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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer Solstice Soulmate Test for Cancer (II)

(debate from previous post regarding Summer solstice soulmate test will list the next three zodiac signs)

summer solstice soulmate test

3. Scorpio

Cancer's next soul mate is Scorpio. This fixed water sign shares Cancer's love of emotional intensity and raw pssion. This is a deeply intimate and spiritual partnership. Their relationship is built on magnetism and listening. They know how to care for each other and nurture each other’s deepest desires and basic needs.

Cancer and Scorpio complement each other well as a team. Scorpio brings determination, power, and strength to the mix as a fixed water sign, while Cancer provides a nurturing and compassionate personality.

Cancer admires Scorpio's overall approach to relationships and how confident and convincing he is in his own skin. And Scorpio appreciates how observant and affectionate Cancer is.

Sexually, both signs are physically affectionate and enjoy making love sensually. However, Scorpio is more aggressive and open-minded than Cancer. Sometimes their differences in pace and excitement can be too much for conservative Cancer to handle. Fortunately, their connection to shared water helps them talk openly about their feelings and resolve any disagreements.

As private water signs, these two have no problem hiding from the world and focusing solely on each other. They both enjoy spending time at home and doing nothing together.

It’s a soulmate connection that feels like it’s them against the world. As long as Scorpio learns to let go of his means of control and Cancer learns to control his ever-changing emotions, he will have what it takes to make it in the long run.

4. Virgo

Next, we have another great soulmate connection with the Earth sign of Cancer.

Like Taurus, Virgo makes Cancer feel supported and comfortable being themselves. Because of their harmonious connection between land and water, they make excellent friends and respectful lovers. Their relationship is neither too hot nor too cold; they are right in the middle.

Although Virgo has a cold and reserved nature, it is a basis for overly emotional and sensitive Cancer. Virgo shows Cancer that it's okay to balance their gentleness and emotional vulnerability with consistency and rationality.

Cancer helps Virgo take care of the home and daily routines they desperately depend on, which the neat and fussy Virgo appreciates. Cancer not only supports Virgo's pragmatic ways, he stays there to help him talk out his frustrations when something gets stuck in his mind. There are a lot of things these two can learn from each other. At best, this water and earth duo balances out.

The best part of this soulmate connection is their shared patience and loyalty towards each other. Both signs are generally financially grounded and family-oriented. The respect and acceptance runs deep. They honor everyone’s space and personal choices, performing a great soulmate test

They're not a deeply passionate or lustful couple, and that's fine with them. Neither Cancer nor Virgo are looking for big displays of affection. But despite their relaxed and reserved ways, sparks fly between the sheets.

As long as Virgo refrains from expressing excessive criticism towards Cancer and Cancer learns to become less clingy and needy, their relationship is strong and long-lasting. These two lovers will support each other until the end of time.

5. Capricorn

The fifth and final candidate on our Cancer soulmate test list is earth sign Capricorn. This is the most polarizing and difficult connection on our list because Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs in the zodiac wheel.

Opposite sign connections bring intense emotional chemistry and physical attraction to relationships. When two opposite signs meet, they tend to bring out the best and worst in each other. However, opposites can attract, which is the case for the Cancer/Capricorn couple.

Moon-ruled Cancer and Saturn-ruled Capricorn share a strong desire for financial security, inheritance, and a reliable partner they can rely on. They are both hardworking, dedicated and loyal to their loved ones. Their relationship is based on reliability and practical satisfaction.

Material success abounds in this relational dynamic. This combination of cardinal signs is well suited to taking on the pros and cons of building a home and an inheritance for future generations. Cancer likes that pragmatic and executive Capricorn is open to taking care of business and financial affairs, and Capricorn likes that Cancer is uncomplaining when it comes to making their house a home and responding to requests. needs of his family.

Cancer's emotions can sometimes be overwhelming for reserved Capricorn, and Capricorn's coolness can make Cancer feel abandoned and rejected. However, if they can overcome their differences, this relationship has the potential to last.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Solstice Soulmate Test for Cancer (I)

summer solstice soulmate test
Cancer is the fourth astrological sign of the zodiac, associated with the constellation Cancer. It extends from 90° to 120° celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between about June 22 and July 22.

Cancer always begins around the summer solstice. We say this because things do not overlap perfectly. This year, one more feature is added. Approximately at the time of the solstice we have the Full Moon, the month that while the Sun is in Cancer, it passes through the sign of Capricorn.

Can Cancer find use a soulmate test in this combination of phenomena? It is possible, which is why we will continue to give some useful tips and information

Who is the best Cancer soulmate relationship in the zodiac?

The main Cancer soulmate signs are their fellow Water signs: Scorpio and Pisces, as well as Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

1. Pisces

The Cancer and Pisces pairing is a combination of tender and loving soul mates between the water signs. This relationship fosters a loving and gentle connection.

As water signs, they are both naturally caring, creative, and compassionate. They bond over their shared values ​​of emotional intimacy and fairytale romances. In this dynamic, Pisces brings empathy and imagination to the partnership, while Cancer provides protective energy and nurtures and nourishes their family life.

Because of their Moon-Neptune connection, they can expect to share a soulful sexual connection filled with fantasy and sensual touch. Pisces' healing aura soothes Cancer's intense emotions, and Cancer's comforting energy makes Pisces feel safe and unconditionally loved.summer

There is a deep level of trust and vulnerability with this couple. Both signs value commitment and are willing to make adjustments to make the relationship work.

Excessive emotions and mood swings can sometimes overwhelm them, but patience and compassion keep them on track. This Cancer soulmate relationship will last a lifetime as long as they remember to stay emotionally grounded and make realistic decisions, especially financially.

2. Taurus

Venus-ruled Taurus and Moon-ruled Cancer share a burning desire for security, sensuality, and luxury. They are both openly loving, nurturing and caring. Their relationship is based on loyalty and longevity.

Watery Cancer softens the heart of earthy Taurus, while Taurus helps Cancer soulmate test  realize their dreams of having a comfortable home and a united family. Taurus is a reliable, trustworthy protector and provider for sensitive Cancer, and Cancer is the doting life partner and homemaker that Taurus wants and needs.

Cancer and Taurus share a rich and regular sex life. They are both physically affectionate and open to pleasing each other no matter how long it takes, which makes them feel safe to connect on an emotional level. It’s a love that burns and never goes out.

They both tend to avoid conflict whenever possible, and when discord is inevitable, they tend to overreact. Both tend to hold small grudges. Fortunately, Taurus is patient with Cancer and Cancer is compassionate towards Taurus. Taurus can be too aggressive at times, but Cancer has the charm and gentleness to make Taurus open up and express what he feels according to soulmate test.

Overall, this Cancer soulmate relationship is amazing for meeting Cancer's emotional and financial needs. These commitment-oriented signs are sure to enjoy an intimate and rewarding life together.

(summer solstice soulmate test will  be continued here)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Moon Soulmate Test (II)

how do you know if someone is your soulmate
And according to a very popular data on TikTok, it would be possible to know, from the beginning of a relationship, if our new love will be eternal. By aligning the “moon phase” of the members of the couple, we could indeed measure their compatibility.

If some people may be tempted by the idea of ​​making the astral chart of their new lover, in order to check their astrological compatibility with the latter, another cosmic data could also be interesting, in order to know if our soulmate has (finally) found a place in our life.

This parameter, less consulted, is the "phase of the moon" and more precisely the one which colors the moment of your birth - and that of your loved one -.

According to some experts, and populat data on TikTok , comparing them could give us valuable information for the future of the relationship. But what is it really?


This sudden interest draws its source from yet another TikTok trend which argues that your natal moon phase - or moon phase - has an impact on your personality and - therefore, on your compatibility with others.

But what does our moon phase mean about us? The lunar phase is, in fact, very important because it gives a lot of information on the portrait psychological of the person, on their future desires and thus helps us to better understand why we change. The answer to question: "how do you know if someone is your soulmate" comes form here.

"If we understand ourselves better, we can also get along better with other people. But it is all aspects of the moon, the Sun and many other things that count. This factor alone is not determining, neither for our personality, nor for compatibility".

If interest in astrology has exploded in recent years, more and more precise data are being scrutinized. While not so long ago the majority of people knew their solar and ascendant signs, we are now talking about lunar signs, Mercury retrogrades or even the influence of certain planets on our lives.

It’s a double-edged observation. to find how do yo know if someone is ypur soulmate, we will learn to know ourselves better, which is positive, but we will also more easily fall into false interpretations and that can influence us, create beliefs, disorient us and why not, make us miss out on our soulmate , because our trajectory will have changed, nuance some experts.


In thousands of videos, Internet users superimpose their "moon phase" with that of their other - using a specific calculator. And depending on the alignments, the interpretations are multiple.

Some people who follow this trend assume that the moon should appear full when you align the two people's moon phases, while others think you should have the same moon phase. In some cases, others think Moon phase compatibility is more about balancing differences, like yin and yang, than how they look when you align them.

Because, according to the astrologer, there is no need to compare these phases, because when there is compatibility, we feel “a potential astrological connection”. "In the way of being, of speaking together, we understand that there is already an interaction between the planets of one person and another. We are simply in phase, it is not our lunar phases which are".

Keep in mind that depending on who you ask, you might have different interpretations as to which moon phases are soulmates. If your two moon phases make up a full moon, that doesn't guarantee that you are soulmates After all, given that there are only eight moon phases, that would mean that you are soulmates with every person born under your most compatible moon phase, which would be... one in eight people.

Above all, our point of view is that while an alignment could contribute to “overall compatibility”, it is not the guarantor of a healthy and lasting relationship.\, unless you ask the expert help here for a sharp moon soulmate test. Also, do not forget popular data Tiktok

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Moon Soulmate Test (I)


how to know if someone is your soulmate 
Can knowing your “moon phase” really help you find your soulmate? In particular, can you have the answer to the question "How to know if someone is your soulmate".

The answer is YES, and the principle oh moon soulmate test is simple: just drag the phases of the Moon from the day of birth of both partners, if a full Moon forms... you are soulmates! Note that there is a variation to this game, but this one I'll show ir the right answer to how to know if someone is your soulmate. For other users, the phases of the Moon on birthdays should be similar


That said, knowing our moon phase can always be interesting, to know and understand ourselves better. Especially since the moon is very important in astrology. It’s an element that we take into account, to identify a person. But what defines a phase is not going to be true for all the people who correspond to it,

But then, what interpretations for which phase of the moon? Well and Good details the eight phases.

  • New Moon: "People born during a new moon are spontaneous entrepreneurs who like to follow their impulses, asking for forgiveness rather than permission. They are adventurous and fiery, even a little naive, and they should be wary of 'Peter Pan syndrome '".
  • Waxing Crescent Moon: "People born during a waxing crescent moon are loyal, as well as creative and caring. They can be a jack of all trades and you can also count on their support, although they may need to learn to defend yourself.
  • First Quarter Moon: People born under a First Quarter Moon are the changemakers and influencers of the world. They are always looking for ways to improve things and are intelligent and intuitive. They work well under pressure but can struggle to plan long term.”
  • Waxing Gibbous Moon: "People born under a Waxing Gibbous Moon are determined and passionate. Their work must be meaningful to them, and they tend to be excellent and hard workers. They may resort to unconventional methods. conventional, but they will get the job done, whatever it is."
  • Full Moon: "People born under the Full Moon are caring, confident and expressive. They may seem extremely lucky because they excel in their manifestation and tend to succeed. They are calm under pressure, which makes them excellent leaders , even though they can be drama magnets.”
  • Waning Gibbous Moon: "People born under a waning gibbous moon tend to seem like old souls, because they do what they want and don't care what others think. They refuse to engage in a heated discussion unless they are the ones leading the discussion with their original ideas.”
  • Last Quarter Moon: "People born during a Last Quarter Moon are unique individuals who tend to be renegades at heart. They like to keep the world guessing and don't place a high priority on relationships loving, content with their own company. They are also often very creative and forward-thinking.
  • Waning Crescent Moon (balsamic): "People born under this last lunar phase may seem a little out of this world. They may have already lived many lives, so they carry great wisdom but also a certain reluctance or sadness to engage in life It is essential that they keep their feet on the ground and enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

Finally, although fun to study, should be taken with a grain of salt. We must keep an open mind regarding the possibility of false interpretation of moon soulmate test and consult professionals. To synthesize all this data, if we really want to have answers, the best ones are here

(to be continued)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Two-second soulmate test


two-second soulmate test
A two-second soulmate test reveals whether you should marry someone: just ask yourself this question

Are you thinking very seriously about marriage, but you are not sure if your partner is that soulmate who would make a marriage perfect? Well, maybe in this case it is good to use a test that lasts only two seconds.

In just two or three seconds, all doubt is quickly resolved and you can decide whether to abandon the possible partner or whether you will continue to see him.

Not much needs to be done to complete two-second soulmate test

"Take a good look at your potential partner and imagine that you are dressed in a wedding dress ready to walk down the aisle to the altar."

Do you want to know whether you should marry someone? "Then ask yourself honestly and without hesitation, 'If I get to the altar and look at what's waiting for me on the other end, will I be glowing and really excited to see it?'

The answers could be of many kinds: "How the hell did I get so lucky to marry him?" or... "Okay, he seems like a nice person, and I think I could have a decent life with him, so let's do it."

If you get the first answer or a very similar one, that man is the desired soulmate for you and you should stay with him. But, if you agree much more with the second answer, then it is best to have the strength and courage to say "goodbye, we better go away now than later". This is not hard to decide whether you should marry someone.

This second option requires courage and maturity because it does not offer sincere and passionate love, it does not offer safe love and women should take care to evaluate things with more objectivity.

This "better now than later" is a wise saying that draws our attention that at the end of life we ​​realize if the decisions from the beginning were the right ones.

What dou you think about this two-second soulmate test?  We would be very happy to receive your opinions and comments to which we will respond with pleasure

Friday, June 14, 2024

Zodiac Signs That Are Angelic Soulmates

zodiac signs that are angelic soulmates
Three Zodiac Signs Are Angelic Soulmates: Everyone Should Have These Sensitive and Loving People in Their Lives

According to the horoscope and the opinion of astrologers, those born in these three zodiac signs are among the kindest and most sensitive people in the world, in other words – they have angelic souls.

Check if you are among zodiac signs that are angelic soulmates and if life has given you some of these good people.


Astrologers believe that people born under the sign of Cancer are the most reasonable, kind and sensitive people in the world. They often put other people first, and even in difficult times, the well-being of others is more important to them than their own.

Always willing to help, even people they meet for the first time. They simply cannot refuse to help someone.


Leos do not rush to conclusions, regardless of the situation. They are attentive to others and do not want to hurt anyone, either by words or actions.

Many consider them to be very loyal friends that they can rely on. Leos want to be with their dear people even in the most difficult moments.


Virgos are cheerful and optimistic people, who are happy to help others. For them, there is no problem that cannot be solved, so they always do their best to do something useful.

Their optimism is so contagious that they often solve things that many have written off long ago. This sign seems to have a sensor that sounds when one of their loved ones is in trouble.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Common attitudes of couples that last (IV)

common attitodes of lasting relationship
see previous part here


Being in a relationship also means building. A future, as we said above. But also our own person. Since maintaining a relationship is above all about growing. Learn to listen. To express yourself. To know yourself. To create common attitudes of couples

Questioning yourself sometimes means venturing into troubled waters that have never been explored before. “We must have the ability to manage conflicts and manage our differences,” explains some psychologists. Know how to ask yourself where the problem comes from. Sometimes admit to yourself that it comes from us and ALWAYS put your pride aside to finally rectify the situation.

Maintaining relationship not easy, is it? Even more so when we are not really used to playing our cards on the table with our feelings. Now it's completely the opposite: we're getting naked. 

You have to know how to name your emotions and understand that emotions as a couple are different for everyone. We don't keep any pain, anger or frustration to ourselves. The slightest repressed feeling can, even later, end up causing harm to our lasting relationship.


Once you understand that, it's not bad. But yet, everything is still far from won. Living with someone is finally - and above all - a long-term job. "You have to work on your lasting relationship. The word work is not a bad word. It's a project to be pampered. Your relationship will be lasting if you choose to dedicate time and attention to it. 

You have to agree to always put one step in front of the other in order to make your lasting relationship a common project. Every day is a new experience or challenge. We must never let our guard down, nor take our eyes off our primary objective: to make people happy is to be happy with the person with whom we share our daily lives.

We therefore don't stop at a single concession or discussion... Life together as a maintaining relationship is a succession of common attitudes of couples, concessions and discussions. At what price ? That of having a teammate to experience any adventure, and overcome any obstacle. That of our well-being and the person in front of us. That of a couple who resists everything, even time. And that… It’s clearly priceless to find the right common attitudes of couples.