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Monday, April 29, 2024

Womens challenge: “moon phase” really help find your soulmate (II)

But then, what interpretations for which phase of the moon? Well and Good details the eight phases.

New Moon: "People born during a new moon are spontaneous entrepreneurs who like to follow their impulses, asking for forgiveness rather than permission. They are adventurous and fiery, even a little naive, and they should be wary of 'Peter Pan syndrome '".

Waxing Crescent Moon: "People born during a waxing crescent moon are loyal, as well as creative and caring. They can be a jack of all trades and you can also count on their support, although they may need to learn to defend yourself.

First Quarter Moon: People born under a First Quarter Moon are the changemakers and influencers of the world. They are always looking for ways to improve things and are intelligent and intuitive. They work well under pressure but can struggle to plan long term.”

Waxing Gibbous Moon: "People born under a Waxing Gibbous Moon are determined and passionate. Their work must be meaningful to them, and they tend to be excellent and hard workers. They may resort to unconventional methods. conventional, but they will get the job done, whatever it is."

Full Moon: "People born under the Full Moon are caring, confident and expressive. They may seem extremely lucky because they excel in their manifestation and tend to succeed. They are calm under pressure, which makes them excellent leaders , even though they can be drama magnets.”

Waning Gibbous Moon: "People born under a waning gibbous moon tend to seem like old souls, because they do what they want and don't care what others think. They refuse to engage in a heated discussion unless they are the ones leading the discussion with their original ideas.”

Last Quarter Moon: "People born during a Last Quarter Moon are unique individuals who tend to be renegades at heart. They like to keep the world guessing and don't place a high priority on relationships loving, content with their own company. They are also often very creative and forward-thinking.

Waning Crescent Moon (balsamic): "People born under this last lunar phase may seem a little out of this world. They may have already lived many lives, so they carry great wisdom but also a certain reluctance or sadness to engage in life It is essential that they keep their feet on the ground and enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

Finally, we reiterate that this element, although fun to study, should be taken with a grain of salt.  So, if we really want to have answers, we must keep an open mind to the possibility of false interpretation and consult professionals, to synthesize all this data.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Womens challenge: “moon phase” really help find your soulmate (I)

moon phase reveals soulmate
If some people, like a womens challenge, may be tempted by the idea of making the astral chart of their new lover, in order to check their astrological compatibility with the latter, another cosmic data could also be interesting, in order to know if our soul mate has (finally) found a place in our life.

This parameter, less consulted, is the "phase of the moon" and more precisely the one which colors the moment of your birth - and that of your loved one -.

According to some experts, as Mind Body Green points out a womens challenge, comparing them could give us valuable information for the future of the relationship. But what is it really?


This sudden interest draws its source from yet another TikTok trend which argues that your natal moon phase - or moon phase - has an impact on your personality and - therefore, on your compatibility with others.

But what does our moon phase mean about us? According to the astrologers, the lunar phase is, in fact, very important because it gives a lot of information on the portrait psychological of the person, on their future desires and thus helps us to better understand why we change.

If we understand ourselves better, we can also get along better with other people. But it is all aspects of the moon, the Sun and many other things that matter. This factor alone is not determining, neither for our personality, nor for compatibility.

If interest in astrology has exploded in recent years, more and more precise data are being scrutinized. “While not so long ago the majority of people knew their solar and ascendant signs, we are now talking about lunar signs, Mercury retrogrades or even the influence of certain planets on our lives,” says the specialist. .

However, this is a double-edged observation. “We will learn to know ourselves better, which is positive, but we will also more easily fall into false interpretations and that can influence us, create beliefs, disorient us and why not, make us miss out on our soul mate , because our trajectory will have changed", nuance the experts/


In thousands of videos, Internet users superimpose their "moon phase" with that of their other - using a specific calculator. And depending on the alignments, the interpretations are multiple.

"Some people who follow this trend assume that the moon should appear full when you align the two people's moon phases, while others think you should have the same moon phase. In some cases, others think "Moon phase compatibility is more about balancing differences, like yin and yang, than how they look when you align them," explains Well and Good.

But then, how do you know if you are compatible by observing this data? “Honestly, when I do a love consultation, I never look at whether it’s the same phase or not, whether the two complement each other… It’s not at all something that interests us, alone,”

Because, according to the astrologer, there is no need to compare these phases, because when there is compatibility, we feel “a potential astrological connection”. "In the way of being, of speaking together, we understand that there is already an interaction between the planets of one person and another. We are simply in phase, it is not our lunar phases which are".

"Keep in mind that depending on who you ask, you might have different interpretations as to which moon phases are soulmates. If your two moon phases make up a full moon, that doesn't guarantee that you are soulmates After all, given that there are only eight moon phases, that would mean that you are soul mates with every person born under your most compatible moon phase, which would be... one in eight people. also highlights Mind Body Green.

Above all, our expert reminds that while an alignment could contribute to “overall compatibility”, it is not the guarantor of a healthy and lasting relationship.


That said, knowing our moon phase can always be interesting, to know and understand ourselves better. Especially since the moon is very important in astrology. It’s an element that we take into account, to identify a person. But what defines a phase is not going to be true for all the people who correspond to it, however.

(to be continued)

Friday, April 26, 2024

Flower Language Advice - If you can't find your soul mate(II)

Soulmate Butterfly Flower
And then you do the opposite, which is to say, you say: 'What if I stay alone? It's not the right one, it's not the right one,' what's going on? And you will have two very different feelings. You will see that there, your intuition will inform you and give you a path towards what is actually your current aspiration.

When you want to take action, where do you find your soul mate?

Some will tell you no, this is not where I can meet someone in this place or that. That's a poor excuse. There is no good place. If you go into the story of each couple, you will see that it can be completely surprising, unexpected, the place where we meet. Basically, the first secret of the place of long-term romantic meeting is nonsense, that's clear.

The second secret, which is still very important, and it's what we do in adolescence, is to increase the number of people we meet. You shouldn't hesitate to meet a lot of people, go out, meet these statistics. There is not a single shoe on your feet. There are many pairs that may be suitable. So you have to get out. You shouldn't hesitate, even if there are two places that are well suited to it. It's true, the work, because we meet people and we see them act. And then also when you are introduced by friends because often, they have the sense of: 'well, they could suit him or suit him.' So, don’t hesitate to do that too.

Are lonely people lonely because they are too demanding?

It's true that when we're a couple, we often look for similarities first. So, the more you have invested in an area, whether it is an intellectual, emotional, spiritual area, the more you will look for someone who has also invested a lot in this area. So, in a way, the more choices risk becoming restricted.

However, stay open there too. Last tip, you can make a small list. You need to make your list a little bit of the qualities you are looking for in someone. And when you have made this list of required qualities, you will circle those which seem truly essential, indispensable to you. And when you have surrounded these essential, indispensable qualities, you keep in five. 

This will give you a good idea of what you're really looking for, while remaining very fluid. Again, if there are not the 5. It doesn't matter. Try your luck, you risk nothing."

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Advice if you can't find your soul mate(I) - Like fast fashion

If you are single, and even more so after 30 years, you have probably asked yourself the question: will I, one day, find a soul mate? Will I finally discover the 'rare pearl'? 

These intimate questions are asked by millions of men and women around the world. But then, how can you find the right shoe for you? We try to answer it

The ambivalence of being single in the long term

You may have noticed people around you who are wonderful and yet are always alone. You sometimes have difficulty understanding why he or she cannot find the right match for them. There is sometimes an ambivalence You will have to know if, in fact, your single friend, in any case who remains alone, is not ambivalent about what he wants Because after a certain time, we realize that. some may ultimately relish the benefits of being alone Even though there are obviously also downsides to not being with someone and upsides to being with someone So this ambivalence must be what you're looking for. soul mate, and thinking that if you can't find it, it's not for you.

Make a list of your current priorities, already to know what they are. It's perhaps not at all, moreover, about finding someone, finding a soul mate, forming a couple. So when you're going to make this list, you're also going to put something important next to it.

Maybe today I actually want to devote myself to my work. Let's say that in the next three years, I will focus on this. Why not ? 

There may be a list like this which will allow us to clarify. It lets you know that ultimately, there is no desire on your part at all to be in a relationship. Maybe you'll meet your soul mate, as they say, but at the same time, you have other priorities.

Finding a partner is like "doing job interviews"

Finding a partner is a bit difficult. Sometime is like we are still in a process where we will try to find if we can do business with someone for life and for things perhaps even more serious than work. But in any case, we are still in this process, so really consider your feelings. And you can even do what's called the time travel test.

This means that you sit down and imagine yourself, for example, with a person you have met. Well, I guess you're letting yourself think about old stories a bit, aren't you? You met someone, you close your eyes and you say to yourself: 'I imagine spending my life with you.' You let yourself soak in that a little bit, and you pay attention to the feelings, to the impression it makes on you. 

(to be continued)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The April 23 full moon arrives in Scorpio. Surprise episode - Painful secrets are revealed!

The full moon on April 23 will deeply influence relationships of any kind, but especially love bonds, trust and stability of couples. The maximum phase of the full moon will be in the sign of Scorpio, and this water sign will have a strong influence on our emotional balance.

The full moon on April 23 will focus on feelings, the soul, relationships, emotions, intimate needs and especially repressed desires. Many natives will feel that they have gone wrong in many ways and feel the need to start over, which can be good, but they must be careful not to give up something stable for an uncertain future.

April 23 Full Moon and Horoscope All signs will be subtly influenced by the Full Moon in Scorpio which will bring hidden things, fears, anxieties and even painful secrets to the fore. Around April 23, five days before and after the maximum phase of the Full Moon, many natives will be more emotional, receptive, but also more changeable. It is possible that these days they feel overwhelmed, have situations and events in which they will lose control and let themselves be carried away. 

Some will focus on their own failures, analyze what they did wrong, try to find resources to overcome the problems they got themselves into. Others will have unpleasant couple discussions, try to blame the other, and will only exacerbate the emotional problems. Maybe love problems will come back to the fore and they won't be able to find a solution if they let themselves be fooled by appearances. They must take into account deep feelings and not fleeting emotions or passions.

  We must also keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde these days. Due to the retrograde of Mercury, which is in an unfavorable position in the Fire sign of Aries, the Full Moon on April 23 amplifies certain consequences of wrong decisions, failures, memories or regrets. There will be times or situations where many of the natives will feel the need to return to the past or someone close to them will force them to go back on some decisions that turned their lives upside down. And maybe the energy of the Full Moon will help them put an end to unpleasant situations and start something new after a period in which they will put their lives in order.

What does the influence of Scorpio mean?

It is important to remember that Scorpio energy means endings and beginnings, rebirth and regeneration. That's why the Full Moon in Scorpio can be a good time to solve delicate couple problems, put an end to unnecessary jealousies, suspicions and worries and resume the beautiful side of love relationships. 

Scorpio also signifies metamorphosis and transformation. The Full Moon in Scorpio can mean strong energetic support for many natives who need to change from the inside to benefit from big changes on the outside in their lives with those around them. Especially the Water and Earth signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) will be deeply influenced in this regard. Natives who are faced with old problems must first analyze the causes that start from within and then look for solutions. Whoever manages to change for the better, put aside negative thoughts, be more optimistic and have faith in the future, will win.

Due to the influence that Scorpio has, the days preceding or following the April 23 Full Moon will be favorable days for emotional therapies that can heal our soul and mind first and then our body. 

Full Moon in Scorpio and Health 

As I have pointed out, the sign of Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth. In a symbolic sense, in these days dominated by the Full Moon in Scorpio, something will "die" and something will be "reborn", will gain new forces and energies. 

For many natives who have long-standing health problems, the astral conjuncture around the Full Moon can be beneficial. In some cases, old pains will reactivate and a new treatment will be necessary, but it is precisely this treatment that will definitively solve the causes and forever cure nagging diseases, especially skin conditions, but also kidney diseases or gynecological diseases. In other situations, hospitalization or surgery may be necessary. 

Some patients have to make quick and difficult decisions, but they will have by their side medical specialists well-trained enough to get through any ordeal. In particular, some natives of Water signs, namely Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, may have more painful problems. Challenging days will come for them, but they will find resources and support to make the best treatments and get rid of their health problems for good.

Monday, April 22, 2024

LUNOLOGY PROM: what is the role of each of the eight phases of the Moon? (II)

The 8 phases of the Moon: understand and get started

1. Lunology: what to do during the New Moon?

"This is undoubtedly the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. This phase begins one to three and a half days after the balsamic moon. During this period, which must be anticipated and planned, sow the seeds of your future dreams. The New Moon can feel like a quiet time, when things are getting ready, when in fact you are starting to materialize (or not) your dreams. The key words for this phase are: clean slate,. potential and dreams."

2. Lunology: what to do during the first crescent?

"Now is the time to let your dreams blossom. If that doesn't sound too poetic, think of yourself and your dreams as a flower opening. Remember that the Moon is passing from invisibility at maximum power, and the same goes for your dreams This phase begins three and a half to seven days after the New Moon. Keywords of this phase are: courage, moving forward and faith."

3. Lunology: what to do during the first quarter moon?

"Now is when the Moon looks like a “half moon” transitioning from new to full. At this point in the cycle, you may begin to have some doubts about your ability to materialize your dreams. This phase begins seven to ten and a half days after the New Moon. This is the perfect time to get involved! So, the key words for this phase are: challenges, confidence and commitment.

4. Lunology: what to do during the waxing gibbous moon?

"As the Moon approaches fullness, the time has come to show vigor. Don't give up. Don't let your ego or fear ruin your plans. Stay open to what life teaches you. If you know how to make changes to achieve your goals, do them now This phase begins ten and a half to fifteen days after the New Moon. Your mission? Rectify."

5. Lunology: what to do during the Full Moon?

"The Full Moon is the big time in the lunar cycle. Things are coming to a head now, and we know it instinctively. If one of your wishes is going to come true, it just might come true at this point of the cycle. Or perhaps you will simply receive a strong sign that it is on its way. Some wishes take time. This phase begins 15 to 18 and a half days after the New Moon. are: results, forgiveness and gratitude."

6. Lunalogy: what to do during the lunar phase of dissemination?

"After all the intensity of the Full Moon, it can be tempting to collapse. If things haven't worked out for you then, what to do next? A lot of energy has been expended and you may want to relax a little during this part of the cycle If this is the case for you, do it You will find that the more you work in harmony with the lunar phases, the more abundant life will be. This phase begins from days three and a half to seven. days after the Full Moon The key words are: cycle, relax, accept, pull yourself together!

7. Lunology: what to do during the third quarter of the Moon?

"This lunar phase can be difficult. It's the midpoint between the wonder of the Full Moon and the potential of the New Moon. Somehow we know that what hasn't worked for us in the past is dissolved on the etheric plane. It is time to reorient ourselves. This phase begins seven to ten and a half days after the Full Moon. This is the time to question yourself on what you know. are: reevaluate, balance and trust."

8. Lunology: what to do during the Balsamic Moon?

"The word "balsamic" comes from the word "balm", which means "anything that heals or relieves". And this is the meaning of this "last part" of the lunar cycle (before the Full Moon). We have passed from hopes and dreams to explosions of potential: to realize what can or cannot exist, to accept, to forgive and to abandon ourselves... and now comes healing and relief. This phase begins about ten days and. half after the Full Moon, and continues until the start of the New Moon. Obviously, the key words of this phase are: healing, relief and abandonment.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

LUNOLOGY: what is the role of each of the eight phases of the Moon? (I)

Full moon, New Moon, crescents and quarters. In Lunology, astrologer Yasmin Boland reveals her method for working with the energies of the Moon. A simple way to make your dreams come true.

It's no secret that the Moon has many powers. The star which gives its name to Monday crosses the zodiac in 28 days. These 28 days correspond to the lunation cycle. The latter also has an influence on our daily lives. Emotions, sleep, menstrual cycle... It is not for nothing that witches perform rituals every month to (re)connect with the Moon. In her book, Lunology, Yasmin Boland focuses on the eight phases of the Moon and its effects. With this guide, the astrologer gives us the keys to transforming our lives and making our dreams come true. Explanations.

Full Moon, New Moon, crescent… How to explain the eight phases of the Moon?

Yasmin Boland explains: "Even though the Moon appears to change its appearance in the sky as it passes through these phases, what actually changes is its position relative to the Sun and Earth." “This is why sometimes we see the entire face of the Moon light up (the Full Moon) and at other times the Moon looks like a “half moon” (the quarter Moon).” And it is also for this reason that in astrology, we say that the Moon has two faces. From there follows your moon sign and your Lilith, also called Black Moon. During the lunation cycle, we distinguish eight lunar phases, eight faces of the Moon.

  • Full Moon, when the entire moon appears in the sky
  • The first district
  • The first croissant
  • The waxing gibbous Moon
  • The New Moon, time when the moon seems to disappear and is not visible in the sky.
  • The Balsamic Moon
  • The third district
  • Dissemination
OBS. The waxing Moon goes from New Moon to Full Moon and grows larger in the sky, while the waning Moon returns from full to new, and gets smaller each day.

Understanding the phases of the Moon to make your dreams come true

To theorize lunology, Yasmin Boland explains: “For hundreds of years, tradition and folklore have declared that each lunar phase is “good” for carrying out certain activities.” The astrologer's observation is simple: "I have developed my own version of the use of the energies of each lunar phase, that is to say by determining what we must do or not do in each of them , especially when it comes to making our dreams come true.” A short guide to learning to live and work with the influence of the magical star that is the Moon. Before discovering Yasmin Boland's tips, know that to know the position of the Moon in real time, you must refer to a lunar calendar.

(to be continued)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

What is the Gibbous Moon? Let's discover its influence (II)

Lunar cycle: how to know if the moon is in ascending (waxing) or descending (waning) phase?

There is a very simple method to know if the Moon is waxing or waning. Whether it is increasing or decreasing. Just look at the crescent shape of the Moon. Thus, if the shadow zone of the star forms a C, it is because we are in a waxing Moon phase. Conversely, during the waning gibbous Moon period, the star gives the impression of forming a d in the sky.

The effects of the waxing gibbous Moon position

The waxing period of the Gibbous Moon is a time of expansion. This is the moment when we begin to feel the agitation that is brewing with the arrival of the Full Moon. The moment when you feel your confidence growing and the ideas starting to flow. If it is customary to say that at the Full Moon, all our wishes come true, during the waxing gibbous Moon, some may feel the need to make some adjustments in order to arrive armed for the Full Moon. This is the energy of this phase, the overflow of life. Towards fullness. It’s quite simple, the waxing gibbous Moon gives us new impetus. It’s a perfect time to grow our investments and financial investments, our vegetable gardens or expand the family. Generally, under its influence, everyone feels a little stronger. The emotions then also become more and more intense. 

To work best with the energies of this phase, it is then advisable to take some kind of review of your projects. The opportunity to ask yourself if you are on the right track. Know which plans need to be revised. You have to keep an open mind, be ready to bounce back, to review projects, to correct your trajectory. As emotions gain momentum, you have to refocus on yourself. In a list of “don’ts”, you should detail something like: “I take care of my emotions and my anger. I try not to be too impatient. I am not afraid to welcome my Yang, masculine energy.” In short, during the period of the waxing gibbous Moon, it is better not to be too rigid!

What is a waning gibbous Moon and what are its effects?

After the Full Moon and its many twists and turns, the waning gibbous Moon presents itself as a decompression airlock. “The Moon is calming down and so are we.” It’s a time to breathe and take a little break. “We withdraw more and more into ourselves, into our inner world, into our darkness, like the beautiful Moon. Then begins a phase of introspection and integration of the first fortnight of the lunation.” It is the beginning of the period of shadow and calm of the lunation. Entry into what the author calls “the passive phase” of the lunation. The more time passes, the more the Full Moon moves away to give way to the arrival of the New Moon. There is then no point in forcing things or trying to act, or react, on impulse. The Gibbous Moon is here to remind us that it is sometimes good to sit down and think a little. “Don’t force things now, think, come back down, take a breath, because soon the last crescent will arrive, that of the balance sheet.”

It is a time when it is not recommended to initiate anything, or to throw ourselves headlong into new projects. In fact, it’s time to lay down your arms and retreat. Between letting go and the need for introspection, the waning gibbous Moon allows us to recover a little strength. We invite everyone to refocus on  needs and desires. We then slowly begin the period of questioning, “without giving in to doubt”, in order to be able to draw up a list of our desires during the New Moon which will arrive around ten days later.

Friday, April 19, 2024

What is the Gibbous Moon? Let's discover its influence (I)

In few words, Gibbous Moon is a phase of the lunar cycle that is still little known and yet allows you to refocus on yourself and your desires. For this reason we will try to explain step by step

The cycle of the Moon, which extends on average over 27 days, is fascinating. From its way of governing our emotions to its ability to give rhythm to our daily lives, and even menstrual cycles: we give it many powers. Studied since the dawn of time, the night star has multiple faces. This is why she is linked to the Triple Goddess - Selene, Hecate and Artemis. Have you ever noticed that the Moon changes shape over time? Sometimes increasing, it becomes full to illuminate the sky, then decreases little by little until it gives the impression of disappearing on New Moon evenings. If you are more interested in its influence, perhaps you know the effects of the Full Moon and those of the New Moon. Two very distinct periods. Two unmissable events. However, the lunation is not only made up of these two phases, it has eight of them, each having a particular effect. Focus on one of the phases that is still little known: the gibbous Moon.

What is the Gibbous Moon? Definition

The Gibbous Moon corresponds to an intermediate phase in the lunation. There are two types: increasing and decreasing. Each of them frames the Full Moon. It's a kind of transition. Two moments to warn us that we are reaching the halfway point of the cycle, two moments that invite us to adapt. One after another, the term gibbeuse designates that which is plump, like the belly of a pregnant woman, like a roll of pleasure which overflows from the pants, or a well-stocked cornucopia.

The waxing gibbous Moon is the phase just before the Full Moon. It occurs between the tenth and fourteenth day of the cycle. When the Moon begins to gain momentum, to shine more and more. During this period, the energies sent to us by the Moon become a little more powerful each day. It’s very simple, the more the circle that is drawn in the sky fills, the more the powers of the Moon increase tenfold. This is the moment when we are almost there, like the moon itself almost round, but not yet completely. Boldness, impatience, and therefore the adaptation skills necessary to mobilize to finally get there. If there are adjustments to be made to carry out the project, the wish, the dream, it’s now.

Conversely, the waning gibbous Moon is the phase that arrives just after the Full Moon. It therefore generally corresponds to the twentieth day of the lunation. This is when the power of the Moon begins to wane. It is the beginning of the waning phase of the Moon, the one which marks the entry into the transition to the New Moon. After the intensity of the Full Moon, a moment when energies are increased tenfold, the gibbous Moon allows us to regain our senses.

(to be continued)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

No Allergy in The Second Part of April: The sign that will have success in life

The end of April comes with a major change in the life of a native of the European horoscope. This development does not only concern the professional / financial plan, but also the personal one. See which zodiac sign it is and if you belong to it.

The month of April can certainly be the month of change and improvement in the lives of Pisces natives. The problems and pains they faced may have caused them to lose hope, but a ray of light will guide their lives before long.

The changes that Pisces can experience

The faith and kindness of Pisces help them overcome any problem that arises much more easily. Of course, this "rule" is not a universally valid one, because the facts that shape their behavioral portrait matter a lot.

Half of April brings new changes, good news and developments not only financially, but also spiritually. Pisces will understand how important it is for them to make peace with certain people in their lives, whether we're talking about family, friends or work colleagues.

If they will give up their pointless stubbornness sometimes, they will manage to become much more pleasant people without making others uncomfortable by certain actions. If they have problems getting along with family members, communication is the key to solving them. The stars advise them to open their souls, as they have nothing to lose.

It evolves financially and romantically

As for Pisces who are not satisfied with their income or want to start a profitable business, the coming weeks are ideal. They must be open to communication and not succumb to their own communication.

Major positive changes are also announced on the love front, when they manage to solve their problems as a couple. For those who are single, a new love can knock on their door. It is, of course, up to them what they want to do to give happiness and love even a small chance.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (III)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

In the Middle Ages, it was said that sexual desire intensified on Full Moon nights. Marriage proposals would therefore be more numerous on these evenings.

In the past, when a young girl wanted to know the date of her wedding, all she had to do was hold out her silk handkerchief facing the Full Moon. The number of moons reflected there then indicated the number of years to wait. Whoever dreamed of a Full Moon could hope to get married soon.

In China, at the imperial court, women drew their eyebrows in the shape of a crescent.

In Greenland, young ladies do not dare to fix their gaze on the Moon, for fear of finding themselves pregnant.

Among the Celts: the year did not last 365 days, but 364, because the Druids based themselves on lunations to establish their calendar. As a result, their zodiac does not include twelve, but thirteen astrological signs.

Lunar calendar 2024: when will the next Full Moon take place?

If the New Moon corresponds to the start of the lunation, the Full Moon announces the waning cycle. To find out when the latter takes place, refer to the lunar calendar below. You will know everything about the cycle of the Moon and will be able to plan how to maintain your garden, know when to recharge your crystals, or even plan a magical ceremony between witches!

What is my moon sign?

In astrology, the Moon reveals our most secret character traits, frees our intuition and our emotions. As there are zodiac signs, there are lunar signs. To find out what your moon sign is, you can refer to your birth chart. Whatever sign your Moon is in, discover its influence on your personality.

Same thing with your Black Moon, represented by Lilith. Originally, the dark goddess or "anti-Eve", as our astrologer calls her, refused to submit to Adam. In your astrological chart, it informs you about the wounds of your past. It draws attention to a behavior or situation that may have hurt you emotionally. Quickly discover the influence of Lilith in your birth chart.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (II)

 this is a follow-up of a previous post

The Moon, mistress of our emotions

Synonymous with duality, the Moon thrives on contradictions. Without doubt, this is the reason why it affects our temperament. After all, isn't human nature constructed according to its paradoxes? Synonymous with transformation and renewal, the Moon induces a notion of movement, like our changes in mood. A symbol of energy and demand, it strengthens memory or, on the contrary, causes a lack of concentration. This star has a particular virtue: that of addressing our total subjectivity, through inspiration, languor, romanticism or nervousness.

Sleep, menstrual cycle, childbirth: the effects of the Moon on our biological rhythms

The action of the Moon on the mineral, plant and animal world also seems to extend to the human level. And it is now scientifically proven! We know that the quality of the skin varies depending on the lunar phases. Isn't it often said that the Full Moon makes you nervous, insomniac and depressed? In astrology manuals, it is written that it exercises its powers over the left eye of a man, the right eye of a woman, the sexual organs and the lower abdomen. Others believe that it acts on our brain, allowing around 2 a.m. the secretion of melatonin, a hormone which plays a role in the regulation of our biological rhythms and therefore our sleep. Made up of 80% water, our body, like the tides, is influenced by the Moon. Among the Navajos, it is believed that the Moon modifies the amniotic fluid. 

The physiology of women would itself be linked to the Moon. Firstly through the duration of the menstrual cycle, which is close to that of the lunar cycle, and through the crescent-shaped fetal position. Moreover, some carry out rituals to “rebalance their hormones thanks to the Moon”. These beautiful popular stories should be taken with all necessary perspective, and above all to be compared with our personal experience. We must remain cautious and not give the Moon powers that have not yet been scientifically proven. But nothing prevents us from observing the way it accompanies us on a daily basis. Bonus: discover the effects of the Moon on the body, emotions and state of mind of women based on their menstrual cycle thanks to our slideshow.

Love: the Moon at the heart of beliefs

According to the adage, it would be easier to start a conversation with a stranger when night falls, as soon as the Moon appears! Witness to multiple love stories, she nevertheless reveals none of her secrets. Sometimes protective of lovers, sometimes inviting to romance, the loving beliefs around her are numerous:

(to be continued)

Friday, April 12, 2024

Cycle of the Moon: how does it influence us? (I)

A source of beliefs since the dawn of time, the Moon has a double face, benefic or worrying. This star very close to us also influences our loves and our emotions. Find out how!

Shakespeare said of the Moon that she is "the sovereign mistress of melancholy". Giving its name to Monday and governing the sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22), this star fascinates. New Moon, Full Moon, quarters… If it takes 28 days to wax and wane to go from one New Moon to another, it also sets the rhythm for the 4 seasons and governs our moods like the growth of plants. Hence its connection to the Water element, the element of emotions. But no matter how much men explore and study it, it still contains many mysteries... Even if its influence on the Earth and earthlings is now scientifically proven.

Selene and Hecate: the meaning of the Moon in Greek mythology

If the Sun, with its blinding light, forces us to lower our eyes, the Moon captures our gaze until it plunges us into its dreamlike universe. Several studies have revealed that certain professional categories believe that the moon exerts an influence on our behavior. This influence can be more or less beneficial, with two critical periods: the New Moon and the Full Moon. Doctors, psychiatrists and police officers claim to be more often confronted with difficult cases on Full Moon evenings. Arguments to be taken conditionally, because nothing has really been demonstrated. The only certainty is that this nocturnal star ensures the stability of the earth's rotation. Moreover, in astrology, the Moon and the Sun oppose each other. The two stars have opposite meanings.

The effects of the Moon

But to truly understand the effects of the Moon, we must first distinguish its different faces. If we know its cycle punctuated by its four phases - rising quarter, descending quarter, New Moon or Full Moon, it keeps a part of secret. She is also nicknamed the Triple Goddess. These faces are found in mythology through two Greek goddesses: Selene and Hecate. These two women, with whom the Moon is associated, are total opposites. Thus, Selene is synonymous with benevolence and represents devotion, tenderness and motherhood. Conversely, Hecate is often portrayed as manipulative and seductive. This divide is at the heart of the Moon’s influence. This star, capable of dominating instincts and feelings, governs our emotions in many ways.

(to be continued)

Thursday, April 11, 2024

4 zodiac couples that stay together for life. They fit perfectly to say happy end

Some natives are predestined to be soul mates. Nothing will stand in their way and they will create a world of their own. Read about these 4 zodiac couples who stay together for life. They have every chance to pass the tests drawn by the universe and they are not afraid to face adversities.

Attraction is what brings people together, but with these natives it's a combination of factors. Some signs have every chance of being together forever, no matter what happens to them along the way.

SoulMates - 4 zodiac couples that stay together for life

These signs do not give up, and although they will break up many times during their journey, they will try to do everything possible to get back to what actually unites them. Their love is strong, alive, but they realize that other things are also essential.

Aries - Leo

Although quarrels may break out between these natives that no one will be able to put out very easily, they are still the ones who settle their scores. They can't stay apart for too long and everything that happens between them is random and maybe fleeting. Romantic moments are present and bring envy to those around. They remain faithful to each other, but other issues may arise.

They are strong and eager for adventures that they will never forget, especially if they are spent together. The magic between them is the one that will not dissipate.

Libra – Libra

It is obvious and perhaps very simple to understand that these natives attract each other. What's more, they are two signs of the same zodiac that want peace, without other stimuli around them, says As far as they are concerned, the fit is close to perfect. It's rare to find a couple who match like they do. We are talking about generosity and soul mates here.

Taurus – Virgo

Even if some relationships lose their intensity along the way, in the case of these natives there can be no such thing. Taurus will be completely faithful to Virgo, and both will be concerned with family and financial well-being. They are organized, hardworking and want to spend many years together. They understand each other better as time goes by and everything that usually fades becomes much more intense with them.

There is no lack of romance in this case and they form a solid, strong couple with a bond that can lead to addiction.

Gemini – Aquarius

These two signs vibrate together and are always around each other. They start from an intense attraction, only to end up in a relationship that no one can destroy, says They always feel like they've known each other for a long time and never run out of topics to talk about. They are partners who understand each other by sight. They want to fulfill the wishes of those around them, but especially their own.

They go on exotic vacations and enjoy everything they agonize over. They build a family and never get tired of making plans for the future.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

In the week of April 5-11, 2024, three zodiac signs can change their destiny

For the week of April 5-11, 2024, three zodiac signs will have an important decision to make. For each native, the next period will be very important. Look at the predictions for the 12 zodiac signs.


Emotionally, singles can have wonderful times, but the important thing is not to lose your head enjoying them. It is possible that the moment of radical change in private life has not yet come. Don't be impatient, your time will come!

For Aries couples I have no great news. Relationships with current partners may worsen. If you show a little patience, the situation will definitely stabilize.

Financially, the second part of the week is favorable and surprise offers and cash receipts are expected. Instinct will help you to identify the most profitable projects, to actively participate in good investments. Interest in social activities, fame and popularity, recognition of merits, talents and achievements will increase. This would be an excellent time to conclude any previously discussed deals, sign contracts, communicate with various acquaintances.

The situation will become tense on the last day, when disagreements with partners may break out, negative changes in the family or large-scale breakdowns in the home are possible. Energy potential will decrease and you will need a long period for emotional reset and recovery of wasted energy.


A developed intuition will help to actively use intellectual skills in your favor, and you have every chance to succeed professionally. The period is favorable for self-education, improving existing skills that will help in the future. There is a high probability of increasing the skill level in the line of work. You can have additional sources of income from business deals, new projects, second jobs. So, most of you will be loaded with professional tasks, not allowing yourself to sit idle.

Excellent inner instinct will help you invest money correctly, find profitable options, avoid pitfalls in risky activities. However, if you will focus on your current work and fulfilling your obligations, then comes a solid financial base as well as a decent social position.

Instead, the level of vital energy will decrease, you will become more vulnerable to seasonal infections and colds, even the probability of spring depressions will increase.

At the end of the period, relations with others will be unbalanced, dissensions will occur in work teams, competition will intensify.


Maintain your visibility, initiate communication with a variety of people, send resumes including to companies you've worked for before, ask friends and acquaintances for advice or support! Participate in various events, show initiative in teams and collectives, especially on April 10! The impression you make on others will play an important role in the process of advancement in the future. But refrain from traveling!

The beginning and middle of the week are suitable for the development of children's talents, which will give reasons for pride and satisfaction of parental ambitions. Investing in the education and development of younger family members will pay off and contribute to a stable future.

For health, you have enough energy and robustness, but you should not neglect it by relying only on this. Revise your diet, but not drastically, do exercise, sports, but not extreme activities.

The end of the period can bring disturbances in the emotional relationship, especially due to your tiredness and bad mood.


In your hands are the decisions, in your mind are the plans for what you have to do in the next few days and in your intuition are the methods of work. Four planets in a friendly sign bring you chance, optimism, positive mood springing from hope. You have only one thing to do, and that is: organize your ideas.

The stars recommend that you establish contacts, socialize and communicate more with partners, friends, groups or business associates. Thus, you can avoid the routine, a lot of problems of the psychological plane and you can even meet people who will support you in the future.

Listen to your intuition, because it will tell you who to cooperate with and who to worry about this week!

On the weekend, you will have a lot to do, everyday chores, but with which you have fallen behind. Just be careful that rushing spoils the job, or you could even inadvertently injure yourself!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

3 zodiac signs that are reborn after the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.

Yesterday, on April 8, the sky greeted us with a spectacular astronomical event: the solar eclipse. This eclipse brings with it not only a fascinating cosmic spectacle, but also a profound and transformative energy that will influence various aspects of our lives. For certain signs, especially Aries, Taurus and Leo, this eclipse will mark the beginning of a period of rebirth and revival, bringing with it new opportunities and significant changes in their lives.

Their heyday is coming


For Aries natives, the solar eclipse brings the opportunity to let go of old habits and focus on what brings them happiness and fulfillment. It is a good time for mental clarity and making important decisions regarding career, relationships and personal development. Aries are encouraged to listen to their intuition and follow their passions, which will guide them to new beginnings and remarkable achievements.


For Taurus, the solar eclipse marks the beginning of a deep inner journey that will guide them towards authenticity and personal growth. It is the ideal time to assess their values and priorities and make significant changes in their lives based on them. Tauruses are encouraged to take risks and open themselves up to new experiences, which will lead them to a state of long-term harmony and fulfillment.


For Leo natives, the solar eclipse brings the opportunity to express their true essence and creativity in bold new ways. It's a good time to explore your talents and passions and follow your dreams with courage and determination. Leos are encouraged to express their true will and take on roles as leaders and innovators, which will guide them to success and recognition in their fields of interest.

The solar eclipse on April 8 brings with it a powerful and transformative energy that will influence different aspects of our lives. For Aries, Taurus and Leo, this eclipse marks the beginning of a period of rebirth and revival, bringing with it new opportunities and significant changes in their lives. Through authentic expression, mental clarity, and creative exploration, these signs will find their way to fulfillment and success in the coming months.

The eclipse of the century. What you need to know about the April 8 eclipse (II)

this is a follow up of a prevoius post

Another factor that explains why total solar eclipses are so rare is the tilt of the natural satellite's orbit. “The orbital plane of the Moon is inclined, relative to the orbital plane of the Earth, by approximately five degrees,” says the astrophysicist. We can therefore see the Moon passing between the Earth and the Sun without it being perfectly aligned with the Sun. »

A total solar eclipse occurs approximately every 18 months on Earth. In Quebec, the last one dates back to 1972. To find out when the next eclipses visible from Canada will take place in the next millennium, select a city below!

What will happen on April 8?

So what can we expect on April 8? Let's dissect each of the stages of this total solar eclipse.

2:14 p.m. – The partial eclipse begins, a little over an hour before the start of the totality phase. During this time, the Moon gradually covers the Sun. This quietly takes the shape of a crescent in the sky. “At the beginning, we see almost nothing, unless we look with the appropriate glasses, thanks to which we will notice that a small piece of the Sun is slightly hidden,” underlines Mr. Lamontagne.

2:43 p.m. – As the Sun is covered by the Moon (“at least 70%”), the Sun’s crescent becomes more and more evident. We can also notice this shape without having to stare at the Sun: just look at the ground! The shadows of the trees and their many branches will be dotted with luminous crescents. “We will start to notice that the light becomes a little weaker, a bit like at the end of the day,” adds Robert Lamontagne.

3:10 p.m. – About fifteen minutes before the start of the totality phase, we begin to notice a change in the air. The sky slowly darkens, and the colors take on darker, grayish tones. The climate is also starting to be affected. Then, as darkness sets in and light becomes scarce, we begin to observe a change in behavior in the animals.

3:24 p.m. – Totality is imminent. The Sun is almost entirely hidden by the Moon, and the solar corona begins to appear. We can see bands of shadow, characterized by movements of light and darkness on flat surfaces. “But as long as there is a small part of the Sun that is not hidden, we are still in the daytime. The sky is not black, we do not see stars or planets in the sky,” explains the astrophysicist.

By observing the Sun with appropriate glasses just before the start of totality, we will also see small points of light around the Moon, the Baily grains, caused by the light of the Sun shining through the mountainous terrain of our satellite natural. When only one of these grains remains visible, just before the Sun disappears, it gives the illusion of a diamond ring in the sky.

4:36 p.m. – The partial eclipse ends. For those who missed the event in Montreal, the date for the next total solar eclipse will be in 2205!

“There is an almost spiritual aspect to seeing this,” describes Robert Lamontagne, who has already witnessed total solar eclipses outside Quebec. “It’s an impressive phenomenon to see night coming in broad daylight. There are very, very few humans who have seen this. [...] For the vast majority of people, it will only happen once in their life, or so. »

(to be continued)

The eclipse of the century. What you need to know about the April 8 eclipse (III)

this is a follow up of a prevoius post

Attending an astronomical event which has an apparent impact on Earth is also a testimony to our “connection with the Cosmos”, according to him. Experiencing it in a group is even better. “It’s like when the Canadian scores a goal for hockey fans, it’s a collective experience. If you're watching a game at home, it's not the same as being at the stadium, arena or sports bar, right? »

Confused animals

The drop in brightness during the partial eclipse causes behavioral changes in nature. They can easily be observed in birds, among others. “For them, it’s the end of the day. They sing a bit like at sunset, they become calmer. [...] It's the night that begins, even if it's very disturbing, because it only lasts three or four minutes. » When the Sun reappears in the sky, we witness the opposite effect: the birds begin to sing again and the vegetation returns to its usual state.

Stay warm !

With the gradual disappearance of the Sun in the sky, “we will feel a drop in temperature”. The mercury could drop four or five degrees in the area of totality, and even up to 10 degrees, depending on the location and the weather that day. Winds can also change direction or gain strength. To avoid unpleasant surprises, Robert Lamontagne advises dressing accordingly. “Wrap yourself a little wool, because we're going to feel that it's cold! »

Eclipses, an astrological mystery

Draconian changes, emotional upheavals, a dragon that devours the Sun... Astrological traditions around the world have attempted to explain eclipses, but also to determine their influence on human life. “The life of our ancestors was organized around the Cosmos, that is to say that the sky had a capital importance for them on several levels”, much more than for us, underlines the astrophysicist. However, no effects on humans have been proven so far by science.

A distant future without a total eclipse?

Throughout the entire period of human civilization, solar eclipses have had the same appearance, occurring in partial, total or annular form. But that hasn’t always been the case on Earth – and that could also change in several hundred million years.

As the Moon moves away from our planet, at a leisurely pace of a few centimeters per year, its relative size in the sky decreases. This change is imperceptible on our scale, but a day will still come when the Moon will no longer be able to cover the Sun in its entirety. “From that moment on, we will have solar eclipses, but they will always be annular,” explains Robert Lamontagne. And that’s going to happen in about 600 million years. »

Conversely, hundreds of millions, even billions of years ago, the Moon occupied a much larger place in the sky. Eclipses were therefore more frequent, and lasted much longer.

Monday, April 8, 2024

How to Can photograph a solar eclipse with your cellphone

We know that the solar eclipse of April 8 can cause damage to the eyes if observed without protective glasses. The same goes for cameras, which could be damaged if used without a proper filter. And this also applies to smartphones.

It is the camera sensor that detects light and then converts it into an image; it is, in a way, the retina of our devices. We must therefore cover their lens with a filter complying with the ISO 12312-2 standard to avoid breaking them. Please note: this filter must completely cover the front of the device bezel.

NASA also warns that you should not look at the sun through your camera's viewfinder, even with protective glasses, because it can concentrate the Sun's rays like a telescope: they could then pass through the glasses and burn the retina.

However, it is safe to take photos without a filter during the period of total darkness, just as it is possible to watch the eclipse with the naked eye at this precise moment.

“We really want to commemorate an event like that,” recognizes an astrophysicist in an interview. She recommends using specialized filters, but “if you really want to do it a bit “homemade”, a smartphone and your eclipse glasses over the camera can do the job.”

NASA also offers some advice to people who want to take good eclipse photos, including using a tripod and a self-timer to stabilize the camera and avoid blurry images. This is particularly important when the light is low. Adjusting the exposure – the amount of light that reaches the sensor – will also be necessary to obtain good results.

The astrophysicist points out, however, that the total eclipse will last from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on where you are. So now is not the time to play with your phone to take a photo. “There are lots of beautiful images of the eclipse that will be released by professionals. Really, look with your naked eye and enjoy the show, because you don't know if you're going to see another one. »

This observation is shared by the American Astronomical Society. It is unlikely that you will be able to take good photos of the eclipse without professional equipment. Why not just put your phone away and enjoy the moment?

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The eclipse of the century. What you need to know about the April 8 eclipse (I)

On Monday, April 8, southern Quebec will witness an unprecedented cosmic phenomenon: the sky will darken in the middle of the afternoon, a first in 92 years in Montreal. But what is a solar eclipse? What to expect that day? And when will the next eclipses of this kind occur in Quebec? Decryption.

Let's quickly recall a few facts: the Moon, the Earth's natural satellite, revolves around the planet in approximately one month, while the latter completes its revolution around the Sun in one year. When these three stars are aligned, we then witness an eclipse, explains astrophysicist Robert Lamontagne.

“In the case of a solar eclipse, the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are aligned” in this precise order, explains the man who has long been director of the telescope at the Mont-Mégantic Observatory. “So the Moon is exactly between us and the Sun. It’s a bit like when we walk outside and it’s sunny: we see our shadow [on the ground]. In this case, it is the shadow of the Moon which happens to touch the Earth. »

The dimensions of the Moon and the Sun as well as their respective distance from the Earth mean that the two stars appear to be approximately the same size in the sky. During a total eclipse, the Moon perfectly covers the Sun, completely hiding it from view for a period of time. That of April 8 will last approximately three minutes.

We can sometimes witness an annular solar eclipse, where the Moon takes up less space in the sky and reveals a ring of light around it as it passes in front of the Sun. The next eclipse visible from Quebec will take place in 2048.

The opposite phenomenon, that is to say when the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon, gives rise to a lunar eclipse (the next one will take place in March 2025 in Canada). The portion of the Moon hidden by the Earth then takes on a reddish tint, the result of solar rays refracted by the Earth's atmosphere. Given the larger size of planet Earth compared to its natural satellite, it is much more common to observe lunar eclipses than solar eclipses, underlines Mr. Lamontagne.

(to be continued)

Zodiac signs that will be lucky in the next 6 months of 2024. Their fate changes after the solar eclipse on April 8

The solar eclipse on April 8 brings new major changes in the lives of several signs in the European horoscope. Their lives can change radically, especially since these natives realize the importance of change and choose to raise their level of quality of life.

Love, money, health and solving many problems are announced to be the main changes. Find out from the lines below if your zodiac sign can also be counted among them.

Aries give the blow on the financial plan

People born under this zodiac sign choose to let go of the lifestyle that holds them back and gives them no advantage. Many of them probably choose to leave their current job for a much better one. Also, as far as natives with an entrepreneurial spirit are concerned, chances are high that they will open their own business or partner with a partner.

Cancers get out of toxic relationships

The love plan targets these natives in the coming period. Many who become aware that they are in toxic relationships will find the courage to get out of them.

Libras solve several age-old problems

It's time for Libras to do justice to them and fix more stressful situations in their lives. It may be a conflict about an injustice done to them. If Libras have lost hope by now, solutions will appear shortly.

Capricorns get rid of several health problems

These natives find the cure for various autoimmune diseases they face. Their frustration and all their pains may come to an end in the coming period. Capricorns who face financial problems, on the other hand, will have a big surprise.

Virgos' lives change for the better

Many natives of this zodiac sign will experience immense joy. Whether we're talking about the birth of a child or other family changes, Virgos will know they've hit the jackpot.

Bulls fulfill their biggest dream

Determination, self-discipline and the need to radically change their lives will lead Taurus to give up environments and people that stop their evolution. The time has come for a new chapter of their lives to begin in the next period.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 8 Total Solar Eclipse that fascinates North America (II)

The gang starts from Mexico (Mazatlan area), crosses the USA and reaches Canada (the end is in the Newfoundland region). 

The last total solar eclipse visible from the US was in 2017, but the band of totality was smaller and less wide. At the eclipse seven years ago, the number of people living inside the band of totality was 12 million people. At the current eclipse, it is about 32 million US residents.

Millions of people are expected to come inside the belt of totality, as 150 million people live within 350 km of areas where the Sun will be completely covered.

Some cities have been preparing for three years for the big event which is seen as an opportunity to attract tourists to areas where they would otherwise not be tempted to come. There will be more police and some cities have installed lots of public toilets. People have been warned that mobile phone networks may suffer in places where many thousands of people will gather.

Festivals and concerts are also organized on the day of the eclipse. 

There was also no shortage of conspiracy theories claiming that the eclipse would bring disaster, such as a collapse of communications networks.

Heavy traffic jams are expected, airlines have introduced special flights to cities where the eclipse will be best seen, and there are towns expecting tens of thousands of tourists on April 8.

So the 2024 eclipse will be watched by far more people than seven years ago, the period of darkness will last longer and for many it is an occasion worth taking a long flight or driving over 10 hours for to the band of totality.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April 8 Total Solar Eclipse that fascinates North America (I)

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, thereby completely or partially obscuring the solar disk for an observer on Earth.

How do solar eclipses occur? 

The Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth and Moon revolve around the Sun. Sometimes it happens that the Moon interposes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking its light.

Eclipses are not only interesting for the general public, but also for researchers, because they are a good opportunity to study the solar corona, a region that is generally difficult to analyze precisely because the sun is so bright.

​Solar eclipses are special events and people can't wait to see them, but few eclipses have generated as much interest as the one that will be visible from North America on April 8. For some cities it will be the biggest event in recent decades and millions of people will come to the area where it will be night for a few minutes. Why is this eclipse special?

This solar eclipse is special because the band of totality, i.e. the area where it will be dark in broad daylight, is several thousand km long and even more than 180 km wide.

In addition, the Sun will be covered for longer: the 2017 eclipse had a maximum coverage of 2 minutes and 40 seconds, and the April 8, 2024 eclipse will have a maximum of 4 minutes and 28 seconds. There will be 3 minutes and 51 seconds of darkness in Dallas, two seconds less in Indianapolis, and three and a half minutes in Niagara Falls. NASA has a lot of information about the eclipse, and to see it you can go here.

In most cases, inside the band of totality - if you go 40km towards its center - you can get an extra 90 seconds of darkness during the eclipse, which isn't bad at all for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

(to be continued)

Mercury retrograde. The sign that wakes up with ex-partners at the door: Do you still want something from those people or not?

Astrology surprises us again with cosmic events that can influence our daily lives. During this period, as I said before, Mercury, the planet of communication, begins its retrograde in the sign of Aries, an important astrological moment that deserves our attention.

The impact of Mercury retrograde

This day has also come when Mercury begins its retrograde in the sign of Aries. This trend became visible a few days ago if we think about it. Surely a lot will happen lately. Mercury will retrograde until April 25th, but keep in mind that the effects will last until May 15th. It should be noted that during this period there is an eclipse. plus we are approaching the great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 21st. So, all in all Mercury will give us a lot of trouble.

Taurus: A period of reflection

We now go to Taurus or those with the ascendant in Taurus. As I said yesterday, too much basis on this past. Mercury retrogrades in the twelfth house and you might realize that you've been doing yourself a bit of a disservice. You may realize that you have done a lot of damage and what is happening at the moment? Anger, lots of anger, guess who? All over you. I am not saying to be angry with others, but I am saying to learn to be gentler with yourself.

Libra: Confrontations and reunions

We are now going to Libra or those with the ascendant in Libra, you will meet with former partners or the partner you have now, some discussions appear out of nowhere that can challenge you quite a bit. If people come back into your lives, message you again, write you again, like you on Facebook, it doesn't mean they want something from you. You have to figure out if you want anything more from those people

Astrological predictions Taurus and Scorpio. They will have an unforgettable month!

Monthly Horoscope. April's Key Event is the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction!

On April 21, 2024, the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction will take place in the sign of Taurus! This event, which last took place in 1941, will have amazing effects both globally and personally. Jupiter represents opportunity and expansion, Uranus deals with instability and change, and the Taurus archetype speaks of safety and comfort.

Globally, we are already going through financial transformations or technological revolutions that will leave their mark on the coming decades. On a personal level, when Jupiter and Uranus meet and form an important aspect in the natal chart, it is clear that the native will experience an uprooting meant to bring him progress.

Taurus/Taurus Ascendant

You will be the protagonist of April! The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will happen in your sign! Because Uranus is involved, we recommend that you don't make plans or have expectations! The best thing you can consider is embracing the new! You are quite pragmatic and resistant to change, but this time it is no longer the case! If you want progress and evolution, you have to take risks and get out of mothballs! Many natives will want to be more independent and rebellious. In addition, if you choose to create challenges yourself, the stars will definitely be in your favor! Don't let April just pass you by!

Scorpio/Scorpio Ascendant

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will take place in the seventh house of relationships and partnerships. Singles will have opportunities just when they least expect it. It will be the right people in the right place! Moreover, we also recommend them to try to interact with other human patterns. And let yourself be carried away by life. For those in old and blasé relationships, this conjunction will bring serious challenges to rekindle passion. And those who have been waiting to get out of a relationship that hasn't worked for some time will find the courage to leave.