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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Moon Soulmate Test (II)

how do you know if someone is your soulmate
And according to a very popular data on TikTok, it would be possible to know, from the beginning of a relationship, if our new love will be eternal. By aligning the “moon phase” of the members of the couple, we could indeed measure their compatibility.

If some people may be tempted by the idea of ​​making the astral chart of their new lover, in order to check their astrological compatibility with the latter, another cosmic data could also be interesting, in order to know if our soulmate has (finally) found a place in our life.

This parameter, less consulted, is the "phase of the moon" and more precisely the one which colors the moment of your birth - and that of your loved one -.

According to some experts, and populat data on TikTok , comparing them could give us valuable information for the future of the relationship. But what is it really?


This sudden interest draws its source from yet another TikTok trend which argues that your natal moon phase - or moon phase - has an impact on your personality and - therefore, on your compatibility with others.

But what does our moon phase mean about us? The lunar phase is, in fact, very important because it gives a lot of information on the portrait psychological of the person, on their future desires and thus helps us to better understand why we change. The answer to question: "how do you know if someone is your soulmate" comes form here.

"If we understand ourselves better, we can also get along better with other people. But it is all aspects of the moon, the Sun and many other things that count. This factor alone is not determining, neither for our personality, nor for compatibility".

If interest in astrology has exploded in recent years, more and more precise data are being scrutinized. While not so long ago the majority of people knew their solar and ascendant signs, we are now talking about lunar signs, Mercury retrogrades or even the influence of certain planets on our lives.

It’s a double-edged observation. to find how do yo know if someone is ypur soulmate, we will learn to know ourselves better, which is positive, but we will also more easily fall into false interpretations and that can influence us, create beliefs, disorient us and why not, make us miss out on our soulmate , because our trajectory will have changed, nuance some experts.


In thousands of videos, Internet users superimpose their "moon phase" with that of their other - using a specific calculator. And depending on the alignments, the interpretations are multiple.

Some people who follow this trend assume that the moon should appear full when you align the two people's moon phases, while others think you should have the same moon phase. In some cases, others think Moon phase compatibility is more about balancing differences, like yin and yang, than how they look when you align them.

Because, according to the astrologer, there is no need to compare these phases, because when there is compatibility, we feel “a potential astrological connection”. "In the way of being, of speaking together, we understand that there is already an interaction between the planets of one person and another. We are simply in phase, it is not our lunar phases which are".

Keep in mind that depending on who you ask, you might have different interpretations as to which moon phases are soulmates. If your two moon phases make up a full moon, that doesn't guarantee that you are soulmates After all, given that there are only eight moon phases, that would mean that you are soulmates with every person born under your most compatible moon phase, which would be... one in eight people.

Above all, our point of view is that while an alignment could contribute to “overall compatibility”, it is not the guarantor of a healthy and lasting relationship.\, unless you ask the expert help here for a sharp moon soulmate test. Also, do not forget popular data Tiktok

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