Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Symbolism of the New Moon

The New Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the previous phase. We are reminded to reflect on the cyclical nature of reality, to see that every beginnings and ends are in a constant relationships, because every beginning is an end, and every end is a beginning.

In astrology, Sun represents spirit whereas Moon represents  physical and emotional body

 What does it mean when these two conjunct? One of my teachers speaks of the New Moon as a gestation period. It is the right moment when the physical and emotional body can rest and reset in the womb of one’s spirit. No separation exists during this phase.

There is significance in any sort of conjunction, which is when separate elements join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and the Moon, which were recently in union during the full phase of the lunar cycle and then separated, join one another in order to continue on their path of perfection. The Sun and Moon combine and separate themselves, only to recombine in a continued and an everlasting cycle.

This is the relationship - the alchemy - between spirit and matter that can be consciously attuned to if we take heed of the magic of the New and Full Moon cycles.

From a psychological perspective, the Sun represents awareness and the expression of light that emanates from Source. The Moon represents our emotions that reflect our experience of that light. The new Moon can bring us into a careful investigation of how our emotions continue to ebb and flow within the steady light of awareness.

Why Every Next New Moon is Different

Well, \every Moon cycle is in a different sign of the zodiac, which means not only will have its own particular flavor, but it will exist somewhere different within your personal birth chart. Each iteration of the new Moon brings a specific invitation wnd energy in your life.

Why the New Moon Affects You

The Full Moon is characterized by the Sun which opposes the Moon and which illuminates "what is going or not going well" explains Zaza, in your new intention, your new start or your projects. When the New Moon increases in energetic power for 15 days, the Full Moon has its full power as soon as it opposes the Sun, on the evening of the Full Moon, then gradually descends in terms of energies, over the following 15 days.

What to Do During the New Moon

For centuries, the new Moon has been considered an ideal time for seeding things. As such, it is often talked about as the time to set intentions for the lunar cycle that is being birthed. Lesser known is the fact that in many cultures, the Moon wasn’t considered to be “new” until her light returned from the phase of observable darkness.

This by no means implies that we should discontinue setting intentions during the New Moon. However, this knowledge enables us to experience the dark phase as an invitation to feel into the cycle from a more embodied perspective.

New Moon Rituals

The New Moon is "a new beginning" and it is also an opportunity to take stock of our intentions, desires and projects. You can write them down on a sheet of paper, “fold it and keep it under our pillow,” . We can also take advantage of the New Moon to recharge our crystals in order to “launch all our projects” specifies the astrologer.

You should return to this orientation with the New Moon every month. This time is like being in the womb, the place of gestation, receiving the nourishment of being in the dark, and connecting with something more than myself in order to go on the journey of actualizing at the next Full Moon.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Full Moon of March 25, 2024: how will the Moon and the eclipse impact astrological signs? (II)

(continuation of this previous post)

The signs most impacted by the Full Moon of March 25, 2024

Of course, Libra is most affected by these energies of change. Our cards advise you “to no longer accept everything out of love”, Libra friend. Then, for the other Air signs, namely Gemini and Aquarius: “don’t try to save the other and play nurse”. Instead, get out of your usual patterns and understand that this person does not want to be helped. Finally, for all signs of the zodiac: “a rebalancing of our place in all our relationships, associations and partnerships” is underway, do not swim against the tide.

The forecasts for all astrological signs

Don't be afraid of all these energies, we will enlighten you with her detailed forecasts, for each astrological sign.

Aries: you are on the front line

On March 25, the Full Moon in Libra is an eclipse as a finale and shakes up all our relationships. You are first in line to make a wish for happiness for two. Your individuality and independence are not, or no longer, incompatible with a lasting union. If you argue often or if the dialogue is cut off, this will be the time to reopen it to move forward, together or apart but in peace. Your partner must respect your freedom. Single, you become more cautious about your big illusions and beliefs in Prince Charming and the pretty Sleeping Beauty. Get out of competitions because it’s time for big declarations.

Taurus: Say Goodbye to Toxicity

The Full Moon coupled with an eclipse pushes you to abandon all co-dependent or toxic relationships. Difficult conclusions will have to be made and, for once, your interests will have to come first. Be careful not to stay attached to one person, in love or at work, for security or the need for profit. Get out of all competition because you are already rich in yourself. New groups, people and interests await you. A separation or divorce could still mobilize you, defend your interests and prioritize your joy of life above all else.

Gemini: speech frees you

On March 25, the Moon gives you the strength to free yourself from small daily or family troubles that were still taking up too much of your time, money, patience or energy. Air, movement and a real chance to make peace in a complicated relationship are within your reach. A heartfelt conversation might happen or an unexpected encounter in a completely new environment. Your differences will be strengths.

Cancer: change is here

The Moon in Libra highlights your relationships and trials you have gone through. After a breakup, a loss and probably a few complicated years, you finally get back up. Changes are coming for spring and, if you are still single, a more peaceful and quiet meeting. As a couple and as a family, set the intention to stay united despite your differences. Favor quality over quantity in emotional matters and move forward with a lighter heart. You are invited, if you have not already done so, to free yourself from a toxic relationship.

Leo: from surprise to surprise

On March 25, the Moon coupled with an eclipse has a number of surprises in store for you: a meeting, love at first sight or a couple's decision could take place to completely change your romantic reality towards a very beautiful tomorrow. These emotional transformations will be more mature and oriented towards the long term. Believe in it without excessive suspicion because a real relationship opportunity is within your reach.

(to be continued)

Monday, February 12, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (III)

4. The soulmate adventure.

He’s a weird soulmate type. They have the energy and passion for an adventure. This doesn't necessarily mean you're cheating on someone to get that soul mate. You can be alone and also experience it. It’s exciting and different.

5. Soulmate disaster.

This soul mate comes in like a wrecking ball, so to speak. They come into your life and destroy things that are there. They can arrive peacefully and stay for a long time. They appear in our life when peace needs to be broken and monotony needs to end.

6. Soulmate soul friend

This is the most common type of connection in relationships. These are people you have chosen in your life because your ego, intelligence or emotions are in harmony. You essentially share the same tastes, interests, beliefs, sense of humor and values.

7. The teacher soulmate

Soul teachers are made up of all the people in your life who have come to teach you a lesson. They do not necessarily teach intentionally, but often provide solutions to difficult situations in your life to help you overcome and learn from those situations.

8. Soulmate companion

This is closest to what we commonly define as “soulmate” other than romantic attraction. Soul companions can be men or women, friends or family members. While soul friends are harmonized with us through their identities and the ego, soul companions are in sentimental harmony with us. It is for this reason that a soul companion's nature has a much longer lifespan and stability than that of a soul friend.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (II)

Soulmates serve as our mirrors. What we see in another soul reflects our own soul

When we are able to see other souls as "companions", (including our enemies), as members of our family who are there to teach us life lessons, our entire perception and relationship with others other people changes entirely.

Different Types of Soulmates

In our language we have the word “friend”, and the word “soul mate” which is essentially romantic in nature. But how would you describe someone who falls somewhere in between? Someone who is more than just a “best friend,” but lacks the romantic attraction of a “soul mate”?

We need to create new words to express these relationships we have with others. Here are some words that help distinguish these deep connections we have in life:

1. The soul mate friend.

No, not all soulmates will be romantics. A soulmate friend is essentially your “best friend,” but for life. You never lose track of them and they never lose track of you. They are your soulmate friend.

2. Spiritual soulmate.

This is someone you connect with on a spiritual level more than others for no apparent reason. He is often also a platonic soul mate. You feel like you've known each other for ages, but it's not a romantic, intimate relationship.

3. The foreign soulmate.

The foreign soulmate is a soul mate who leaves as quickly as she came. The relationship is brief and often completely platonic. It's a new friend, a best friend, who moves away a year later, who simply loses all contact with you.

(to be continued)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

8 Different Types of Soulmates Everyone Will Meet and Love in Their Life (I)

Most of us define a soul mate as an ideal romantic partner who will know fulfill all aspects of our being. Soul mates are in tune with us, they are supportive, sexy, smart, funny and will be part of our “happily ever after”history.

The truth is, life isn't quite that simple.

What exactly is a soulmate?

A soulmate is a member of your soul family. These are other souls who come into our lives for one reason or another, and they can be family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and even enemies.

We all have a soul and when we encounter other souls in our lives, the friction of the meeting between two forces of energy can create different, fascinating and stimulating. Some souls have the impression of having known each other in another life, some will clash, and some feel comfortable in the other person's company.

Some of the souls that come into our lives will essentially help us grow in love and wisdom, while others will help us learn difficult life lessons or universal truths.

It doesn't matter if the encounter is fleeting, each soul who comes into our lives has the potential to provide something meaningful to transform the moment; like a girl who smiles at you from the window of a passing bus.

(to be continued)