Furthermore, another astrological sign will meet the love of her life soon, so she will begin a period of happiness on Tuesday, June 25, thanks to the entry of Venus into its house of family and home.

To maximize their chances, Libras should remain open and receptive to opportunities that present themselves, while following their instincts when it comes to relationships. Take advantage of this positive energy and let the stars guide you towards your soulmate and romantic happiness.

If you're interested to know whwn you will meet the soulmate, please leave a comment here and we will be back to you