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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Common attitudes of couples that last (III)


essential advices to make couple last
see previous part here


Get into a relationship? Easy. Succeed in making it last? Much more complicated. A well named psychologist, gives us the 3 golden rules for a couple that stands the test of time. Most of all, it's about common attitudes of couples

If the weather is not yet good (damn weather), according to the stars, the summer will be hot. A period of vacations and one-off romances, the 3 months of summer are ideal for meeting people and - why not - finding the right fit. From the month of June, the planets will work together to provide a favorable period for meetings in order of lasting relationship.. 

With the arrival of Jupiter in Gemini on May 25, many natives will be blessed with almost divine luck when it comes to dating. Also in June, Pluto's retrograde coupled with the arrival of Mercury in Gemini is conducive to creating a favorable climate for romantic associations. This energy will last until the end of the summer. In the meantime, Venus, the planet of love, will join the game, pushing the most demanding natives to bring about an encounter that could change a life.

We have been sharing our life with our significant other for one, two, three, five, ten years now. Years of love. Ups, but also downs. Laughter, and sometimes tears. Hundreds of moments passed. Thousands of sweet words and common attitudes of couples exchanged. From adventure to adventure… And from discussion to discussion. One key word: communication. This is main advices to make couple last

Because if this relationship is one of the most beautiful things that has happened to us in life, it’s because we make it so. It is a rough diamond that we cut over time and events. Long-term work done, hand in hand, with our partner. We know him/her as he/she knows us. We know exactly how to approach... We know each other.

If all duos have their own way of functioning, certain rules nevertheless remain universal. In an interview with Parents magazine, psychologist Myriam Bidaud reveals 3 essentials for making a lasting relationship. Here they are…


Of course. “First of all, you have to prioritize the relationship and your partner,” begins the specialist. That is to say, placing our other half at the center of our life. We adapt to it. Take it into consideration in our choices. Shape our daily lives around it. We do everything we can to give her confidence, and vice versa. This is how we will be able to build long-term projects, together.

But beware. We must not forget each other, however. And in no case make decisions against our will, only to adapt to the person with whom we share our life. This is where the complexity of common atittude of couple lies: we must find a balance. Include it in our long-term plans, without forgetting the rest. Adapt them to it, without changing them completely. This is the key to a lasting relationship, one of the best advices to make couple last.

(to be continued here)

Monday, June 10, 2024

Common attitudes of couples that last (II)

common attitudes of couples
see previous part here


If communication is the key, confidence on trust is the lock. To tell the truth, one leads to the other: it is by communicating that we end up trusting our other half. There is no gray area between us. We play it completely transparently. So why should we be afraid of each other. With our eyes closed, we know that it will never hurt us.

Not to mention deception, he/she is also the person we rely on the most. No matter the day, the hour, the weather, the circumstances or the degree of madness of our idea, it will always follow us... And without asking questions.


If “we can laugh at everything but not with just anyone”, with him.her… As a communication key. we can laugh at absolutely everything and all the time. Everything is an excuse to sneer, burst out laughing and ultimately never stop. Having stomach cramps. Succeed in stopping... 

To, even more, laugh. We can no longer count the good times spent by his side as there are so many. Life is simply light with him. We go through each level hand in hand, hands up!


Together, we are stronger than anything. We are not only talking about love, but also about friendship, family... Our partner is everything at the same time, including confidence of trust. We are no longer two, but one and the same person. 

Even better than in a winning game of Tetris, we complement each other. Besides, we win all of these games. Whatever happens, we get back up. Even when the bad BOSS decides to put obstacles in our way. Shock duo.

We are one. But that doesn't mean we still have moments to ourselves, each on our own. That's also what a good teammate is: someone who supports us but sometimes knows how to let us stand on our own two feet... 

To better excel. These are the communication key pillars of our healthy and lasting relationship related to common attitudes of couples that last.

(to be continued here)

Friday, June 7, 2024

Common attitudes of couples that last (I)

healthy and lasting relationship
The couple ? Not always fun. The levels are numerous and the obstacles countless. By adopting these 5 common attitudes of couples, we start with a bonus in our quest for a healthy and lasting relationship.

All couples are different. We realize this over time. Just by comparing our new partner to our ex. Not the same time zone. Just thinking about us before. In our old relationship. And us, now… One world. If not, a universe. Just by talking with our best friends. By observing their way of managing their relationship. A thousand miles from ours.

All couples are different, yes. However, certain principles bind us irrevocably. If it is up to us and us alone to define the rules of the game, the objective is the same: to live a healthy and lasting relationship. So there are codes to cross this finish line - a bit like when you typed *MOTHERLODE* in the Sims to get more money.

Common attitudes  to adopt to maintain our bond with our companion. And make him our teammate for life. 

Here are 5 common attitudes of couples that last.


Obviously. No strong bond has ever been built on missed words. Exchanging is the basis of any relationship - in love as in friendship -. It starts from the beginning, at the moment of revealing oneself. A healthy and lasting relationship means communication first

To discover each other. 

It continues during the first BIG arguments, when the time has come to get naked. And then it takes its course, naturally. 

  • No emotion is repressed. 
  • Not even the smallest of frustrations. 

GAME OVER for our secret garden - whatever... Come on, shh. We will say no more -.


Our partner is THE person who supports us the most. We can tell him that we are about to climb Mount Everest or leave our position as Community Manager to raise goats and make cheese, whatever: as long as we are happy. He/she always pushes us to our limits, and pulls us upwards - and vice versa -.

Moral support, too. Since it is of great help to us. Even when he/she can't find the words, his simple presence is enough to comfort us. He/she knows what makes us feel good, changes our minds. A hug is enough to raise our life points.

(to be continued here)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Know your partner is more emotionally intelligent than others (II)

emotional intelligence
He is able to see things from other people's points of view

One of the key attributes of strong emotional regulation of intelligence is empathy, which is necessary to build trust, facilitate connection, and help partners connect, even when they disagree.

Empathy can be expressed emaotional attributes in everyday actions. Does your partner ask questions and show curiosity about your thoughts, feelings and experiences? Is he actively listening? Does he refrain from interrupting or frequently coming back to himself? These are all indicators of empathy and emotional intelligence.

That's the key: he doesn't intend to be 100% right. The goal is to be willing to see and consider both points of view even when you disagree on something.

He manages his emotions in a healthy and productive way

Being able to control your emotional attributes doesn't mean you have to suppress or deny your feelings. This means that you are able to tolerate negative emotions and stressful experiences without reacting impulsively. Knowing how to calm down after an upsetting experience is an essential part of emotional regulation and healthy relationships.

If your partner can regain balance through healthy coping methods, like exercise, deep breathing, walking, or meditation (as opposed to unhealthy ways like withdrawal, substance use, or waiting of you to solve his problems), it is a strong emotional regulation. .

Also pay attention to the length of his other significant relationships. Does your partner have lasting friendships? Does he get along well with his colleagues? Does he have a healthy relationship with his family? People need strong emotional regulation skills to cope with the changes and challenges that arise in any long-term relationship.

He lets you be yourself

Emotionally intelligent partners are not threatened by differences and do not demand exclusive attention. They don't expect you to be perfect, to change to please them, or to adapt your preferences to theirs.

They respect your emotional intelligence, your boundaries, and your desire to do things alone, like seeing friends, having solo hobbies, or just spending time alone.

In short, they will be happy to let you be yourself and actively help you create the conditions in which you will be the best version of yourself.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Know your partner is more emotionally intelligent than others (I)

skill for proffesional success
Emotional intelligence has long been touted as an essential skill for professional success, but it is just as important for the quality of our intimate relationships.

"Every relationship - whether romantic, platonic or professional - has its ups and downs. As a researcher who studies emotional intelligence, resilience and burnout, I know that it takes emotionally intelligent people to communicate effectively and maintain a healthy relationship with mutual respect and support", how emotional intelligence can help you build resilience and heal your work relationship.

This “super skill” gives you the ability to perceive, understand and regulate your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of people around you.

Research has shown that emotionally intelligent people are more empathetic and have well-established self-regulation, better social skills, are more cooperative, have closer, more loving relationships, and are more satisfied with their relationships with their partners.

If you're not sure whether your romantic partner is emotionally intelligent people, here are four key signs that they have the upper hand.

He may enter into healthy conflict with you

Navigating the inevitable moments of conflict emotionally and intelligently means that you and your partner don't avoid them. Conflicts that aren't resolved eventually turn into resentment and usually result in angry outbursts that seem to come out of nowhere, such as when one partner "explodes" because the other doesn't fold the towels. in the “right” way.

A partner who engages in healthy conflict is not conflict-averse or passive-aggressive. However, he does not attack you as a person or insult you. He may become angry and even yell, but he quickly calms down and can take responsibility for the role he played in the conflict, apologizing if necessary.

Rebating skill for professional success, research shows that it's not couples who argue, but those who don't reconcile and reconnect, who are at greatest risk of breakup.

(to be continued)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Natives Libra meet soul mate on June 2, 2024

libra meet soul mate
It is very possible, according to astrological signs, to meet your soulmate on June 2, as this date marks an exceptional alignment of the stars, promising decisive encounters for certain signs of the zodiac.

In particular, Libra natives will be strongly influenced by this cosmic event. Let's dive into the details of this planetary alignment and find out why Libra is destined to have a significant romantic encounter as early as the beginning of June.

Here is the astrological sign that will meet its soul mate on June 2

Currently, the position of the planets plays a crucial role in astrological influence. On June 2, Venus, the planet of love and relationships, will be in conjunction with Mars, the symbol of passion and action.

This particular alignment creates a powerful, magnetic energy that promotes new encounters and deep connections. For Libra natives, this phenomenon is particularly significant, because Venus is their ruling planet. In addition, the entry of Mercury into Gemini adds a dimension of fluid and charming communication, facilitating exchanges and new interactions.

The astrological sign of Libra meet soul mate on June 2

The astrological sign of Libra, represented by the scales of justice, is synonymous with harmony, beauty and balance. Natives of this sign, born between September 23 and October 22, constantly seek balance in all aspects of their lives. Endowed with natural charm and a great ability to communicate, Libras are often the center of social attention.

The zodiac sign of Libra is characterized by its diplomacy and its innate sense of justice. People born under this sign are known for their ability to see both sides of every situation, making them natural mediators and advisors. Their desire to please and create a harmonious atmosphere makes them particularly attractive to others.

Libra natives are also very sensitive to aesthetics and beauty, constantly seeking pleasant and balanced environments. This aesthetic sensitivity often translates into a love for the arts and an ability to appreciate the finer things in life.

For Libra natives, June 2, 2024 will be a significant day. The general outlook is extremely positive, with cosmic energies favorable to Libra meet soul mate.

To maximize this chance, Libras should remain open to meeting new people and engage in social activities that appeal to them. By leveraging their natural charm and ability to communicate, Libra meet soul mate as can attract deep and meaningful relationships.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Growing moon: what are the effects of this lunar phase

growing moon effects
The best known phases of the Moon are the New Moon and the Full Moon. Afterwards, it's the waning moon. Between the two comes the waxing moon. During this phase, aging the way, the moon shines a little more each day. 

The lunar cycle or lunation, which we call magical, can have a real impact on your mood, your body and your life as it undeniably has in the garden. During a period of 28 days, the Moon, which rotates on its axis, also oscillates around the Sun. It is therefore never lit in the same way, which is why it regularly changes shape. Full moon, new moon, waning moon, it is also sometimes gibbous… 

Growing moon effects at the moment: what does it mean?

The waxing Moon corresponds to the phase during which the angle between the Moon and the Sun increases. It begins its movement, from almost invisible at the new moon to becoming completely visible at the Full Moon. Every night, she reveals a little more of her beauty and magic. Seeing it gain visibility and witnessing the return of its strength and power can have a reassuring effect. After the darkness, a new light reappears. This emerging hope inspires us to move our intentions from the invisible world of possibility to the visible world of positive action.

How does the waxing Moon affect human beings?

The waxing Moon is a time of determination. It encourages you to make decisions and invest in implementing your best-thought-out plans in order to achieve your goals. It represents a moment when the masculine principle of drive balances the feminine principle of reflection. Now is the time to water the planted seeds to stimulate their growth. It's also the time to deeply hydrate our skin with homemade treatments... or by drinking lots of water. aging the way

What ritual to do when the Moon is waxing?

Astrology has developed a series of rituals to work with the different energies of the waxing Moon. By aligning yourself with the amplified energies of the waxing moon, you can use this phase to focus on the values ​​you want to attract more of in life – love, money, relationships, healing, or courage. Then you will take the appropriate measures.

  • Take action Be proactive and productive; infuse your energy into self-discipline and perseverance.
  • Take Accountability Strengthen relationships and use these times to address business and financial matters.
  • Focus Use aromatic herbs and aromatherapy oils to strengthen your concentration and attention. Bergamot, wild orange, peppermint and basil can all straighten your mood.
  • Get Motivated Connect with the energy of the growing moon effects by reading encouraging quotes every day.
  • Re-energize yourself Wear energy-boosting crystals, such as clear quartz, jasper or garnet, and meditate with them.
  • Reflect Light an orange or yellow candle (energizing colors) and review your life goals by candlelight.
  • Exercise Take time to be more physically active than usual.

How do you know if the Moon is waxing (waxing) or waning (descending) and what is the difference between the two?

Growing Moon Effects  - Aging the Way

To find out if the Moon is waxing (waxing) or waning (descending), it is possible to find out on the official sites but also to look up at the sky and decipher it yourself. In the Northern Hemisphere, the waxing moon forms an upside-down C, like a sickle. This phase of the moon goes from New Moon to Full Moon. Then, from the Full Moon to the New Moon, the Moon decreases and forms, over the days, an increasingly thin C (upright), until the last quarter of the moon.