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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Common attitudes of couples that last (III)


essential advices to make couple last
see previous part here


Get into a relationship? Easy. Succeed in making it last? Much more complicated. A well named psychologist, gives us the 3 golden rules for a couple that stands the test of time. Most of all, it's about common attitudes of couples

If the weather is not yet good (damn weather), according to the stars, the summer will be hot. A period of vacations and one-off romances, the 3 months of summer are ideal for meeting people and - why not - finding the right fit. From the month of June, the planets will work together to provide a favorable period for meetings in order of lasting relationship.. 

With the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini on May 25, many natives will be blessed with almost divine luck when it comes to dating. Also in June, Pluto's retrograde coupled with the arrival of Mercury in Gemini is conducive to creating a favorable climate for romantic associations. This energy will last until the end of the summer. In the meantime, Venus, the planet of love, will join the game, pushing the most demanding natives to bring about an encounter that could change a life.

We have been sharing our life with our significant other for one, two, three, five, ten years now. Years of love. Ups, but also downs. Laughter, and sometimes tears. Hundreds of moments passed. Thousands of sweet words and common attitudes of couples exchanged. From adventure to adventure… And from discussion to discussion. One key word: communication. This is main advices to make couple last

Because if this relationship is one of the most beautiful things that has happened to us in life, it’s because we make it so. It is a rough diamond that we cut over time and events. Long-term work done, hand in hand, with our partner. We know him/her as he/she knows us. We know exactly how to approach... We know each other.

If all duos have their own way of functioning, certain rules nevertheless remain universal. In an interview with Parents magazine, psychologist Myriam Bidaud reveals 3 essentials for making a lasting relationship. Here they are…


Of course. “First of all, you have to prioritize the relationship and your partner,” begins the specialist. That is to say, placing our other half at the center of our life. We adapt to it. Take it into consideration in our choices. Shape our daily lives around it. We do everything we can to give her confidence, and vice versa. This is how we will be able to build long-term projects, together.

But beware. We must not forget each other, however. And in no case make decisions against our will, only to adapt to the person with whom we share our life. This is where the complexity of common atittude of couple lies: we must find a balance. Include it in our long-term plans, without forgetting the rest. Adapt them to it, without changing them completely. This is the key to a lasting relationship, one of the best advices to make couple last.

(to be continued here)

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