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Friday, July 12, 2024

Meet your soulmate: how does it work?

You are single and you envy your friends who have perfect love with their darling. However, the expression “love is around the corner” leaves you skeptical. Meet your soulmate is a mix of several factors to take into account.

#findsoulmate: Love, meeting: the result of chance or alchemy?

In fact, there is no clear-cut answer, it's a bit of both... Indeed, psychologists believe that to meet your soulmate, you must above all be free in your head, truly available, in other words ready to love. For example, you take the metro on the same route for months, and you do not notice your neighbor who, however, also takes the same route. No click, the meeting does not take place. And then the famous spark arises, of an essentially psychological nature for some, essentially chemical for others. He or she will say a word that you will be sensitive to, make a small gesture that is so charming, give such a moving look, and the process will be triggered.

Why him ? Why she ?

Beyond any rational explanation, alchemy operates and touches the deepest depths of everyone's emotions. Even if everything seems due to chance, there is in fact an unconscious theater which will allow the rapprochement. As Freud said, alluding to the Oedipus complex: “To find the loved object is, in short, only to find it again. Here are the beloved parents who resurface, but also the child that we were and that we always remain a little in the corner of our minds.» During the shock of love, it is the other who resonates with the child buried within oneself, and who brings to the surface a host of buried emotions. But chemistry also plays a part in the dating process. By wanting to consider only our psychic impulses in love, we risk no longer understanding anything.

The “animal” factor of romantic encounters

Man is not a little animal and a lot human, nor the reverse, he is 100% animal and 100% human. Biology acts in us as much as our culture and our personal history.» Thus, odors intervene in the processes of attraction: those which stimulate our desire because they excite our olfactory memory (memories often linked to childhood or our love life), but also those which we do not not smell distinctly and yet play an essential role. 

We can also notice that if romantic and sexual activity does not experience a real seasonal break, certain annual rhythms seem to persist, which is perfectly explained since the level of sexual hormones, both female and male, varies during the year. , depending on the environment. Finally, what if we simply talked about – and more beautifully – “alchemy” between two individuals?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Contra-dating, the new love trend for find your soulmate

#contradating #findsoulmate
Find your soulmate is very important.  By consequence, new dating trends emerge every day. Here is the one for contra-dating.

To meet new people, many people register on specific applications or use social networks. Others choose to try in everyday life by enrolling in courses: pottery, dance, sport, languages... If despite this, you do not find love, contra-dating can perhaps help you.

#contradating : What is contra-dating?

According to a study, 72% of people who meet people engage in “groundhogging”. This term is similar to the film “One Day Without End” in which the character keeps returning to the same day. In terms of romantic relationships, this this new dating trends refer to the fact that we always reproduce the same patterns by choosing the same type of person each time.

The principle of contra-dating is simple. It goes against what we are used to doing To counter this, contra-dating suggests choosing someone you would not have chosen at first glance. You have to go beyond your physical preferences, which can often prevent you from seeing a person's qualities, what you have in common, etc.This new dating trends of looking at romantic relationships increases the chances for finding a soulmate

We focus on what matters most, which can help you find a better match for you.

#findsoulmate : How to find your soulmate?

Take a kind look at the people you meet: consider others in principle as our equal, and not judge them at first glance. Develop real, heart-to-heart encounters that will allow intimacy. They can gradually create attachment, attraction and the feeling of love.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

To have a soulmate or even several soulmates?

definition of soulmate
I have no certainty, but, according to my experience and hopes, I think that each of us can even several soulmates

The soulmate is not only linked to the romantic relationship, neither romantic, nor marital, nor sexual.

He is a person that we “recognize” as if we had always known him! Can be a close relative, a friend, a peer, an "elder", a young person, a child, etc., someone with whom "the current passes" without the need for words, (we can communicate in a way telepathic), we “get along” almost perfectly, we complement each other,…

If we are lucky enough to share a relationship with “a soulmate”, it’s happiness guaranteed! The loss of one or the other can cause real trauma, even if socially there is no link (filiation, marriage, family, etc.) between these people...

This is my understanding of soulmates!

Above all, you should not believe that this is only reserved for the “love domain”! This is the mistake you should not make, thinking that your “half” must be your “soulmate”.

Well in fact the problem with the soulmate is that we can see at least 3 possible definitions.

First definition of soulmate : he/she would be a person with a “perfect” resemblance to us: same tastes, same personality, same convictions… A sort of spiritual double.

Second definition of soulmate : he/she would be a person with perfect compatibility with us. So not necessarily the same personality as us but the one we need.

Third definition of soulmate: he/she would be the person who would be destined for us regardless of her personality.

In all 3 cases I think it is entirely possible to have a soulmate or even several soulmates depending on the definition you adopt. Now there can always be some, does that mean we will be attracted to her and stay with her?

Let's take the most romantic couples possible, for example Romeo and Juliet. We clearly see that if they represent the idealized couple, “destiny” meant that they could not really be together. Furthermore, we can be “destined” for someone without necessarily seeing perfection in the couple, quite the contrary. Partners killed at the hands of their spouse, for example, we can say that their fate was clearly unlucky.

Likewise, when we are absolutely identical to another person, we may be led to reject the other because they are too similar to us and we can see a mirror of our own faults.

If we look closely in reality only the second definition can still sell a little dream. Now would that be possible to have a soulmate or even several soulmates? Given the number of human beings alive on this planet, I honestly won't be surprised by anything. Well, it goes without saying that they still have to be somewhat contemporary people, but it doesn't seem surreal to me to see here and there a few examples of perfectly compatible individuals.

However, the question raises several questions:

  1. What about the couple's evolution over time? Can compatibility remain for years knowing that the environment can affect our personality at any time?
  2. Could these people really interest us? If the soulmate indeed fulfills our real needs better than our desires, would an idealist seeking comfort be able to recognize that she perhaps needs an independent "poor" assuming that this is her real need? ? Same if for example a feminist would hypothetically need a good royalist male... I am sure that some people deny themselves happiness simply because of preconceptions of this type (size, wealth, social situation, political conviction...) preventing them to see the soulmate in front of her.
  3. Could we recognize this soulmate and be available for her? Even if the person met all the criteria and by (very) happy coincidence, personal desires and real needs merged. Would we have the opportunity and the intelligence to seize this chance?
  4. Finally, and this is also a crucial point which is far from being as obvious as that: if a person was perfect for us, would we in return necessarily be perfect for them? Is compatibility necessarily mutual?

All this makes me say that seeking perfection is certainly the best way to end up single, because as I have shown through my questions, the problem is very far from simple.

If interested in have a soulmate or even several soulmates, please leave a comment here!

Friday, July 5, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Gemini and Aquarius Find Soulmate (III)

(Please, see here how find soulmate other signs)

Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate
Virgo: Your wisdom and your sense of priorities make you a wise person, often prepared for any eventuality... but beneath the surface, what's going on? How are your emotions doing? You may well have been faced with upsetting situations that the new moon could point out, inviting you once and for all to leave them behind.

Libra: Don't let your fears influence your actions, your positions. Don't let anger lead you into conversations where words overwhelm your thoughts. On the contrary, keep calm, take all the time you need, don't react on the spot and take a step back. Some people don't deserve your energy for them. Good financial news for this astrological sign, ambition is the key word in this month of June. Libra has projects in mind that should bring back a tidy financial sum...

Scorpio: This new moon bathes your strengths in light, and activates the levers allowing you to achieve your goals and to make the obstacles that stood before you springboards towards a result much greater than that which you expected. Your hard work is finally paying off.

Sagittarius: You are preparing to enter a period of peace, conducive to the harmonization of all of your structures. From a general point of view, a good fairy seems to have looked into the areas of your life where fluidity has not yet managed to find its way. If certain blockages remain, it may be appropriate to reconsider the project... Was this what you wanted?

Capricorn: You are encouraged to pursue the path you recently decided to take. However, the energies that surround you invite you to review your organization, so as to be certain that it works, and that your future actions are not a futile attempt.

Aquarius: Choose to listen to your heart rather than getting lost in the thick fog that escapes from your confused thoughts. No longer try to control all the situations around you, on the contrary, give back to Caesar what belongs to him by choosing instead to empower those who accept a little too easily that, as always, you resolve their problems. This is how the essentials will come to the surface. An independent sign of Aquarius has the desire to meet the big love. And that’s good: the stars are on his side! It's a nice time to release the pressure, take your mind off things and enjoy the beautiful days ahead. Aquarius find soulmate this new moon

Pisces: The shortest path is not necessarily the one that will best serve your interests in the long term. Do not seek immediate happiness, or even the shortest path to it. Happiness is not a destination, but a path, each of which offers you valuable lessons and as many avenues for learning.

If interested in more, please leave a comment here

Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Aquarius and Gemini Find Soulmate (II)

Gemini find soulmate
(see here first part of posting)
This Saturday's New Moon

This Saturday's new moon, as well as all the energies that accompany it, invite us to draw the contours of what in our life locks us in, keeps us in patterns that do not allow us to evolve. 

The conditions seem to be required for us to be able to arm ourselves with courage and confront our beliefs, their origins and everything that more generally distances us from ourselves, and from the opportunity to live a life perfectly aligned with what we let us feel, what we believe, in the moment, to be right for us. Here we are at the gates of a new cycle, which could well have the invigorating effect of a dive into the unknown, where once we return to the surface, energized by the simple fact of having dared to jump into the void, we let's emerge from the water, transformed forever. That will help sign Gemini find soulmate.

The key words of this full moon are: focus, emotions, nostalgia, home, belief, upheaval, courage, return to oneself. 

This moon is particularly beneficial for: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. But can be destabilizing for: Aries, Libra and Capricorn. And rather neutral for the other signs.

Let's now see the message to remember, sign by sign

Aries: Before resuming your journey, be sure to give yourself enough time to regain all your energy. The unexpected events that you may have recently encountered highlight your adaptation skills. Free yourself from the annoyance that these may have caused in you, to move forward again, with optimism and serenity.

Taurus: Stop getting lost in details that have little importance. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture, pointing out what's working, at the heart of everything that may be putting you in difficulty. Of all this, what is the underlying message that teaches you a lesson?

Gemini: You seem in perfect harmony with your decisions, willing to build or strengthen the bonds that unite you with those around you and important to you. Now freed from what was slow to heal, you approach the future with more serenity than ever, and enter a new stage of your life, responsible for enhancing your energy. Geminis are lucky in love: this is the perfect time to highlight your Gemini's love life. He is going through a deep questioning of his vision of love and the couple and this could allow him to begin a new phase in his love life. Gemini find Soulmate

Cancer: One of the trials you have gone through, and whose shadow always seems to tarnish the beauty of what the future promises you, is preparing to leave you. To do this, you just need to agree to leave these memories behind. In this endeavor, do not be reluctant to seek assistance from anyone willing to lend you a helping hand.

Leo: Separate yourself from everything that confines you on a daily basis and thus drains your energy. Free yourself from unnecessary worries about situations over which you have no control. Make yourself and your ambitions your priority.

(to be continued related to new moon and how Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Moon on 6 July - Gemini and Aquarius Find Soulmate (I)

gemini and aquarius find soulmate
During the night of this Friday to Saturday July 6, 2024, around 0 a.m (GMT)., the new moon will form in the sign of Cancer alongside the sun which has already resided there since June 21

On this occasion, a series of important events take place, namely:
  • - Neptune began its retrograde march towards the sign of Pisces
  • - Mercury entered the sign of Leo
  • - New Moon on Saturday (to see more what New Moon means, please go here)

In the following we will analyze the effect of these events on each astrological sign

Before that, however, we must offer a general overview

Well, in the sky, it was on July 2 that Neptune (the planet of intuition, inspiration, spirituality) began its retrograde march in the sign of Pisces, where it will stay until December 7. At the same time, Mercury (the planet of communication, of exchanges) entered Leo, where it will extend there until July 26. In the sky, the planets come together to create above our heads an atmosphere conducive to the exploration of all that, in our life, certainly secures us, but also confines us, all those habits which allow us to maintain around us a reassuring framework, but which, paradoxically, distances us from life, from its unforeseen events, these meetings against a backdrop of happy synchronicities.

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo offers us the strength and courage to put on the armor we need to face what scares us, to remove the social mask that makes us renounce who we are. If the energies that surround us in no way encourage us to ignore fears which, like an alarm ringing, keep us away from dangers by warning us, they rather invite us to become aware of the underlying messages that fear sends to us, of situations past that she points to and which can be at the origin of several of our mechanisms. As Communication planet, Mercury will help Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate this new moon

Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to look at everything that exists beyond the boundaries that we have erected, it asks us with immense gentleness what we would do, spontaneously, if we were not afraid... It invites us to draw the outline of these fears, to identify them, to redefine the word “failure”, the word “success”, and finally, to observe the way in which the views of those around us could impact our decision-making.

In short, the sky for this weekend promises to be foggy, and at its center, the moon, true to itself, sublimated in Cancer, calls on us to focus all our attention on ourselves, our interior, and in this whole of things, everything that is conditioned by social norms which often differ from our deep desires, and from what we really aspire to. The moon, at home, works to create all around us a cocoon of protection which is in no way confining, which invites us not to seek security at all costs, but rather the confidence which resides in our ability to adapt. , to surf the waves of life rather than letting ourselves be overwhelmed by them.

(To be continued related to new moon and how Gemini and Aquarius find soulmate)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Find Soulmate With Power of Moon Phases(II)

moon phase soulmate
How to win the favor of the Universe?

To find your moon phase soulmate, you first need to discover which of the eight moon phases were happening at the time of your birth, since each phase is associated with unique traits and energies. As with most compatibility quizzes, you then compare your moon phase soulmate with that of your partner or potential partner

I must immediately warn you that the Universe is not necessarily “fair” and that it responds above all to people who move at its own pace. You may find this unfair, but the Universe has very good reasons to favor certain people. 

Especially those who make others happy, who give generously, and who have a positive influence on the world. It is therefore quite natural that he prioritizes their wishes because by responding to the wishes of those who have a positive impact on those around them, he then allows more people to find happiness. 

Between fulfilling the wishes of a person who only thinks of themselves and those of another who wishes to share the richness and joy of their manifestation with as many people as possible, who would you choose? I bet you'll prefer the latter. And the Universe would do the same."

You see, wishes are accessible to everyone, whatever the religions and spiritual trends, and it would be a shame to deprive oneself of them. To be effective, they must be adapted to the lunar phase. In the “Power wish” method, the author guides us step by step to properly formulate our wishes. Here are the 6 rules for writing a powerful wish, but to understand them completely, we recommend getting the book:

  • Rule 1: Write your wishes as intentions at the New Moon and write them as a statement of gratitude at the Full Moon;
  • Rule 2: take into account the characteristics of the zodiac sign in which the New Moon and Full Moon are located;
  • Rule 3: Use anchoring affirmations and anchors;
  • Rule 4: Incorporate Powerful Words (Words that Easily Connect to the Universe)
  • Rule 5: Finish writing your wish within ten hours of the New Moon or Full Moon
  • Rule 6: You can make as many wishes as you want!
Compatible moon phases could help contribute to overall compatibility, of course, but they're not essential to a healthy relationship, nor do they guarantee soulmate status. That said, always go with your gut and how you feel about a person over what their birth chart or moon phase soulmate might tell you about them

How to see soulmate in astrology?

Find your rising sun sign or seventh house on the left side of your natal chart. Look for partners that have the sign opposite to your sign on the chart. Alternatively, use the key at the bottom of your natal chart to find your Mars-Venus degree. Your soulmate is likely to have a similar number as their degree.