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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Computer Science: The Soulmate Calculator Based on Lunar Phases (II)

computer science
Finding Your Cosmic Partner:

Whether you're a believer in astrology power or simply curious about the potential influence of lunar cycles on relationships, the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator offers a fascinating insight into the cosmic forces at work in matters of the heart. By exploring your personality based on the lunar phases and your compatibility with others, you can discover with computer science new insights and connections that bring you closer to finding your cosmic match.

The Importance of Personal Reflection:

While the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator can offer valuable insights and advice, it's important to remember that no tool can replace personal reflection and intuition when it comes to love. . Ultimately, the most fulfilling relationships are those based on authentic connection, mutual respect, and shared values, regardless of astrological influences. Other content you're sure to love.

Harnessing Lunar Energy for Love:

For those who believe in the astrology power and lunar cycles, the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator offers a unique opportunity to harness cosmic energy in the search for love and companionship. By aligning with the natural rhythms of the moon, individuals can cultivate deeper connections with themselves and others, fostering meaningful relationships based on shared understanding and compatibility. Visit this document extract.

Finding Your Cosmic Partner:

Whether you're a believer in astrology poweror simply curious about the potential influence of lunar cycles on relationships, the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator offers a fascinating insight into the cosmic forces at work in matters of the heart. By exploring your personality based on the lunar phases and your compatibility with others, you can discover new insights and connections that bring you closer to finding your cosmic match. Read this:

The Importance of Personal Reflection:

While the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator can offer valuable insights and advice, it's important to remember that no tool can replace personal reflection and intuition when it comes to love. . Ultimately, the most fulfilling relationships are those based on authentic connection, mutual respect, and shared values, regardless of astrological influences. Other content you're sure to love.

Embracing the Journey of Love:

Ultimately, the quest for love is a deeply personal and transformative journey. Whether you turn to astrology, lunar cycles, or other spiritual practices for guidance, remember to trust your own intuition and embrace the path of love with a whole heart and mind open. With or without the help of tools like the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator, may your journey be filled with joy, growth, and true connections with those who truly resonate with your soul.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Computer Science: The Soulmate Calculator Based on Lunar Phases (I)

computer science
In the quest for love and companionship, many turn to astrology and celestial guidance to uncover the mysteries of the universe. 

The Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator is a tool that harnesses the power of lunar cycles to help individuals find their ideal partner. By understanding the importance of moon phases and their influence on human emotions and relationships, this calculator offers insight into compatibility and potential soulmate connections. Read this:

Understanding Lunar Phases and Relationships:

The Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator is based on computer science and the principle that the phases of the moon can influence human behavior and emotions, including in matters of the heart. Each phase of the moon—from new moon to full moon and everything in between—is believed to have a unique energy that can influence how we connect with others on an emotional and spiritual level. Here is another in-depth content on an important topic.

How does the Calculator work?

The Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator analyzes the positions of the moon and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth to determine your personality based on the moon phase and your compatibility with potential partners. By entering your date of birth, time and place of birth, the calculator generates personalized insights into your relationship tendencies and your soulmate connections based on lunar influences:

Interpret Results and Compatibility:

Once you have received your results from the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator, it is essential to interpret them in the context of your own experiences and desires. The calculator can reveal compatibility with certain lunar phases or alignments, indicating potential areas of harmony or tension in relationships. Understanding these insights can help you navigate romantic connections with greater awareness and insight. Discover this article by clicking here.

Harnessing Lunar Energy for Love:

For those who believe in the astrology power and lunar cycles, the Moon Phase Soulmate Calculator offers a unique opportunity to harness cosmic energy in the search for love and companionship. By aligning with the natural rhythms of the moon, individuals can cultivate deeper connections with themselves and others, fostering meaningful relationships based on shared understanding and compatibility. Visit this document extract.

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Rituals rebalance hormones with the Moon Might be End of Obesity

ritual rebalance hormone - end of obesity
The phases of the Moon each have their effects.  In the next moment, I will reveal you a simple and natural rituals to rebalance your hormones by (re)connecting you to this lunation cycle. Magic !

It's no secret that the Moon cycle has many powers. In addition to governing our emotions, it is also intimately connected to the rhythm of your body. This is why it is good to do certain treatments according to the lunation target even end of obesity. Hydrate during the waxing moon and detoxify during the waning moon. In women, it has a particular resonance with the menstrual cycle. In her book, Disc overing the Healing Powers of the Moon, Theresa Cheung, healer, explores different ways to reconnect with this magical star. She shares, for example, naturally rituals to rebalance hormones, while aligning you with the lunar phases. “It is ideal for women with irregular cycles, but can benefit everyone: balanced hormones are essential to everyone’s good health,” explains the author.

Hormones: the witch ritual to try to rebalance them

You need…

  • A piece of earth and sky
  • bare feet


Every month, at the appropriate time, walk barefoot outside for a few minutes a day. Make sure you are in a safe place and that there is nothing dangerous on the floor. This healing technique is called "grounding" because in doing so you absorb the earth's healing force through the soles of the feet.

As you walk, consider your connection to nature through the soles of your feet and your connection to lunar energy through your emotions and the water that makes up much of your body. If distracting thoughts come to mind, observe them and don't judge. Let them flow through you targeting end of obesity.

If you prefer not to go barefoot, simply go outside and look at the clouds, as they offer the same connection with nature and equally balancing and healing effects.

Spend a few moments thinking about how walking barefoot or looking at the clouds connects you with nature, on earth and in space. Feel in harmony with nature, the Moon and the stars, and honor the natural connection that unites your life and your body with the star.

When is the ideal time to rebalance your hormones?

The ritual must be performed at a specific time. For women, the ideal is to do it when the Moon is New or Full. For men, it is when the Moon crosses the signs of Aries and Libra that the time is best to rebalance your hormones. If you don't know where the lunation is, simply find out by consulting a lunar calendar or looking at our lunar horoscope for the week.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Does the Full Moon have any effects on humans? (III)

This is a continuation of a previous post

No more births for the Full Moon

Beliefs die hard and many people are convinced that children are no longer born on Full Moon evenings! This idea certainly comes from the links we make between the lunar cycle (29 days) and menstrual cycles (around 28 days). Midwives and gynecologists will guarantee that maternity wards are overwhelmed on these nights. But what is it really? The latest study19, carried out by American scientists, seriously calls this idea into question. The researchers recorded all child births that occurred in North Carolina over four years, between 1997 and 2001, representing more than 500,000 deliveries.

Result: they found an identical number of births during the different phases of the lunar cycle. Likewise, there are no more cesarean sections or twin births on Full Moon evenings. The mystery of pregnancy remains unsolved, since we still do not know precisely the element that will cause the birth of a baby. Future mothers, there is no way to predict with certainty the length of your pregnancy or the date of your delivery. Only the healthcare professional can estimate it, based on the first day of the last period.

In the meantime, the scientists who carried out the study have not said whether they will tackle another thorny problem: whether we should have our hair cut during this same Full Moon, so that it grows back more quickly. ? Ultimately, if the Full Moon, its different quarters and the lunar calendar can have effects on animals or plants, these are minimal on human nature. The only thing that sharply increases on Full Moon days: baseless superstitions... believed by 80% of nurses and 64% of doctors!

How to sleep well on a full moon night?

Do you think you are sensitive to the Full Moon and are afraid of having a bad night? Certain habits can help you relax and get to sleep.

  • Practice physical activity during the day to channel your energy;
  • Avoid alcohol consumption;
  • As for your plate, eat light in the evening and favor lean proteins, as well as semi-complete starchy foods, which are more digestible. This is also an opportunity to choose foods rich in melatonin such as oats, barley, rice, ginger, bananas, olives, hazelnuts and walnuts, potatoes, etc.;
  • Hydrate yourself sufficiently and try green tea for its relaxing caffeine, with jasmine or lavender;
  • Before bed, encourage calm activities, and stop all screen activity at least 1 hour before going to bed.
  • Several plants can also have a beneficial effect and soothe you before bed:

  • Valerian root is known to be a natural tranquilizer. It can be consumed as a decoction (1 teaspoon of roots per cup of boiled water) in capsules or ampoules;
  • The essential oil of lavender (or fine or true lavender, has a soothing, relaxing and anti-stress action. It can be inhaled by placing 2 drops on a tissue. Or in massage: by adding 6 drops of EO of lavender to a teaspoon of sweet almond vegetable oil and slowly massaging the solar plexus, the arch of the foot, the inside of the wrists, the temples;
  • Marjoram essential oil can be added to your bath by mixing 5 drops with 5 drops of lavandin, all in bath salt.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Does the Full Moon have any effects on humans? (II)

This is a continuation of a previous post

The stress of clear nights (insomnia): why does the Full Moon disrupt sleep more in women?

And what about stress? Are we more on edge when the lunar star shines? To find out, English researchers9 evaluated the number of calls to a listening and support center. They looked at phone calls related to stress or anxiety. And according to them there would indeed be a correlation with the Moon, but only among women. They would indeed be more nervous as the Full Moon approaches. Could it be hypersensitivity to the Moon? The explanation remains obscure, even if scientists suggest a correlation with menstrual cycles. Previously, when there was less artificial lighting, women were in tune with the Moon's calendar and perhaps relied a little more on the lunar quarter to monitor their menstrual cycle. Today, some women report that their menstrual cycle is synchronized with the lunar cycle. Once again, this phenomenon is perhaps more linked to each person's lifestyle.

Another study, published in the journal Current Biology and carried out in Switzerland, revealed that the Full Moon could disrupt melatonin levels. However, melatonin is a hormone whose secretion increases at the end of the day in order to prepare the body for sleep. Lunar cycles could therefore have a slight influence on sleep, leading to difficulty falling asleep during the Full Moon phase or difficulty waking up during the New Moon (melatonin levels increase.).

Depression in the moonlight

If the Moon doesn't seem to irritate us, perhaps it has the opposite effect: that of giving us the blues. Again, you have to dig into the statistics to look for a correlation. An English study showed that the Full Moon did not increase the number of consultations for depression or anxiety10. Nor would there be more patients hospitalized in psychiatry11,12. French researchers13 looked at the number of suicides in the Dordogne, to check if there could be more on Full Moon evenings. And the result was that on the contrary, there would be even fewer successful attempts when the moon is full!

On the other hand, an American study14 found correlations between lunar phases and manic/depressive episodes in certain patients with bipolar disorder, but also a deterioration in the condition of people with schizophrenia15.

Disturbed sleep when the star is brightest

Regarding sleep, the dates of the Full Moon would indeed have an influence. As many individuals report that they have more difficulty sleeping during this period, scientists wanted to analyze this relationship. A first study16 demonstrated that Full Moon nights were associated with less deep and restorative sleep or clear night insomnia. In another study17, the researchers took care not to explain to the participants the aim of this work, so as not to bias the experiment, "the personal beliefs of each person being able to influence the results". In the end, they were also able to observe a reduction in the deep sleep phase, of the order of 30%, as well as greater difficulty in falling asleep (5 minutes more on average) and a total time of decreased sleep (20 minutes less).

Similar observation in children who, according to a third study18, sleep less on these nights. Finally, an American and Argentinian study published in 2021 shows that in the days leading up to a full moon, people fall asleep later in the evening and sleep for shorter periods. Variations in the sleep cycle that researchers noted in both urban and rural settings, with less access to electricity. Some scientists have raised an interesting hypothesis to explain these results: that of the existence of a "circalunar" rhythm which regulates our biological activities over an average of 29.5 days, as does the circadian rhythm over 24 hours.

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Does the Full Moon have any effects on humans? (I)

As the full moon approaches behavior would change and our sleep would be disturbed. Does the moon really have an influence on our behavior and our body?

Does our character undergo a 29-day cycle, linked to the Full Moon and the lunar calendar? Nothing is less sure...

Moon and Earth: a story of 4.5 million years

The Moon is the only natural satellite part of our Solar system. Probably formed shortly after the creation of our planet, the Moon has a volume thirty times that of Earth. The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon. On the other hand, the latter is located more than 384,000 km from planet Earth while the Solar star is 150 million km away. It is also because of this distance that, seen from Earth, we have the impression that these two stars are the same size when they overlap to form the total solar eclipse. The Moon has a direct influence on the Earth's gravitation. Indeed, the absence of atmosphere and magnetic field acts on oceanic and terrestrial tides. This satellite also determines the length of a day.

Quarter Moon: what are the phases of the lunar cycle?

Also, the lunar calendar would have an impact on mood, gardening, childbirth or even hair growth. This lunar calendar, available online, includes the four main phases of the Moon:

  • New Moon ;
  • First quarter; 
  • Full moon ;
  • Last quarter.

How long does the Full Moon last?

It is with the New Moon that the lunation, also called lunar month, begins. The Moon is not illuminated by the Sun, because it is positioned between it and the Earth. It is then almost invisible from our planet. After 7 days, at its first crescent, it is the first quarter of the Moon which is visible from Earth. It is increasingly illuminated by the Sun. During the Full Moon, the entire face of the Moon visible from Earth is illuminated by the Sun. When the Moon is waning, we speak of the last quarter. Only its left part is lit by the Sun.

Does the Moon affect people?

According to certain beliefs, the Moon has an impact on some of our rhythms (hair growth, the quality of our sleep, etc.). According to this theory, full moon approaches behavior, so that during each phase, this satellite would flood the Earth with a different energy. It is depending on the dates and its phases of growth and decline that certain processes could be influenced. However, science remains mixed on the effects of the moon on humans. If work has been carried out, the results are not categorical. If effects exist, they are totally different from the force of attraction exerted by the Moon and the Sun punctuating the tides. And some think that this attraction would have an action on all living (and non-living) beings on the planet.

What is the “power” of the full Moon on humans: what science says
What are the effects of the Full Moon on human behavior?

Can the Full Moon have negative effects on our behavior and promote a gloomy mood? To find out, scientists looked for statistical correlations between certain events and the nights when this star is the brightest. For example, they wanted to know if this star increased aggressive behavior. Some have looked at the number of admissions to hospital emergency rooms1 on the nights in question: apparently there is no correlation. Even if we look in detail at gunshot wounds, stabbings and homicides, the rate of the latter even tends to decrease2,3...

More fatal accidents on Full Moon evenings?

When the Moon is visible in its entirety, would there also be a greater risk of death in the event of a medical problem? American researchers looked into the question4, comparing mortality rates in intensive care units on Full Moon nights and on other days. No correlation could be observed. There would also be no increased risks of vascular and neurological disorders5. On the other hand, a Spanish study6 showed an increase in the incidence of gastrointestinal bleeding in men, without finding an explanation.

One point on which scientists seem to agree: the fact that road safety is affected during the Full Moon. The results of a Japanese study7 published in 2018 show that there are more people transported to the emergency room after a road accident in the land of the rising sun that night. Same observation from Canadian and American researchers8, who observed a 5% increase in fatal accidents among motorcyclists. In question ? Perhaps a drop in the attention of drivers, distracted by the night star...

(to be continued related to full moon approaches behavior)

Friday, May 17, 2024

It Ends With Us: Influence of the Moon: truths and legends (II)

Animals under the influence

No, wolves do not howl more at full moon, dogs are not more aggressive then, and cows do not give birth more often at this phase. That said, there is indeed a lunar influence in certain cases. Thus, because of the lunar light, prey hide more and move less on full moon nights. We must not forget the tides: various marine animals (such as the palolo worm, the grunion fish, sea urchins or sea cucumbers) have reproductive behaviors (egg deposition or hatching) linked to the tides. In fact, various laboratory experiments (under random lighting, with artificial tides it ends with us) have even shown that certain marine animals have an internal clock linked to the Moon – their personal “app” for keeping track of the tides! In addition, other animals, such as the dung beetle or the sea flea, use the Moon to orient themselves – a special but effective compass.

There remains one last animal: the human. The Moon would rule when one should cut one's hair, take medicine, bake bread, have or give birth to children or enter into a psychotic crisis. It's still her that doctors, nurses and other police officers regularly blame for extra work on certain days. However, statistical studies follow one another and are all similar, whatever the subject (road accidents, suicides, murders, general or psychiatric emergencies, medical consultations, various crimes reported to the police, arrests, overdoses, epileptic seizures , childbirth, soulmates fits, even Dow Jones prices): move around, there's nothing to see, in fact it ends with us.

Some exceptions exist. Therefore, you will sleep more poorly at full moon if your shutters do not close properly or if your curtains are not opaque, because humans need darkness to sleep. Also be careful not to come across deer on full moon nights if you are in a car: it is not so much that you will suddenly become sadistic and want to run over one, but rather that you are more likely to encounter one because They move more when they have light.

When cognitive biases get involved

But if there are so few actual effects of the Moon, why on earth does the impression remain? In fact, we are witnessing the combination of two things: a strong tradition and powerful cognitive biases. We have a myriad of assertions about lunar effects of all kinds. However, when we examine the sources, we see that they are not based on any experience but on infinitely repeated traditions: almost the same words are found a few centuries before our era, in the Middle Ages, in the 18th century, or today today. Argued with conviction, these sentences are repeated from generation to generation, with the beautiful impact of authority which admits of no questioning.

These traditions are actually based on two simple pillars. The first is the analogy: the Moon grows between new moon and full moon, so plants, hair or other things must also grow; the Moon decreases between full moon and new moon, so livestock lose weight, they must harvest quickly. The second pillar is the Sun-Moon dualism: dry and hot Sun against cold and humid Moon. As a result, the Moon is favorable to humidity (and therefore, to rot), it is linked to “watery” organs (brain, eyes) and diseases (respiratory difficulties), and its rays are cold. By combining the two aspects, we reproduce all the well-known traditions, while these reasonings ultimately have no real basis.

On the other hand, our brain plays tricks on us, which does not help us recognize truth from falsehood. In addition to a furious inclination to prefer simple reasoning, our brain suffers from selective perception (we notice more easily what supports our preconceived ideas related to soulmates), from selective memory (we retain and remember better what supports our ideas). and selective exposure (we read, we watch, we mainly confront sources of information which reinforce our preconceived ideas).

So, exhausted medical staff after a long day of work will notice the full moon when they get home, but will forget all the other times when it was a full moon without extra work, or the times when there was a lot of work but nothing special in the sky. On a basis nourished by tradition, we will remember the association, even rare, and it will reinforce the initial belief. It’s “heads, I win” and “tails, you lose”.

Unfortunately, we can't do much about it because we can never completely escape these biases, even if we know them (this is why the scientific method was born), and there is therefore much to be done. Bet that we will be talking about these mysterious lunar effects on soulmate relationship for a long time!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Short stories: Influence of the Moon: truths and legends (I)

full moon and new moon influence
Humans have ended short stories up associating many properties and various powers with the Moon, but what is the part of imagination and reality in all this?

The question of lunar influences is only folklore or belief: it can in fact be studied in practice. Of course, as with any scientific test, there are a few conditions: have many subjects (not a single tree or a person), observe for a long time (one cycle is not enough), eliminate effects without a direct link (to study the influence of the full moon on car accidents, we must first remove the well-known weekly variation), use the correct ephemeris (no, we cannot decide to have a 30-day lunar phase cycle instead of 29.53 because it is easier for the calculations), do not select the data to keep just those going in the direction of the desired effect, have replication on other data or by other researchers.

That being said, let's take a look at the different areas where the Moon short stories has been incriminated.

Weather: the role of tides

Does the Moon provide information about the atmosphere? Sometimes yes. The Moon will thus appear darker during total eclipses if the Earth's atmosphere contains a lot of dust. Around new moons, the ashen light will be brighter if the side of the Earth facing our satellite has more clouds. And if you see a halo around the full moon, it's because the atmosphere has ice crystals at altitude, in clouds called cirrostratus which sometimes, but not always, precede a worsening of the weather.

Everything that has just been described is in fact linked to the atmosphere, the Moon is in no way responsible, but is there a direct effect? Forget the tradition that the new moon heralds a change in the weather (since the phase is the same for all countries on Earth, this would imply a change in weather everywhere on the same day!). On the other hand, effects, although weak, of the Moon have been noticed for the weather at the Cerro Paranal observatory and for tropical rains: they are in fact linked to oceanic or atmospheric tides.

Another lunar reputation: it causes tsunami, earthquake, or eruption. Of course, terrestrial tides (yes, it's not just the water that rises, the ground too) knead the crust of our planet, while ocean tides, by moving large quantities of water, increase or decrease the pressure on this crust.

However, it is clear that the role of the Full Moon or New Moon is not gigantic, and in fact you already know this: we do not announce a big global catastrophe, widespread eruption and global earthquake, every full moon. At worst, it's possible that tides could bring the final straw to a fault nearing change or a volcano ready to erupt.

Gardening with the Moon

At the beginning, everything is based on a simple analogy: the shape of the Moon grows between the new moon and the full moon, so our satellite favors everything that needs to grow and it is a good time to sow. As time has passed, some have modified the initial tradition and "waxing Moon" sometimes refers to a Moon located further from the celestial equator (the projection of our terrestrial equator on the celestial sphere), which causes the Moon to change its height relative to the horizon, as the Sun is higher in the sky in summer and lower in winter.

The short stories here are based on a more “gravific” conception: a Moon located closer to the zenith “pulls” the plants upwards, pushing them to develop upright. This growing moon would therefore become favorable for what grows out of the ground (corn, for example) and unfavorable for what must be buried there (carrots, for example).

Finally, for about a century, still others have combined the growth of the Moon (in one or the other meaning) with its position in the sky, a moon/astrology mixture of sorts. However, it has been known and proven for centuries: soil quality, water supply, pest control, and weather are the most important factors for any good gardener to monitor. As a leaflet from the French National Horticultural Society points out, the New Moon doesn't have much to do with it.

(to be continued)

Monday, May 13, 2024

Ritual to practice on Full Moon evenings

fool moon ritual
Full Moon purification ritual to do at home to benefit from all the benefits of the Full Moon

The Full Moon is the right time to purify your space, reconnect with yourself and others, and set intentions. This is the whole point of these lunar rituals, which, via burning sticks, stones and a notebook, draw all its intensity to direct it towards your body and your mind.

The Full Moon is a lunar phase full of intensity, inviting you to take stock, draw down your cards and recharge with good vibes, via targeted rituals. Wellness rituals are particularly recommended around the full moon because spiritual and universal energies are more active and intense at this time. So it’s an excellent way to connect to it, draw inspiration from it and use this powerful phase to lighten up, set intentions and be more effective.

Ritual of emotional liberation through writing and fire

This reconnection with oneself can take the form of rituals to be performed on full moon evenings. In these sacred moments of introspection, it will be essential to take the time to purify your space. Just like us, our living space stores a multitude of energies on a daily basis from which it is important to discharge.

Burning a stick of Sage or Palo Santo and dispersing its smoke in each room of our space will allow us to purify it and eliminate all accumulated energies.

After taking the time to purify your space with sage or palo Santo, take a few moments to center yourself. On a sheet of paper, list all the emotions, fears and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward today.

Once this list is established, reread it several times with the intention of freeing yourself from all these things for good.

You can recite out loud several times “I free myself from the emotions, fears and limiting beliefs that prevent me from moving forward today. »

Once ready, burn this list and thank yourself for taking the time to perform this ritual. To support you in this writing exercise, surround yourself with the energy of your crystals.

  • Tourmaline will help you be in the present moment and ward off negative energies.
  • Rock crystal will allow you to listen to your intuition.
  • Amazonite will help you regain inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Rhodochrosite will soothe the heart to restore harmony
The rising or falling energies of the moon allow us to accentuate the power of the intention we set. The moon carries the power of the ritual and we feed on its energy. We feel lighter, stronger, ready to move forward and caring

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Zodiac signs who meet their soulmate in the summer of 2024

soulmate connection
Zodiac signs who meet their soulmate in the summer of 2024. What the stars have in store for them

Summer is about the corner, and the love status of some zodiac signs will change during the summer season! Certain natives will be lucky in love, and hearts will open strongly to new possible connections. Let's see which are the zodiac signs that will meet their soulmate in the summer of 2024.

The 4 zodiac signs that will meet their love in the summer of 2024

For Cancer, Leo, Libra and Pisces, it seems that a wonderful time is ahead! Regarding their personal life, it seems that they will experience only positive things. It is obvious that the Universe has great plans for them, which is why they will enjoy every moment spent with their loved one.

♋ Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

Cancer, the protective and empathetic water sign, is known for its deep emotional connection and desire for security in relationships. In the summer of 2024, people born under the sign of Cancer may feel attracted to potential partners who share their values of loyalty, compassion and family. Their intuitive nature allows them to navigate the complexities of romance with grace and sensitivity, making them highly receptive to meaningful connections during this time

♌ Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

The confident and charismatic fire sign Leo thrives in the spotlight and loves to show their affection to their partners. With their magnetic personality and generous spirit, Leos are likely to attract romantic opportunities effortlessly during the summer of 2024. They exude warmth and passion, igniting sparks of romance wherever they go, and may fall head over heels in love with someone who appreciates their courage and creativity.

♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Libra, the charming and diplomatic air sign, values harmony and companionship in relationships. In the summer of 2024, Libra natives may be searching for balance and stability in their love lives, which will lead them to discover meaningful connections with potential partners who share their desire for mutual respect and understanding. They might meet the soulmate, someone who completes them and brings the balance they are looking for. Their romantic nature and willingness to compromise make them irresistible to those looking for lasting love.

♓ Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20 

Pisces, the compassionate and dreamy water sign, are known for their romantic idealism and deep emotional depth. In the summer of 2024, Pisces natives may feel under the spell of love as they open their hearts to new possibilities and embrace the beauty of shared dreams and aspirations with a special someone. They might meet someone to share their dreams with and experience a deep, selfless love. Their intuitive nature allows them to connect with others on a deep soul level, creating connections that are both profound and transformative. 

As summer comes into its own, the four signs will be ready to experience the joy and excitement of new love. Whether it's the protective nature of Cancer, the magnetic charm of Leo, the balance-seeking Libra, or the romantic idealism of Pisces, these natives will fall under the spell of romance in the summer of 2024.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Biological Life Cycle: Full Moon Wellness Rituals

full moon wellness rituals
We have talked earlier about the Lunar Cycle,  Phases of the Moon, New Moon, and Full Moon

These events are important and must be known because they have an influence on our life and behavior.

Soon, on May 23, we will have a full moon. When we approach the full moon, energies are increasing, things are happening with greater intensity. Don't take things too seriously and don't have expectations that are too high, but plant the seeds on Full Moon, and see what comes out! 

Here you can see some possible effects of the full moon, and below we will have a brief description

What are the effects of the Full Moon on our well-being?

The full moon is a period of illumination that can be very energetic, both when it is 100% full and the few days preceding it. The theory says that it highlights things that you may not have noticed or been aware of. It is therefore an ideal period to evaluate different aspects of your life and focus on what you really want... And on what is holding you back from achieving them accoeding to biological life cycle. 

The full moon can affect people in different ways, with a feeling of extreme fatigue or on the contrary, high energy. It may seem impossible to concentrate or feel very inspired, but not particularly in a calm and efficient way. 

To get what you want, sometimes you have to help your destiny. One way would be to do some rituals related to the full moon

No matter what scenario you find yourself in, try different rituals to feel more grounded and help you sort out your life. You will gain clarity, acceptance and inspiration which will lead to positive change and transformation. And this, in all aspects of your life, simply by working on your subconscious. 

Wellness rituals can be practiced at any time, preferably several times a month, but the reason why they are particularly recommended around the full moon is that spiritual and universal energies are more active and intense at this time. It is therefore an excellent way to connect to it, draw inspiration from it and use this powerful phase to lighten up, set intentions and be more effective. 

However, as I said above: don't take things too seriously and don't have expectations that are too high, but see it as a good way to take stock of yourself and to charge your will, mind, and energy. 

Wellness rituals to do on Full Moon days

1.Evaluate your energy

Take a quiet moment to assess whether you are feeling tired or energetic, to listen to the thoughts that are going through your mind. You can practice meditation for a few minutes, or simply sit in silence with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. This will calm the mind and allow you to see more clearly what you are feeling. It will also stop unwanted thoughts to help you, from a subconscious point of view, establish stronger thoughts that you deeply desire and that are holding you back.

2. Write down your thoughts in a journal

Among wellness rituals, I like to brainstorm or make a mind map, but you can just write down whatever comes to mind. This may be something you are working on or something you are struggling with. 

  • Write down all your feelings and then organize your thoughts. For each aspect of your life that you are working on, try to make a plan, a to do list, or write down ways to accomplish it without the process becoming a source of stress. 
  • Then, notice the negative aspects, and think about how to alleviate them. In your mind, consciously, force yourself to let it flow... Some people like to burn photos or objects during the full moon, but this is a bit extreme... By writing them down or dispelling them from your thoughts, it works too. 
  • Find what works for you. The goal here is not to create a long to-do list, but to restore order and establish a realistic strategy to achieve your goals and desires. Getting them down on paper helps make them more real on a subconscious level and helps you focus on the things that seem most important to you.

3. Make order

During this period of your biological life cycle, a desire to clarify things and get rid of some in passing, which you no longer use or need, may arise. Do what inspires you. Give away or sell some old clothes or even rearrange the entire layout of your house... The important thing is to make room for new things in your life. By tidying up physically, it will have a positive impact on the subconscious and without realizing it, you will attract new things.

4. Listen to your body

If you feel energized, very inspired and motivated, but also have difficulty concentrating, physical activity can release this excess energy while providing a break for your mind from the incessant flow of thoughts. 

So what to do? Dance, run, swim, walk... Even 5 minutes of dancing or running can help channel energy without completely draining you. If, on the other hand, you feel tired, unmotivated, accept it and don't deal with it. Your body also needs to slow down and rest.

5. Not making important decisions

This advice applies regardless of your level of energy, motivation and inspiration. Don't make big decisions or big changes during the full moon. The ambient energy is so strong that it could highlight certain bad aspects or obstruct the risks involved. Instead, make plans, set your ideas, but let them mature and flourish at their own pace. On a physical level too, don't overdo it in general. It is a time of concentration and introspection, to find oneself and know oneself. Please be gentle, this only happens once a month!

Friday, May 10, 2024

6 Possible Effects Of The Full Moon

fool moon effects
The moon will be generous and luminous for the eleventh time of the year and it could, in one way or another, influence our behavior. Here are the 6 effects that the full moon has on us.

1. Lack of sleep is obvious

The November full moon is one of the best in a while: it will bring its share of energy, which should make up for the fewer hours of sleep.

2. It’s time to take stock

The full moon signifies, among other things, the end of a cycle. This introspective period is ideal for taking stock of the last few weeks.

3. Emotions are more vivid

It could be that the emotions within us are more intense than usual and take over. Let's be lenient.

4. Updates are welcome

The November full moon is one in the sign of Taurus. It is conducive to discussions with those around us. Those that will allow us to shed light on situations that escape us.

5. Desires materialize

Taurus is an earth sign for whom money and comfort are a priority. This is an opportunity to make financial decisions.

6. Behaviors change strangely

Many believe that the full moon has repercussions on mood disorders, including anxiety attacks. Childbirths would also be more frequent, as would crimes.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Determinate Location of Full Moon and New Moon

Full Moon and New Moon
The Moon is our satellite. Speakung on how to determinate location, you should know this planet rotates on itself and around our blue planet in such a way as to always show the same face to the inhabitants of the Earth: this is why we speak of the hidden face of the Moon. 

Its orbit around the Earth, the lunation, lasts approximately 29 days. During this cycle, the Moon is more or less illuminated by the Sun. It in not difficult to determinate location. Its appearance will vary: when it is Full, the Moon is visible from the Earth because it is entirely illuminated by the Sun. On the orbital plane, we observe in order the Sun, the Earth then the Moon. Conversely, the New Moon is not seen in the sky. This is why it is also called the Black Moon. On the orbital plane, we observe in order the Sun, the Moon then the Earth. The Sun then illuminates the other side of the Moon, the one it hides from Earthlings.

Everything you need to know about the lunar cycle

The lunation begins arbitrarily at the New Moon, when it is therefore not visible in the sky. Then a thin crescent takes shape, widening into a quarter... Between the quarter and the full moon, it is called gibbous. And from the Full Moon, the cycle of waning begins until the next New Moon.

1. Identify the type of moon

The fact that the moon is new or full already gives a first indication of the overall energy. 

A New Moon is always a sign of new beginnings. In other words: it drives a project, a launch that is close to our hearts, materializes an intention or an objective. 

In contrast, the Full Moon intervenes in the middle of the cycle to initiate the waning of the moon. It thus invites us to work in depth, in introspection, on a weak point and prepares for an upcoming closure. It is an energy of balance. It is therefore the best time to work on your shadows, your difficulties, what you have the most difficulty with in general.

2. Determine the astrological sign in which the moon is located

You have certainly already heard that on a certain date, it is "a New Moon in Taurus" or "a Full Moon in Scorpio". When determinate location the sign will allow you to know the theme associated with it . Indeed, depending on the sign in which the planet settles down, its effects are not the same.

Learn to identify the sign yourself:

- For the New Moon, it's very simple: it's the sign of the zodiac whose season it is on the date of the New Moon. 

Example Last New Moon was in May 7, so we can say that New Moon was in Taurus (April 22-May 21). Next New Moon will be in June 6, that means it wil be in Gemini (May, 21 - June,21)

- For the Full Moon, is a little complicated, as it is the sign opposite the sign in which it is the season. As there are 12 signs of the zodiac, there are 6 pairs of opposite signs. To identify them, simply find the 6 pairs of signs furthest apart in the year, those whose seasons are spaced 6 months apart or take the list of zodiac signs, start from a sign and count up 'to 6 to find its opposite sign. 

An example with the Full Moon of May 23: on May 23, we are in the sign of Gemini (May 21 - June 21). The opposite sign to Gemini (count 6 times) is Sagittarius. It is therefore a Full Moon in Sagittarius. .

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 8, 2024 - New Moon in Taurus, The Moment of Ultimate Truth!

new moon
Taurus is a sign associated with stability, wealth and security. The New Moon in Taurus on May 8 marks the first lunar cycle after the spring eclipse season. With the new lunar cycle, the transformative energies of eclipses fade into the background.

The New Moon in Taurus, ruled by Venus, brings a favorable period for love, beauty, money and pleasure. Between April 29 and May 24, the planet of "little happiness" moves through Taurus, giving you the chance to get away from the outside hustle and bustle, slow down and simply enjoy life.

At the time of the New Moon on May 8, at 06:22, the planetary aspects are harmonious, and a stellium is formed in Taurus: a karmic cluster formed by the White Moon, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter, along with the Moon and the Sun. These planets create a strong positive energy fund, which will be amplified by the New Moon.

The New Moon in Taurus on May 8 can facilitate the manifestation of intentions. At the same time, it amplifies the feeling of motivation and provides inspiration to build a solid foundation.

The fertile energy of Taurus and Venus will stimulate creativity, abundance and material benefits. This energy can be used to create, start a business or personal project, and increase the chances of conceiving a child if that is a goal.

May 8 is a truly magical day in the spring of 2024, when the energy of wealth and prosperity is extremely strong. Use the potential of the planets to reinvigorate your feelings and goals, to charge yourself with inner strength. In the coming month, private life will be marked by positive events, with more pleasure and joy compared to previous months.

You find miraculous solutions to old problems

The New Moon in Taurus promotes self-confidence, removes subconscious feelings of insecurity and brings a sense of stability. Allow yourself to relax, enjoy the simple pleasures and activate the energies of the New Moon on May 8.

Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, and the New Moon is the perfect time to "plant seeds." In the next two weeks after the New Moon, you can start new projects, move or look for a new job. It is also important to show perseverance, a quality appreciated by Taurus.

The New Moon offers good prospects for development, but may decrease personal energy potential, which must be taken into account. Avoid financial risks, manage your personal resources and share with those who need help.

The New Moon on May 8 will bring out hidden desires, repressed emotions and forgotten mistakes, bringing them into the real world. It's time to recognize and address these issues in order to move forward.

During the transit of Venus and the Moon through Taurus, the risk of overeating increases, so be careful about your eating habits. There is no need to rush; let things unfold naturally and enjoy what you have around you.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Moon Ritual: meditation and intention setting (II)

moon ritual
What to do as a New Moon ritual (one evening)?

Start Moon Ritual with a meditation

I once read in a book a very specific ritual to set your intentions for the New Moon. The opportunity to celebrate the emptiness and splendor of this moonless night.

  • For this ritual, you will need a candle and a small notebook. The ideal time is to do it after dark, if possible.
  • Be sure to turn off almost all the lights in the room. Don't plan any music, silence will be your companion.
  • Light a candle.
  • Take a few deep breaths. Notice how you feel.
  • On this New Moon evening, a new cycle is slowly preparing, but not yet. While many advocate setting your intentions for the new lunation, on the evening of the New Moon, try doing nothing instead. Like the invisible moon and this empty sky, welcome the silence and darkness within you. The time is not to set your intentions in this dark night, the time is to deliberately choose to do nothing and silently observe. Take your notebook and look at these blank pages. Tonight, don't write anything. Feed on this emptiness. Notice how it feels to see all the pristine white pages. There is nothing and yet, an infinite number of possibilities can arise from it when the time comes.
  • If this time of nothing is uncomfortable for you, look at your candle. It illuminates despite the total darkness, it guides you in this dark night. The Moon invites you to meditate in this silence and in this darkness. You can't always be full and active. Welcome this moment of emptiness and receptivity.
  • The Moon whispers to you that, even if it is not visible, it is there, just like your plans, your desires and your wishes which have not yet come to fruition. It's not because you don't see anything that they aren't on their way, there is a time for everything.
  • Cherish the emptiness of today and trust in the seeds that will be sown tomorrow. In a few days, when the Moon is waxing and visible and the energy is more dynamic again, you can set your intentions.

Love, money... How to set your full intentions or wishes?

To write your intentions for the Moon, the method is very simple. Chloé Mason explains: “Write them in your notebook. Describe what you want to see manifest during this cycle.” Career development, realization of a project, moving, romantic encounter... Give free rein to your imagination, and above all, listen to your soul and your intuition. Once you have made a list of your intentions, “close your notebook and don’t think about it anymore”. There is no point in focusing too much on your intentions, wishes or wishes. The more you think about it, the less it will come true. The best solution is to simply “let life happen”. Everything you desire could materialize two weeks later, during the Full Moon. The other big meeting of the month, renowned for bringing out energies.

When to do your Moon ritual?

The ideal time to practice a Moon ritual is at the peak time of the phase of said Moon cycle. That said, the energies of the Full Moon and New Moon are strong. They are felt up to 48 hours before and after climax.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

New Moon Ritual: meditation and intention setting (I)

moon ritual
A symbol of renewal, the  New Moon is an ideal time to experience a moment of mindfulness before taking stock of your goals and formulating wishes. This article offers you a moon ritual idea to practice during this phase of the lunar cycle.

The Moon has always been a source of beliefs. The satellite, in constant movement, changes its appearance every day and takes approximately 28 days to complete its cycle. During this period, it evolves in the sky. 

The Moon grows until it shines during the Full Moon, then gradually disappears until the New Moon. Instant when it becomes impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. This meeting marks the end of a lunar cycle and the beginning of a new lunation. A period of darkness and pause, the New Moon is known as a magical moment, during which it is advisable to set your intentions, write an abundance check or formulate positive affirmations. In other words, to express your wishes for the weeks to come. 

More concretely, it is a time of rest that the energies the Moon ritual offer us. They allow everyone to take stock of the month that has just passed, while starting to plan for the coming days.

New Moon Symbol

In her book Rituals to gently explore the power of your feminine, the author and life coach, Chloé Mason, returns to this phenomenon. “The New Moon is invisible because during this phase it is positioned between the Sun and the Earth. It’s a strong moment, because not being visible, its usual brightness is absent and you are plunged into a much darker night than usual.” She now shares her ritual dedicated to the New Moon to allow everyone to express their wishes as they should.

What are the benefits of the New Moon?

The New Moon is given many virtues. In the calm of this lightless night, we are given the opportunity to take care of ourselves. It is a time to rest and relax. An ideal time to do a major cleaning. If you can take the opportunity to sort through your cupboards, it is also advisable to embark on a little detox (if you feel like it, of course). If you are more into beauty, know that this is the right time to deep cleanse and unclog. To lightly moisturize. In short, let go of everything that can block us to prepare for a new cycle.

The New Moon ritual gives impetus. It's a bit like a second wind. It inspires us and invites us to take action. As a result, you can start sowing the seeds that you want to see germinate during the month, during the lunation. Some then make what we call abundance checks. Small requests or wishes sent to the Moon and which they transcribe on paper. A ritual based on the law of attraction.

Through rituals, the New Moon can contribute to the materialization of dreams. Formulate a wish, think about your goals, put your wishes down on paper... There are a whole bunch of names for the ritual of intention. Please note: writing an abundance check is a little different. See the details of the moon rituals in our next posts.

(to be continued)